
美 [ˈsɪli]英 ['sɪli]
  • adj.愚蠢的;不明事理的;没头脑的;傻的
  • n.(常用于向孩子指出其愚蠢行为)傻孩子
  • 网络糊涂的;无聊的;无意义的

比较级:sillier 最高级:silliest 复数:sillies

silly thing,silly story,silly mistake,silly idea,silly answer


1.愚蠢的;不明事理的;没头脑的;傻的showing a lack of thought, understanding or judgement

2.(尤指像小孩一样)可笑的,荒唐的,冒傻气的stupid or embarrassing, especially in a way that is more typical of a child than an adult

3.不实用的;闹着玩的not practical or serious


drink, laugh, shout, etc. yourself silly

喝(或笑、叫等)得傻里傻气的to drink, laugh, shout, etc. so much that you cannot behave in a sensible way

play silly buggers

胡闹;顽皮;做怪样子to behave in a stupid and annoying way


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... license 执照 silly 愚蠢的 earring 耳环 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... lecture n 演讲;讲课 silly adj 缺乏常识(或理智)的;傻的 mosquito n 蚊子 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... silk 丝,绸 silly 傻的,糊涂的 silver 银,银器,银币 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... buyer n. 买主, 顾客, 采购员 silly adj. 愚蠢的, 无聊的, 失去知觉的, 无助的 barbara n. 芭芭拉 ...


新概念英语第三册(美音版)Who's who - 听力课堂 ... drill 钻 silly 无意义的,无聊的 advance 预先的,事先获得的 ...

How silly it was of you to give up such a good chance! 你放弃如此好的机会是多么的愚蠢呀!
Perhaps yes, love will let me have always been very sensible head changed silly, as I did, he often asked me to "pig. " 或许是的,爱情让我这个一向非常理智的脑袋变傻了,就像我的他那样经常叫我“猪头”。
They looked at me, as if I had raised a silly question, and said they rarely used cars and would walk back together. 他们看着我,似乎觉得我的问题有些意外,忙解释说他们平时很少用车,他们走着回去。
The long journey on the train exhausted this silly sister, who took flowers to home from thousands of miles away. 她坐火车回家,漫长的旅途,折腾坏了这位千里带花的痴姐姐。
Sometimes she wept bitterly, but even AS she wept she wAS saying to herself: Silly fool, wetting hankies! AS if that would get you anywhere! 有时她悲痛地哭着,但是,她一边哭着,一边对自己说:“傻子把一些手绢哭湿了;好象哭了就有什么用处似的!”
I boxed up all the silly stuff, writing and acting and goofing about, and threw it in an attic somewhere. I shut the door. I moved on. 我把所有那些愚蠢的东西——写作和演戏——塞到箱子里,并把它们扔在阁楼里的某个角落。随后我关上房门,继续我的生活。
as he told her of some popular actress of whom she reminded him. She was not silly , and yet attention of this sort had its weight. 他说她长得像某个女明星,她听了不禁嫣然一笑。她并不蠢,但这一类的吹捧总有点作用的。
The silly thing was that voters could see me running around the constituency, full of energy. 可笑的是,选民仍然可以看到我精力旺盛地在选区周围活动。
I felt pretty silly walking back and forth across the bar, and the only guy who looked was the creep checking everybody out. 我觉得很无聊的步行跨越栏来回,唯一的家伙是谁看的蠕变检查每个人了。
In itself, this was a story of two silly people on a squalid little night out in London, and is of no particular interest. 就故事本身来说,不过是伦敦两个蠢人在夜晚外出时发生的丑事而已,并没有特别有趣的地方。
The name is a bit of a giveaway because, just as it sounds, Silly Putty wasn't invented on purpose! 这个名字听起来有点儿像赠品,因为它是人们无意中发明的。
That's not true at all, she said. You tease me because you think I'm a silly girl. 你说的完全不对,她说。你以为我是个傻妞就糊弄我。
It seems silly to ask: You know exactly what heterosexuality is, and so does everyone else. 这么问可能蛮傻:因为你知道异性恋是怎么回事,并且所有人都知道。
I really think he liked you, too. He was just trying to play cool, as silly as it may sound. 我其实觉得他也喜欢你的。只是他想装酷,虽然这样听起来蛮蠢的。
My dear, everyone has the right to decide on their own, I decided to choose you. Not me silly. For you and me really be used for the heart. 亲爱的,每个人都有权力决定自己,我决定选择你。不是我傻。对你我真的用了心。
The Treasury, after all, is innovating itself silly trying to get us out of this mess. 毕竟,财政部自己为了把将我们拉出这个泥潭,正在发疯般地创新。
For the first time, it was being borne in upon her how silly and worthless had been her earlier reading, as a whole. 她第一次意识到自己过去所读的东西,总的来说都是那么无聊而且毫无价值。
It's silly of him to say so. 他说这话真是太蠢了。
Invite her to ask you anything, no matter how silly or embarrassing she might think it is. 请她问你任何她想问的问题,不管这些问题有多蠢,多让人难为情。
Some of the old ideas about neighbors are probably silly, and it may be just as well that our relations with our neighbors are changing. 有些关于邻居的老观念也许是荒谬的。我们与邻居之间的关系正在发生变化,这也许是该庆幸的事。
I think you want to be like a day do not know what may have scared you know, because that is the I have silly. 我想你想一天能像一个不知道的还可能有害怕,你知道,因为这是我傻。
You were just about to go in there and whine for more money with that silly puppy dog face. . . and I'm gonna shut up now. 你马上就要用那张白痴小狗的脸去哭闹着要更多的钱了…我马上就闭嘴。
It is silly of him to say it to me. 他把这件事告诉我,真傻。
Foolish, silly boy! And there! he trembles, as if I were really going to touch him! 糊涂的傻瓜,瞧呀,他在哆嗦,好像我真要碰他似的!
I find it all too easy to be so interested in what I'm saying that I don't notice that I'm boring someone else silly. 对自己没有注意到却让别人感到无聊透顶的话我兴趣十足的情况简直是太容易出现了。
Can you think of some more silly questions to ask? Maybe some other children will be able to answer them for you! 你可想到另外一些有趣的问题吗?尽量以英语留言告诉我们,可能其他小朋友可以解答它们。
It is silly to starve yourself for fine figure. Remember how the famous American singer Carpenter died? She did such a stupid thing! 为了体形而挨饿是愚蠢的。记得美国著名歌手卡彭特是怎么死的?她就做了这种蠢事!
I know it has stars that talk to him, and a sky that stoops down to his face to amuse him with its silly clouds and rainbows. 我知道繁星会对他私语,天空会俯身来到他的面前,用它傻傻的云朵和彩虹来逗弄他。
It's just some damn silly, stupid idea you might have got out of a fourth rate sentimental novel. 这根本是你从什么四流的言情小说里看来的笨主意嘛!
These stories can be seriously funny, especially if one of the kids happens to be in a silly mood. 这些故事可以非常有趣,特别是其中一个孩子正处在一个无聊的情绪中时。