south africa

美 [saʊθˈæfrɪkə]
  • n.【国】南非;位于非洲南部
  • 网络南非共和国;南非地区;南非共和国大使馆

south africasouth africa

south africa


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"This is a South Africa I don't know, " he said. "The country became pleasantly alien to me. " “这是一个我不了解的南非,”他说,“对我来说,南非国家变得陌生了,但这种感觉愉快。”
Swaziland has asked South Africa for a financial bailout as it risks running out of money, South Africa's top foreign affairs official says. 南非首席外交事务官员称,因资金即将用尽,斯威士兰请求南非对其进行财政援助。
We'll have to see over the course of the next few days when he can fly to South Africa and join the squad. 几天后罗本就将飞往南非加入球队,我们就会见面。
IT SEEMS, for the moment, as if South Africa's governing class is being engulfed by charges of corruption. 这一刻看起来,似乎南非领导阶层都陷入贪腐丑闻。
But all that knowledge doesn't matter if there's no one to pass it along, as is often the case in rural hospitals in South Africa. 但是这些知识如果没有人来传播推广,就没有什么意义可言,但在南非的乡村医院里却亟需这些医疗服务。
South Africa has seen political protests against apartheid, but not the sort of race riots and pogroms America's South suffered from. 南非也发生过反种族隔离的政治抗议,但是不同于美国南部的民族暴动和民族运动。
Mr Aristide said he was "ready" to return from South Africa. 阿里斯蒂德称他已经准备从南非启程回国。
South Africa was the only BRICS nation to approve the resolution, but it became the leading force mediating for a cease-fire in Libya. 南非是五国中唯一赞成此结果的国家,但其成为了调解利比亚停火的主导力量。
You might have heard that Mozambique is trying to evacuate about 10, 000 of its nationals out of South Africa. 你们可能听说过,莫桑比克正在争取从南非撤离大约1万名莫桑比克人。
The deal with South Africa's largest lender suggested Africa was no longer a curiosity but a potentially big source of profits. 与南非最大的贷款机构的这桩生意说明,非洲不再是新奇之地,而是一大块潜在的利润来源。
Had he been less of a buffoon, South Africa's road to democracy might have been bloodier. 要不是他那么搞笑的话,南非的民主进程可能会更血腥。
adaptive forward lighting from opel . it helps to see what ' s just around the corner . from bb do , south africa. 欧宝)自适应灯光系统能帮助你看清楚周围的每个角落,远离危险。
After Alphie the piglet was abandoned by his mother, the owner Claire, who lived in Cape Town, South Africa, decided to bottle-feed him. 小猪阿尔法被母亲抛弃,家住南非开普敦的主人克莱尔于是决定亲自抚养他。
It is tough to see how South Africa matches up to these four countries, never mind the BRIC countries. 我们很难看到南非如何能比得上这四个国家,更别提金砖四国了。
South Africa, the continent'seconomic powerhouse, is no longer as dominant as it once was in terms of mobile phone usage. 按照手机使用量,大陆的经济强国南非已经不再像以前那样是最重要的。
Thabethe, who was diagnosed with HIV in 2001 and told she had a year to live, calls South Africa "the epicenter of the epidemic. " Thabethe2001年被诊断出感染艾滋病病毒。被告知只有一年时间可活的她称南非是“这个传染病的震中”。
Most of the studies in the review had been conducted in the United States, while one came out of Canada and the other out of South Africa. 总结报告中的过往研究,除了一份来自加拿大,一份来自南非,其他都是在美国完成的研究。
With the 2010 World Cup in South Africa just a few months from now, an official World Cup game from EA Sports was a virtual certainty. 随着2010年世界杯在南非,从现在只需数月,世界杯足球赛的正式从EA体育游戏是一个虚拟的确定性。
To get a sense of just how long, he says, imagine a giant with her head in Baltimore and her toe off the coast of South Africa. 为了正确了解到底有多久,他说,想像一位巨人,她的头在巴尔的摩,她的脚趾头在南非海岸。
The Health Department of South Africa Tuesday denied that the death of a South African woman this year was the result of mad cow disease. 南非卫生部星期二否认今年南非一名妇女的死亡是由疯牛病导致的。
Premier Anna Bligh said the area about three quarters of a disaster area, the equivalent land area of South Africa. 州长安娜·布莱说,辖区内大约四分之三地区成为灾区,相当于南非国土面积。
If all this were to happen, South Africa's press would end up being subject to restrictions not seen since the days of apartheid. 如果这些都成真,南非媒体将会遭到自种族隔离制度废除后从未有过的管制。
He might, for instance, suggest you become an official sponsor of the British Lions tour of South Africa and an arts prize. 例如,他或许会建议你对狮子队访问南非赛和一项艺术奖进行官方资助。
She said the South African government would make every effort to protect the lawful rights of the Chinese nationals in South Africa. 南非政府将尽全力保护在南中国公民的合法权益。
But, Lelyveld writes, "South Africa . . . challenged him from the start to explain what he thought he was doing there in his brown skin. " 诚然,雷利维德补充道,“南非……从一开始就在挑战他这名有深棕色皮肤者的所思所想。”
South Africa believed that the voice and experience of indigenous and local communities had been a vital contribution to the IGC's work. 南非认为,土著和当地社区的意见和经验为IGC的工作作出了重要贡献。
Just a few days ago I came across Robert Setshedi, a young pharmacist working in the rural Eastern Cape province of South Africa. 几天前,我遇见了罗伯特•斯切迪,一名在南非东海角省农村工作的年轻药剂师。
One result, he said, was that protocols were improved and more countries added: South Africa, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Thailand. 这些抗议使得有更多国家签署了相关的治疗协议:包括南非,巴西,秘鲁,厄瓜多尔,泰国。
A conductor of a train in South Africa reported seeing a man and a woman engaging in sexual acts while on the train tracks. 南非一位火车司机报告看到一男一女正在铁轨上做那事儿。
Near a seal colony in South Africa, a great white shark breaches, leaping for a decoy being pulled across the surface. 靠近南非的一个海豹群落的海域里,一个白色的大鲨鱼跳出水面,跳跃是为了作为拖过海面的一种诱饵。