
美 ['slɪpɪŋ]英 ['slɪpɪŋ]
  • v.溜;下降;滑落;摆脱
  • n.纸条;衬裙;纰漏;差错
  • abbr.(=Serial Line Internet [Interface]Protocol)【计】串线网际协议
  • 网络打滑;滑动;滑环



v. n.


1.[i]~ (over)滑倒;滑跤to slide a short distance by accident so that you fall or nearly fall

脱离位置out of position

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)滑落;滑离;脱落to slide out of position or out of your hand

快速地走╱放置go/put quickly

3.[i]+ adv./prep.悄悄疾行;溜to go somewhere quickly and quietly, especially without being noticed

4.[t]迅速放置;悄悄塞;偷偷放to put sth somewhere quickly, quietly or secretly

变差become worse

5.[i]下降;退步;变差to fall to a lower level; to become worse

陷入困境into difficult situation

6.[i]+ adv./prep.陷入,进入(困难或不愉快的处境)to pass into a particular state or situation, especially a difficult or unpleasant one

穿╱脱衣服clothes on/off

7.[i][t](迅速且容易地)穿上,脱下to put clothes on or to take them off quickly and easily

摆脱get free

8.[t]摆脱;挣脱;松开;放走to get free; to make sth/sb/yourself free from sth


let slip sth

泄露;无意中说出to give sb information that is supposed to be secret

let sth slip (through your fingers)

错过(机会);失去(机会)to miss or fail to use an opportunity

slip your mind

被遗忘if sthslips your mind , you forget it or forget to do it

slip one over on sb

欺骗;愚弄to trick sb

slip through the net

漏网;被漏掉when sb/sthslips through the net , an organization or a system fails to find them and deal with them


机械翻译词汇下载 ... 打包机 packer 打滑 slipping 带传动 belt driving ...


石油英语词汇(S4)--石油百科 ... slipping surface 滑面 slipping 滑动 slips 卡瓦 ...


电厂汉英词汇对照(1)-专业词汇-中国教育文摘 ... 户内的 indoor 滑环 Slipping 化石燃料 fossil fuel ...


木材加工行业专业术语之英汉对照 ... 花斑纹 mottled figure;mottle figure 滑移 slipping 化学变色 chemical stain ...


...再定向 (reorientation)引起的所谓“滑脱”(slipping);其结果是室壁变薄心腔扩大


five chinese sentence - 互助学习小组 -... ... 3.概要,总结 Summary 4.延期 Slipping 1. 罚款 Penalty ...


slip-相近词汇-新浪字典 ... slippers 拖鞋 slipping 转移 slips 索线头 ...

