
美 [ʃɔrt]英 [ʃɔː(r)t]
  • adj.缺乏;不足;短缺;缺少;短的;短暂的;矮的;低的
  • adv.不足;缺少;未达到;不及;缺乏;不足;突然;忽然
  • n.概略;要点;不足;缺乏;少量烈酒;(尤指在正片前放映的)电影短片
  • v.卖空(股票);故意少给;欺骗;【电】使短路;欺骗;卖空(股票);故意少给;【电】使短路
  • 网络最短;最矮的;最短的

比较级:shorter 最高级:shortest 复数:shorts 现在分词:shorting 过去式:shorted

short period,short story,short hair,short duration,short walk
come short



1.短的measuring or covering a small length or distance, or a smaller length or distance than usual


2.个子矮的small in height


3.短的;短期的;短暂的lasting or taking a small amount of time or less time than usual

4.[obn]短短的seeming to have passed very quickly

不足not enough

5.[nbn]~ (of sth)不足;短缺not having enough of sth; lacking sth

6.(informal)~ on sth缺乏,缺少(某种品质)lacking or not having enough of a particular quality

7.[nbn]紧俏;紧缺not easily available; not supplying as much as you need

8.[nbn]~ (of sth)少于;缺少;未达到less than the number, amount or distance mentioned or needed


10.~ for sth简略的;缩写的being a shorter form of a name or word


11.[nbn]~ (with sb)简单粗暴;简慢无礼speaking to sb using few words in a way that seems rude


12.短音的ashort vowel is pronounced for a shorter time than other vowels


a brick short of a load, two sandwiches short of a picnic, etc.

冒傻气的;不大聪明的stupid; not very intelligent

get the short end of the stick

抽到倒霉签;被派做苦差事to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task

give sb/sth/get short shrift

不重视(或同情);不受重视(或同情)to give sb/get little attention or sympathy

have/be on a short fuse

动辄发火;性情暴躁;脾气不好to have a tendency to get angry quickly and easily

in short order

麻利;简单省事quickly and without trouble

in the short run

从短期来看;眼下concerning the immediate future

in short supply

不充裕;短缺;紧缺not existing in large enough quantities to satisfy demand

little/nothing short of sth

可以说是;无异于;近乎used when you are saying that sth is almost true, or is equal to sth

make short work of sth/sb

干净利落地打败(或处理);三下五除二就打垮(或解决)to defeat, deal with sth/sb quickly

short and sweet

短暂而美好;简明扼要;紧凑pleasant but not lasting a long time


这是有史以来世界上最~~~英语怎么说_百度知道 ... longest 最长 shortest 最短 biggest 最大 ...


剑桥少儿英语二级上作业纸 - 豆丁网 ... tallest 最高的\ shortest 最矮的\ Australia 澳大利亚\ ...


暑假作业Y4 - 豆丁网 ... oldest 最旧的 shortest 最短的 slowest 最慢的 ...


Tsinsen 清橙网络自动评测系统 - 清橙 ... 电阻网络( circuit) 最短路( shortest) 熟悉的文章( cheat) ...


...右边可以设置采用何种形式的拓朴类型进行走线,包括用最短路径走线(Shortest)、水平走线(Horizontal)、垂直走线(Vertical) …


直接更改PCB元件封装的技巧 - 电子发烧友网站 ... ¨ Y-Bias( 垂直偏离方式) ¨ Shortest最短长度) ¨ Daisy Chain( 菊花链 …


My solution to NOI & CTSC & Winter Camp... ... 游览计划( trip) 最短路问题shortest) 语音识别( voice) ...

