
美 [skɪnd]英 ['skɪnd]
  • n.皮肤;壳;外壳;外皮
  • v.剥皮;扒皮;削皮;擦破(身体某部位的)皮肤
  • 网络去皮;蒙皮;被剥皮



n. v.

身体on body

1.[u][c]皮;皮肤the layer of tissue that covers the body


2.…皮肤的having the type of skin mentioned

死兽of dead animal

3.[c][u](兽)皮;毛皮;皮张the skin of a dead animal with or without its fur, used for making leather, etc.

水果;蔬菜of fruit/vegetables

4.[c][u](某些果实和蔬菜的)皮,壳the outer layer of some fruits and vegetables

香肠of sausage

5.[c][u]外皮;肠衣the thin outer layer of a sausage

液体on liquids

6.[c][u](尤指冷却时形成的)薄层,皮the thin layer that forms on the surface of some liquids, especially when they become cold

外壳outside layer

7.[c]外壳;外层a layer that covers the outside of sth

8.[c](便携式电子音乐播放器的)护套,保护壳a special cover for any small electronic device that you can carry with you so that you can listen to music


by the skin of your teeth

刚好;勉强if you do sthby the skin of your teeth , you only just manage to do it

get under sbs skin

惹某人生气(或恼火)to annoy sb

have got sb under your skin

极其迷恋;被某人深深打动to be extremely attracted to sb

its no skin off my, your, his, etc. nose

(指某人没有受到不良影响)这不关某人的事,这跟某人没关系used to say that sb is not upset or annoyed about sth because it does not affect them in a bad way

make your skin crawl

使人毛骨悚然;让人起鸡皮疙瘩to make you feel afraid or full of disgust

(nothing but/all/only) skin and bone

瘦得皮包骨;瘦骨嶙峋extremely thin in a way that is not attractive or healthy


有没有关于一些菜名的翻译? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 刮鳞: scaled 剥皮skinned 去骨: Boned ...


75. Roasted chicken breast... ... 2*200g chicken breast,skinned 2 个200克的农场散养鸡胸肉,去皮 Salt & pepper 盐和黑胡椒 ...


蒙皮skinned)表面,由一组曲线构建;戈登(Gordon)曲面,由两个曲线插值构建; 孔斯(Coons)片面,由 4 个边界曲 …



心理学专业英语词汇(T2) ... tyrosine 酪氨酸 thinskinned 过分敏感的 thirdclass 三等的 ...


希高翻译-心理学词汇中英对照二十四 ... group 他人团体 skinned 感觉迟钝的 thigh 大腿 ...


单辊破碎机无名_专题报道 ... skinless 无衣香肠 skinned 去皮机 skinners 剥皮刀 ...


看医生没问题~海外生病不怕~ - 生活英语 -... ... broke 断裂 skinned 刮伤 incredibly adv. 难以置信地,非常地 ...

