
美 [ˈsɪmər]英 [ˈsɪmə(r)]
  • v.煨;用文火炖;充满(难以控制的感情,尤指愤怒);即将爆发
  • n.即将沸腾状态;文火炖;小火煨
  • 网络慢煮;用小火煨;徐沸

第三人称单数:simmers 现在分词:simmering 过去式:simmered



v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sth)用文火炖;煨to cook sth by keeping it almost at boiling point; to be cooked in this way

2.[i]~ (with sth)充满(难以控制的感情,尤指愤怒)to be filled with a strong feeling, especially anger, which you have difficulty controlling

3.[i]即将爆发;酝酿to develop for a period of time without any real anger or violence being shown

越南 - 那时花开 - 博客大巴 ... Ca- 鱼 simmer 煨, saute 炒,嫩煎 ...

越南 - 那时花开 - 博客大巴 ... Ca- 鱼 simmer , 炖 saute 炒,嫩煎 ...


请问“涮”这个字怎么翻译成英文?_百度知道 ... steam 蒸 simmer;stew 煨,炖 boil 煮 ...


西班牙的文化符号_文化生活_快乐英语网 ... 22. gregarious 社交的,群居的 23. simmer 慢煮 25. stray 迷路的,离群的 ...


那时花开 - 博客大巴 ... baste 过油 simmer 用小火煨 05:50小吴哥日出 Angkor Wat ...


石油英语词汇(S4)--石油百科 ... similitude 相似;外表 simmer 徐沸 simonellite 西蒙内利烯 ...


医生护士英语对话例句:中药 -... ... soak vt 浸泡 simmer vt 用文火熬 liquid n. 液体 ...


实用食品英语1 - 豆丁网 ... entree 主菜 simmer 慢炖、 煨 snack 点心、 小点 ...

Just bathe in the moonlight. You have to let it simmer a bit, you know? 就像沐浴在月光里一样。你必须要让它酝酿一下。你明白吗?
The very first thing is to disengage and allow some time for both of you to simmer down and reflect . 第一件事就是放开并给彼此一些时间来平息和思考。
Making sure that the soup is at a bare simmer, carefully break the eggs into a bowl and tip into the soup. 确保汤正处于炖煮状态,小心将鸡蛋打破到碗里,缓缓倒入汤中。
Cut the turkey into several pieces. Place in a large pot, add water to cover, and bring to a boil. Add the salt, and simmer for 30 minutes. 把火鸡砍成几块,放到锅中,加入水并盖上盖子,把水烧开。加入盐,小火煮30分钟。
Stir to dissolve the sugar and salt and reduce the heat to low. Simmer until the liquid reduces slightly and thickens to a light syrup. 不停的搅拌,以促进糖和盐的溶解,并散热。慢慢熬煮直到液体变得像糖浆那样微微的粘稠。
Children tend to be recruited in brutal, long-running civil wars, the kind that simmer for years or even decades. 娃娃兵通常在残酷的长期内战中被征召,这种漫长的战争通常要持续几年甚至几十年。
She tips forward into Michael's embrace, and suddenly an unexpected attraction begins to simmer between them. 她向前倒入Michael的怀抱中,突然,一种没有意料到的诱惑在他们之间酝酿。
As soon as it begins to boil, turn down the heat, and simmer for thirty minutes. Then turn off the heat. 煮至沸腾后把火关小。用文火熬30分钟,然后把火关掉。
Add in mushrooms. Stir-fry for a while. Add in seasonings. Let it simmer for a while until the sauce is thicken. 加入蘑菇。翻炒一会儿。加入调料。煨一下直到调料成为粘稠状。
And for a time, you may simply walk away. The ingredients are there; they just need to simmer and stew. 有时,当思路在什么地方卡住了,山穷水尽,你就离开一下。原料齐备,只是需要细煨慢炖而已。
When the flu is going around add a few drops of Thyme to your diffuser or simmer in a pan on the stove. 流感加强时,滴几滴百里香在加湿器里或在火上的平底锅加热。
Don't try to force or rush creativity; give yourself time to let your ideas simmer away in the back of your mind. 别试图强迫或催促你的创意,让它们在你思想的深处慢慢酝酿。
Anger that so many children died because their school buildings were poorly built continued to simmer online and in state media. 对因为建筑质量差而导致这么多儿童死亡的愤慨充满网络和国家媒体。
Put the dry items away as you are waiting for that soup to simmer. 炖汤的时候要把干东西放远点。
Put all ingredients into a pot, add 1L water, bring to the boil. Then low the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Season with salt and serve. 将所有材料放入锅中,加入1公升清水以大火熬煮,煮滚后改用小火煮约20分钟,加盐调味即可。
Place the manioc and salt in a saucepan , cover with cold water , bring to a boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes . 把木薯和盐在一个平底锅,涵盖了冷水,把煮沸,然后减低热量和熬20分钟。
Add shredded bay leaves and stir in and cover and let simmer for 5 minutes or more to let all the flavors mix well. 加入剁碎的bayleaves搅拌盖上盖子炖5分钟或者更多一些让入味。
Meanwhile, protesters' anger has continued to simmer. 与此同时,抗议者们的愤怒持续发酵。
the fire quickly under the cover into the boiling water to cover Simmer 3 minutes or so to a large pot of soup into a pure white. 大火迅速下入滚开的开水后盖盖继续大火煮3分钟左右至锅中的汤变成纯白色。
A pot full of meat was starting to simmer upon a small, stone stove on the floor. He had been using the knife to cut up his dinner. 地板上放着的石头小炉子上炖着满满一锅肉,他用刀是来做他的晚饭。
Adding soup pot and skirts, ham on top, and then the next into the onions, ginger and other spices, use the fire boil, then simmer low heat. 锅内加入鸡汤和裙边,火腿片放在上面,再下入葱、姜等调料,先用大火烧开,然后用小火煨。
Pour the beer into a saucepan, add the butter, and bring to a simmer over medium-low heat. 平底锅倒入啤酒,加入黄油,并且把黄油化开,微热。
To leave Now , Frank, try to simmer down. We can't tell him to clear out just like that . 现在,弗兰克开始冷静下来,我们不就这样让他离开。
You should be able to perform fast heat-switches from the bare simmer to the rolling boil on your burners. 你的炉子应该能在小火慢炖和大火沸腾之间切换自如。
Freshen up a room. Add some lemon peel to a pot of water and simmer it on your stove top. 清洁房间---将柠檬皮放入一壶水中,然后慢煮。
add the tamarind water , sugar , prawns , fish ball and fish sauce . turn down the heat and simmer. 放入罗望子汁、糖、大虾、鱼蛋和鱼露,转小火焖煮。
when it start to boil, turn down the heat and let the sauce simmer. 逐渐沸腾时,关小炉火,以文火慢慢煨调味酱。
The recipe said to leave the curry on the stove to simmer for five minutes. 食谱上写将咖哩放在炉子上炖五分钟。
In a saucepan, simmer ginger, cinnamon, and water 20 minutes, or more for stronger tea. Add honey or sugar and strain tea through a sieve. 在锅中放入生姜、肉桂和水,炖煮20分钟,想要茶味更浓的话可以多煮会儿。加入蜂蜜或红糖,将煮好的姜茶过滤干净即可。
A strong W. T. O. will be needed to arbiter trade disputes as the world economy slows and protectionist urges simmer. 随着世界经济放缓、贸易保护主义日益抬头,要实施仲裁贸易争端,一个强大W.T.O.必不可少。