
美 [stæmp]英 [stæmp]
  • n.邮票;戳;印花;章
  • v.冲压;跺(脚);重踩;重踏
  • 网络图章;印章;盖章

复数:stamps 现在分词:stamping 过去式:stamped

stick stamp,put stamp,lick stamp
rare stamp


n. v.

信函;包裹on letter/package

1.[c]邮票a small piece of paper with a design on it that you buy and stick on an envelope or a package before you post it

印章printing tool

2.[c]印;章;戳a tool for printing the date or a design or mark onto a surface

印记printed design/words

3.[c]印记;戳记a design or words made by stamping sth onto a surface

付款证明proof of payment

4.[c]印花a small piece of paper with a design on it, stuck on a document to show that a particular amount of money has been paid


5.[sing]~ (of sth)特征;痕迹;烙印the mark or sign of a particular quality or person

6.[sing]类型,种类(尤指人)a kind or class, especially of people

脚of foot

7.[sing]跺脚(声);跺蹄(声)an act or sound of stamping the foot


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... between 在(两者)之间;在……中间 stamp 邮票 collection 收集物,收藏品 ...


PS快捷键_百度百科 ... Reticulation-( 网状) Stamp-( 图章) Torn Edges-( 撕边) ...


印字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 印行〖 printanddistrubute〗 印章stamp;seal〗 印证〖 corroborate;confirm〗 ...


如用盖章(stamp)老外头上会三条线2.翻译『支票已开好了待老板盖章,但不知老板何时回来』成英文 1.The check is written, pen…


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... stagger v. 蹒跚;使吃惊;呈现不稳(迹象) stamp n. 邮票;印;标志;跺脚 start n./v. 开始 ...


美股_百度百科 ... stale cheque 过期支票 stamp 印花 stamp duty 印花税;厘印费 ...

How much is the stamp, please? 多少钱一张邮票?
It's as if The New York Times were to stamp its scoops "internal reference reports" and file them to President Obama. 这就像是《纽约时报》给奥巴马总统递上信息,上面盖了章写着“内参报告”一样。
These dramatic events did not close that chapter, but they did put a fresh and emphatic stamp on the U. S. response to global terrorism. 这些戏剧性的事件没有结束历史,但是它们确实将美国应对全球恐怖主义贴上了一张醒目的邮票。
Already, the cerebral former Princeton academic is putting his own stamp on an institution long dominated by his predecessor. 如今,这位理智型的前普林斯顿大学教授,正在给一个其前任长期主宰的机构打上自己的印记。
It is hard to estimate how much a stamp is worth. 要知道一张邮票的价值很难。
To tell whether the caching worked, look at the time stamp shown in the markup; it should be the same as what you observed earlier. 若要知道缓存是否已工作,请查看标记中显示的时间戳;该时间戳应该与您之前看到的时间相同。
It was the production teams' job to reduce this into a clear, single journey, and to put our own stamp on it. 把影片缩减为一趟清晰明朗的旅程并把我们的热爱付诸其中成了制作组的工作。
The rare precious stamp is often a target of mad pursuit and adulation, and has become the object of wealth accumulation and status symbol. 珍惜邮票往往是人们疯狂追捧的对象,已经成为了人们财富储蓄和地位象征的对象。
Beyond that, though, employers realize that trying to stamp out office romance is like standing in front of a speeding train. 不过,除此之外,雇主也意识到禁止办公室恋情就像在阻止一辆高速的列车。
Yet Specter insisted he would not be a rubber stamp for the president. 然而Specter坚持说,在总统面前他不会人云亦云。
The police and the medical profession were trying to stamp out the increasing wave of drug addiction in young people. 警方和医务界正试图彻底控制正在增长的青年嗜毒的风潮。
To me, it says that this situation of "MISSENT TO BERMUDA" must happen frequently. So much so that a stamp was manufactured to deal with it. 按我理解,这说明误投至百慕大的情况必然经常发生,以至于必须刻个图章来处理。
Everything that happens to you in a given home over all of those years appears to leave no permanent stamp on your personality or intellect. 在一个特定家庭里这么多年发生在你身上的所有事,似乎都没在你的个性或智力上留下任何永久的印记。
For example, counters of the type ElapsedTime compare the time stamp on two different samples and determine how much time has elapsed. 例如,ElapsedTime类型的计数器通过比较两个不同样本上的时间戳,来确定已经过了多长时间。
Really? The next time I send Li Ming an e-mail, I'm going to put a stamp on it! 真的吗?下次我发一封电子邮件给李明,我要贴上一张邮票!
The next field is a time stamp that defaults to the time at the moment the entry was recorded. 接下来是时间戳,默认为记录条目的时间。
Something the size of a postage stamp, costing just a penny a piece, could be a medical breakthrough that will save millions of lives. 作为一种医学新突破,只值一美分的邮票大小的东西,就可能成为一种能够挽救上百万人性命的东西。
"I understand Rio's frustration because racism is a very ugly phenomenon and I feel we need to stamp it out, " Gaillard told Sky Sports. “我理解里奥的伤心,因为种族主义是个丑恶的现象,并且我觉得我们需要把它踢出足球,”加拉德告诉天空体育。
Known as the "Iron Hammer" for her powerful spikes , Lang has appeared on her own postage stamp. 郎因其扣球凶猛被誉为“铁榔头”,她还曾出现在邮票中。
Still, at least one company is trying to stamp out the problem. 尽管如此,至少还有一家公司正在致力于该问题的解决。
They are wonderful things---if you can afford them and are able to put them together with your own personal stamp. 他们是美妙的事如果您能买得起他们并且能投入他们与您自己的个人邮票一起。
If inflation picks up in China to the point where the authorities stamp down on domestic demand, thus making the trade surplus balloon. 如果中国的通胀上升到一定地步,当局开始打压国内需求,这将导致贸易顺差急剧扩大。
That the revered Nelson Mandela's rainbow nation is now turning to a man of Mr Zuma's stamp may sharpen prejudices about Africa. 崇敬的纳尔逊曼德拉的彩虹之国现在变成祖玛一人的印章,可能会提高对非洲的偏见。
It had to do with the day he forgot to take his personal name-stamp to work, and had to get off the bus. 全是因为那天,那个“他忘了带自己的姓名章去上班,所以不得不中途下车”的那天。
It was ugly. It had a monochrome screen the size of a postage stamp. 它确实很丑,它仅配备了一块邮票大小的单色显示屏。
Carl: One of my friends gave me his grandfather's stamp album after he died. Said he had no interest in stamps himself. It was in there. 卡尔:我一个朋友的祖父去世,把祖父的集邮簿送了给我,说自己对集邮没有兴趣。那枚邮票就在集邮簿里。
Li Ming: I'm sending it to Shijiazhuang. How much is the stamp, please? 李明:我要寄往石家庄。请问,邮票多少钱。
Our guest tonight is a man of ambition who once confided to me that his ultimate dream was to have his picture on a postage stamp . 我们今晚的客人是一个有雄心的人,他有一次向我坦露心声说他最终的梦想是把他的头像印在邮票上。
'If I told Maurice I had a nice Moroccan stamp, he would run here naked if he had to, ' says Mr. Behr, the stamp broker in Paris. “如果我告诉哈迪达我这里有一枚摩洛哥邮票珍品,如果情况紧急,他甚至会光着身子跑过来。”巴黎邮票经纪商贝赫说道。
It sounds like she wants to stamp out all of your individuality and turn you into a clone of every other actress out there. 听起来她想消灭你所有的个性,把你变成其它演员的复制品。