The rash does not disappear when pressed against a clear glass tumbler but it is often harder to see in dark-skinned people. 我写使用大玻璃杯挤压疹子,疹子并不会消失,但对于肤色深的人,疹子较难以看清。
Model needs to be re-skinned, joining the tentacles to the body, making it a single mesh. 模型需要重新剥皮,加入对身体的触角,使其成为一个单独的网格。
"I'm thick-skinned, " I said, though the truth was more complicated. “我皮厚呗,”我说,事实论起来复杂的多。
This year, I have to attend two sessions, the first 11 years a few days ago, how my wife will not let me, that I too thick skinned. 今年,已经是我旁听全国两会,第11个年头了,前几天,我夫人怎麽都不让我来,说我脸皮太厚。
Leia is a petite, fair-skinned human female with brown eyes, and long brown hair that she often wears in an elaborate fashion. 莱娅是一位身材娇小、美丽动人的人类女性,她有着褐色的眼睛,喜欢把自己褐色的长发打理成精致的发型。
I've found this perception has made it a little easier for me to be thicker-skinned and not take such behavior so personally. 我发现这种理解能让我更容易承受批评而且不把这种行为看做针对个人的。
Thin and olive-skinned boys, each had a thatch of dark curls on his head and was quick to anger and quicker to forgive. 他们身材细瘦,皮肤橄榄色,头上都有乱蓬蓬的黑色发卷,脾气发作得快,但消得更快。
And it has, in a way, been funny to see how childish and thin-skinned the Masters of the Universe turn out to be. 顺便要说的是,看到这些宇宙主人们竟然如此幼稚、如此敏感,真令人可笑。
Researchers have found a chemical from a tropical mint plant that works both as a sunless tanner and as a solar shield in fair-skinned mice. 研究人员从热带一种薄荷类植物中发现的化学物质对缺乏阳光照射的皮革以及实验室隔绝阳光的“白皮”鼠都有作用。
It takes him a while to notice her. Andre is drawn to a well-defined type, olive-skinned girls with robust features and dark eyes. 他并不是一开始就注意到她的。安德烈喜欢的类型很明确,即她们要有橄榄色的皮肤、周身散发着活力并拥有黑色的双眼。
'She seems a bit more worn, less fair-skinned, ' Ms. Price says as she gazes face to face at her future self. 布莱斯盯着未来的自己说,“她看上去有点憔悴,皮肤保养得不太好。”
In fact, the only time I saw dark-skinned Thais or Indians on television were in the news. 事实上,我唯一在电视上看到深色肤质的人是在新闻中。
Rao proved to be a handsome , dark - skinned , articulate and fast- speaking young man, still in his twenties . 拉奥是个皮肤黝黑的英俊青年,只有二十几岁,口齿伶俐,讲话很快。
Look! I'v been watching that man down in the street. He keeps peeping into the shop. Keep your eyes skinned for that guy, will you? 看!我一直在注意街上的那个人,他总是往商店里偷看,紧紧盯着那个家伙,好吗?
We waited through the short silence until two tall, dark-skinned boys strolled around the corner into the shed. 我们静静地等着,不一会两个深皮肤的男孩晃了进来。
The fleshy, smooth - skinned, purple, red, or green berry of a grape, eaten raw or dried AS a raisin and widely used in winemaking. 葡萄果葡萄树所结的肉色的、表皮光滑的浆果,呈紫色、红色或绿色,可鲜食或制成果干,并广泛用于制酒
Hi Lu! I've been up to my eyeballs in work so I haven't been out much. I was skinned too up to last week. What you been up to? 嗨,露塞尔!我工作上一直是忙得不可开交,所以我就没怎么出来。我直到上个礼拜才又有钱了。你一直在忙什么呢?
I never attempted to hide, and gradually the animals became used to the strange pale skinned primate that had invaded their territory. 我从来没有试图去躲藏,慢慢地动物们开始习惯了我这个肤色苍白的灵长类动物侵入它们的领地。
Another little boy tripped and skinned his knee, but A-Ding fixed the problem with a little Mercurochrome . 另一个小男孩摔了一跤,跌破膝盖处,阿丁替他涂红药水。
Huntress: You were right, sisters. These green-skinned brutes have no respect for life! Slay them in Elune's name! 女猎手:姐妹们,你们是对的。这些绿皮肤的野兽根本不尊重生命!以月神艾露尼的名义杀死他们!
In dark-skinned people, the discoloration is most visible in the lips, gums, and around the eyes, and it can be easier to spot. 对于肤色深的人来说,这种变色在唇部、齿龈和眼周表现得最明显、更易于看到。
Marco descended from the mountains to a "great heat, " taking notice of black-skinned Muslims, like a masked woman in Minab. 马可从山上下来后到了一个极炎热的地方,注意到穿着黑色衣服的穆斯林教徒,像这个在
It is a matter of fact that excessive exposure to the sun's rays, especially in fair-skinned people, can cause skin cancer. 事实上,过度地暴露于太阳光之下,特别是对那些白此肤的人们来说,易患皮肤癌。
They referred to my olive-skinned sister as "the Arab. " 他们称我的有着橄榄色皮肤的姐姐为“阿拉伯人”。
Instead, the fair-skinned Asian women opt for protection from the sun's rays with a parasol. 不过,亚洲的女人皮肤白皙,会用阳伞防晒以抵挡各种太阳光射线。
The two varieties at my local farmers' market are jewel yams and the darker-skinned garnet yams, both sweet and moist. 在我们当地的农贸市场上有两个品种的番薯,一种是宝石番薯和暗红皮番薯,两种都水分足且很甜。
Attracting people dedicated (and thick-skinned) enough to fend off special interests and trolls (internet hooligans) is tough. 吸引住人们,让他们足够热诚(足够厚脸皮),避免有人心怀不轨,也要小心网络流氓,这绝非易事。
And I imagined him to be tall, dark-skinned . 我把他想象成一个个头很高的黑小伙。
I was one of those dark-skinned country children who didn't matter. 我作为一个皮肤很黑的乡村孩子,他们根本不在意我。
Who would have suspected so large and cold and thick-skinned a thing to be so sensitive? 谁想得到这样大,这样冷,这样厚皮的事物,竟然这样的敏感?