Yesterday, after slipping the rubber band off the rolled up newspaper, Scott flipped it playfully at me: this led to an all-out war. 昨天,斯科特把原本捆扎卷起的报纸的橡皮筋拉下来,然后顽皮地把它弹向我,“全面战争”就此一发不可收拾了;
And, slipping out of Gaston's grasp, Marguerite sat him on her right, me on her left, and then said to Nanine. 玛格丽特把手从加斯东手里抽回来,请他坐在她右面,我坐在左面,接着她对娜宁说。
The next thing she knew, she was slipping in and out of consciousness. She saw her husband sitting on the steps, his head in his hands. 但接下来她所知道的一切是:意识时而模糊,时而清醒,丈夫坐在台阶上,头埋在双手里。
Slipping into the gap between your thoughts, allows you to be available to existence, to really "feel" it out. 潜入你的思维之间的空隙,让自己真实存在,去真正地“感受”它。
This denial is not of the intellect but is an actual slipping out of the pattern of that morality which is immoral. 这种否定不是智力上的,而是确确实实地滑出了不道德的道德模式。
Killing a man while he slept , slipping a rope around his neck that choked the life out of him . 在一个男人睡觉时把他杀死,把绳子绕在他的脖子上,让他窒息而死。
We shall see whether or not someone may articulate that, here, I am slipping outside, or am trying to turn away from it. 我们将看出,有没有人可能清楚表达说,我正滑倒在无意识界的外面,或是,我正在设法脱离无意识界。
You have a society where "personal responsibility" does not seem to be a priority (we are slipping in that direction as well). 你们有一个社会,“个人责任”似乎并不是一个优先事项(我们也在这个方向打滑)。
"Keep your promise. " The voice was slipping away, as if the volume was being turned down on a radio. “遵守诺言。”那声音渐渐远去,就像是收音机的音量被调低了。
When the body has too tilted in danger of slipping when the front brake had a death grip. # Wear eye protection. 当车身过于倾斜有滑倒之虞时,得一次将前刹握死。#配戴护目镜。
He called, "Au revoir, Mother, " and, slipping her hand between the bars, she gave him a small, slow wave with it. 他说:“再见,妈妈。”她把手从两根铁栏杆间伸出来,慢慢地,持续地摆了摆。
The dark is faltering and its once-mighty stranglehold on your world is slipping. 黑暗势力现在步履蹒跚,他们曾经强大的对你们世界控制力正在滑落。
I said it was in danger of slipping and I think that's what is happening at the moment and it has to be contained. 我曾说过俱乐部面临着下滑的危险。我认为现在这已变成了现实,它必须得到控制才行。
The company, which had long been an opponent of electrification, changed its stance earlier this year in light of slipping global sales. 该公司长期以来一直反对的电气化,改变了其立场,在今年早些时候,鉴于全球销售下滑。
Trying to be a hero, I dropped my backpack and ran up to help her, but ended up slipping and landing on her leg. 我很帅地扔下背包跑去扶他,然后也滑倒了,扑在她腿上。
He saw her, from corner of his eyes, slipping along the side of the cave toward the fire, and now Robert Jordan watched Pablo's face. 罗伯特·乔丹从眼梢上瞅见她沿着洞壁朝炉灶悄悄走去,于是才注视着巴勃罗的脸色。
His wife and his mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately from his control. 他的妻子和情妇,直到一小时前还是安安稳稳,不可侵犯的,现在却冷不防正从他的控制下溜走。
The last thing he saw was the frighten and fearful face of the soldier and the cigar slipping out his fingers. 他最后能看到的,是那个士兵惊骇和恐惧而扭曲的表情,还有从指间滑落的烟头。
'I hear, 'So-and-so's job performance seems to be slipping, or they don't seem to be working on critical projects, so can we let them go? '' 我听到的是,“谁谁的工作表现似乎在下降,或他们似乎没有在做重要的项目,能不能把他们打发了”?
Investors were also unnerved by signs that the European economy seems to be slipping closer to recession. 投资者对于欧洲经济的衰退迹象也感到担忧。
A woman in New York is recovering after slipping in a bathroom and ending up with a coat hook in her face. 在纽约,一名妇女目前正在康复之中,她是由于在浴室内滑倒,而被衣架的钩子正好嵌入其脸部。
He had money, and he might have been slipping someone a little squeeze every week to take it easy on him. 反正有钱能使鬼推磨,也许他每个星期都偷偷塞几张钞票给警卫,让他们不要找他麻烦。
Bosworth did not speak to reporters at the airport, slipping out a side door and into an embassy car waiting on the tarmac. 博斯沃斯在机场回避了媒体采访,从旁门直接乘坐停机坪上的美国驻韩使馆车辆离去。
The dolphins managed to swallow some of the plastic skids used to prevent slipping around the outside of their aquarium in Fushun. 抚顺的海豚想设法吞掉了用于阻挡水族馆松动外围的塑料挡板。
If he really did not know, it would suggest that the Chinese Communist party's grip over the People's Liberation Army is slipping. 如果他真不知情,就意味着中共对人民解放军的掌控力正在削弱。
But copper has been getting beaten up for a while, slipping into a bear market more than a week ago. 但铜价大跌已有一段时间,早在一周多前就已经进入熊市。
The general does not rule out the possibility of terrorist leaders including Fazalullah slipping out of the area. 加尼不排除包括法扎拉赫在内的恐怖分子头目已经逃出该地区的可能性。
But the worst thing of all was that his religion like the outer world, seemed to be slipping away from him as the days went by. 对他来说最糟糕的事情是他的宗教信仰,也像外部世界一样,随着时间的流淌也慢慢开始从他的思维里面流逝。
But actually preventing someone slipping into the undercarriage depends on checks and procedures that are not always present, Shanks warns. 但是,Shanks警告称,要防止一个人溜进起落架舱,需要一些非常规的检查和程序。
This would not be the first time American intellectuals have been troubled by the sense of greatness slipping away. 这可能是美国知识分子首次被伟大消逝的感觉所困扰。