Meanwhile, it would be highly appreciated if you could send us 2 catalogues + some representative samples within the shortest possible time. 同时,我们尤其希望贵司尽快邮寄2套商品目录以及一些样品给我们。
" Then the shortest man who was only able to hold the leg of the elephant said: " My king, an elephant is just like the trunk of a tree. 那个矮小的,只能握著象腿的人接著说:陛下,这只象极像一棵树的躯干。
The shortest paths from routing group A to any other routing group in the topology have been determined. 从路由组A到拓扑中的其他所有路由组的最短路径都已确定。
The great-circle distance calculates the shortest distance between any two points on the surface of a sphere. 大圆弧长计算球面两点之间的最短距离。
Introduction of the principle that a wooden pail how much water charge, depending on the shortest of the plate. 短板原理说,一个木桶能装多少水,取决于最短的那块板。
With an estimated climbing time of just under five and a half hours, it is also one of the shortest. 从这条山道登顶估计要用五个半小时,也是所有登山道中最短的。
American children also have one of the shortest school days, six-and-a-half hours, adding up to 32 hours a week. 美国儿童每天在学校呆的时间也是最短的,六个半小时,加起来一周上学32小时。
The bottom layer is made up of the shortest running tests, which, as you can imagine, are the easiest to write. 底层由运行时间最短的测试构成,可以想象的到,它们也最易于编写。
Water Bottle Rule: how much the bottle contains water depends on its shortest wood. 水桶定律:一只水桶能装多少水,完全取决与它最短的那块木板。
the multinationals have been trying to deal with in the shortest time customer complaints. 这个跨国公司一直尽力在最短时间内处理顾客的投诉。
An immediate response is vital when it is a question of bringing fast-moving machinery to a standstill in the shortest possible time. 立即反应是非常关键的,如使快速运动的机器在很短的可能时间内停顿所产生的问题。
IT WAS one of the shortest-lived revolutions ever. 这是有史以来最短寿的革命之一。
His 33-day papacy was one of the shortest reigns in papal history, resulting in the most recent "Year of Three Popes. " 在位只有33天的他是宗教史上任职最短的教皇,当年也成了史上最近一次“三教皇年”;
For me, it was just a shortest instant of gratification. 对于我,只是短短的一瞬间满足。
A simple way to understand the efficient markets hypothesis is to think about the problem of finding the shortest queue at the checkout. 要理解有效市场假设,有个简单的方法:想想结账时如何找最短的队伍排队。
With a written map in hand, however, I enjoy the trip and arrive at my first destination in the shortest possible time. 总之,有一张写好的地图在手,我非常享受这个过程并且在也许是最短的时间里到达了我的第一个目的地。
If you need to see color and detail then likely the best choice is the dimmest white light for the shortest amount of time. 如果你需要看彩色及细节,用很暗的白光,并且尽可能缩短时间。
She then subtracts 18 days from her shortest cycle to find the first "unsafe" day of her present cycle. 然后用最短周期的天数减18,即为现在月经周期“不安全的”第一天;
The shortest man in the world able to walk has died in Rome at the age of 21 , according to Britain's Guinness World Records . 据英国吉尼斯世界纪录总部,世界上最矮的具备行走能力的人死于罗马,年仅21岁。
The company set up the team, a full-time staff delivery of goods in the shortest possible time accurate to your side. 公司成立车队,有专职送货人员将货品在最短时间内准确的送到您的身旁。
The cook stove was designed to produce the greatest amount of heat in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of fuel. 设计的炉子可以在最短的时间里提供最大的热量,同时使用最少的燃料。
The shortest distance between two points is a timeline, a schedule, a map of your time, the itinerary for the rest of your life. 两点之间最短的距离是时间表,工作簿,时间地图,余生的行程表。
Student B: Because February is the shortest month of a year. 学生乙:因为二月是一年中最短的一个月。
The Census Bureau says the ten-question form this year is one of the shortest ever and should take no more than ten minutes. 人口调查局表示,今年的调查表格共有十个问题,是有史以来最简短的一次,不超过十分钟就可以回答完毕。
Remote diagnosis can be made of downtime caused by changes to the shortest, and speed up the necessary procedure. 不幼途诊断能使由障碍引起的转工期变为最不幼,并相答增速必给的历程。
Once the two contradictions of life, as far as possible in the shortest time to resolve, or easy to deepen the rift. 两人生活中一旦出现矛盾,尽量在最短时间内解决,否则容易加深裂痕。
We received the photos to the customers, in the shortest possible time for you to the exquisite crystal Zhao. 我们收到顾客发来的照片后,会在最短的时间内为您发去精致的水晶照。
The key to get the minimum distance between two points on the curved surface is to choice the shortest route in the surface. 求两点沿曲面最小距离的关键是正确选择两点间沿曲面的最短路径。
I Believe: The shortest and best way to make your fortune is to let people see clearly that it is in their interest to promote yours. 我深信:赚钱最快、最好的方法就是让人们清楚地看到,帮你增加财富对他们也有好处……
The Shortest Science Fiction Sitting at home , the last person in the world hears a knock on the door . 最短的科幻故事世界上最后一个人,坐在家里,听到了敲门声。