
美 [slʌm]英 [slʌm]
  • n.贫民窟;棚屋区
  • v.过简朴生活
  • 网络贫民区;陋巷;润滑油渣

复数:slums 过去式:slummed 现在分词:slumming



n. v.

1.贫民窟;棚屋区an area of a city that is very poor and where the houses are dirty and in bad condition


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石油英语词汇(S4)--石油百科 ... sluiceway 泄水道 slum 润滑油渣 slump ball 滑陷球 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... sluggish 不活泼的,呆滞的 slum 平民窟; 陋巷 smash 打碎;打破;击溃 ...


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The slum in early spring nighttime, the sky is a balloon, a few slogans on the wall, an one female of male is turning on a light. 早春夜间的贫民窟,天上是一颗气球,墙上是几条标语,一男一女正在开灯。
The narrowness of the way into the slum made it hard for the fire brigade to douse the flames, not that Nairobi has much of a fire brigade. 并非内罗毕投入的消防车太少,而是通往贫民窟的道路过于狭窄使得消防车难以到达现场灭火。
The businessmen who pour in on the thrice-weekly jumbo jet from Johannesburg drive out of the airport car park straight into a slum. 来自约翰内斯堡的商人乘坐一周三班的大型喷气式飞机涌入罗安达,驾车离开机场就进入贫民区。
What good can it do, sceptics ask, to parachute a slum kid into a glamorous world of air travel and swish hotels, just for a week? 这样的比赛又能起到什么作用呢?只是让这些乞丐,无家可归的人体验一次飞机,住一周宾馆?一些质疑者这样讲。
The obvious assumption was that this was some kind of subterranean slum. 可以明显的假设,此处极像一个地下贫民窟。
It turned out to be a wave of slum dwellers streaming to the air and sea port to greet the American guests. 那时,海地人从贫民窟中争相涌向机场和港口,欢迎美国来的客人。
In one shack, deep inside the labyrinthine slum, her team found a weeping child whose parents had left her at home alone while they worked. 在迷宫似的贫民区深处一个简陋小屋里,她的小组发现了一个哭泣的孩子,她的父母出去工作时把她独自留在家里。
But, she added, even after she had a classroom, she had no idea what might come of her effort to teach kids from the slum. 但她补充说,即使她有了教室后,她并不知道她对贫民窟的孩子施教会得出什么样的结果。
He suggested that I wrote an article on Chicago's vilest slum, and this was as good as meat and drink for me. 他建议我写一篇关于芝加哥最下层的贫民窟的文章,而这正是我最爱写的。
It must have been a shock for the newcomers; this time around, Chid and Adam had hired the entire group from the slum of West Point. 对于新手来说,一切都是那么震撼人心。这次,奇德和亚当直接雇用了WestPoint贫民窟的一整个妇女团体。
My mother, the former Angela Sheehan, grew up in a Limerick slum with her mother, two brothers, Thomas and Patrick, and a sister, Agnes. 我妈妈婚前的名字叫安吉拉.什罕,她在利默里克一个贫民窟里长大,和她妈妈、两个兄弟---托马斯和帕特里克---以及一个妹妹艾格尼斯住在一起。
He lived in a slum in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, and was nursed by his mother. 他住在肯尼亚首都内罗毕的贫民窟里,并由母亲照顾。
And most importantly, the road can be used for transporting clean water and sanitation supplies even deeper into the slum. 最重要的是,这条公路可以用来运送干净的水和卫生用品,甚至能供应更远的贫民区。
Am I supposed to be impressed that such a person emulates the attitude of a supposed slum resident? 我应该是印象深刻的是这样的人应该模拟一个贫民窟居民的态度呢?
It has been two days since the latest slum eradication, but families are still eking out a living amid the ruins. 最后一个棚户区被彻底清除已经过去两天了。但是好多家庭还在废墟中艰难地生存着。
But the absolute number of slum dwellers around the world, estimated to be some 830m, is still rising. 据估计,全球范围内,居住在贫民窟的人口绝对数仍在上升,达到了8.3亿左右。
We were in the heart of West Point, the slum of Monrovia, Liberia, and arguably the densest slum in all of West Africa. 我们所在的蒙罗维亚贫民窟,是利比里亚西部的中心地带,也是整个西非人口密度最大的贫民窟。
"Slumdog Millionaire" was the big winner at the Oscars, but following the ceremony, Ali and her fellow child stars returned to slum life. “贫民窟的百万富翁”是这届奥斯卡的大赢家,但是在典礼之后,阿里和她的明星伙伴回到了贫民窟的生活。
He gazed recently at the 11-story structure, in a slum that has begun to take on the trappings of a lower-middle-class district. 最近的一天,他来到大学所在地,凝视着这座11层高的建筑。大学建在一个贫民窟之中,但那里已开始呈现出下层中产阶级地区的气象。
We spent the time talking, watching DVD's (Slum Dog Millionaire), cleaning up her yard a bit, and looking through the old photo albums. 我和妈妈闲聊、看电影(贫民窟里的百万富翁)、清理院子,还一起看旧时的相册。
The money will be use to educate five thousand slum children over the next five years. 这笔钱将解决五千个贫民窟孩子五年内的教育问题。
I had an office in those days which bordered a slum, an urban slum , so there was a dividing wall between our office and the urban slum . 我当时的办公室在一个城市贫民窟旁边,办公室和贫民窟之间隔着一道墙。
In a slum outside the grand old city of Lahore, a woman named Saima Muhammad used to dissolve into tears every evening. 在老城拉哈尔的外的一处贫民窟里,一个名叫萨马穆罕穆德的妇女过去每个晚上常常以泪洗面。
Sheikh Hafizuddin, 38, lives in a slum with a few hundred other migrants less than two miles from Cyber City. 谢赫.哈菲祖丁,38岁,与其他近百名外来打工者一起住在距离数据城不到2英里的平民窟中。
One critic of the film said it was " inconceivable" that a tea- boy from the slum would be allowed on to a television quiz show . 影片的一名批评家表示,“难以相信”一个来自贫民窟的茶童会被允许参加电视竞猜节目。
At least 120 Kenyans have been killed in a fire at a fuel pipeline in a Nairobi slum. 至少有120名肯尼亚人在内罗毕贫民窟一条燃料管道的火灾中遇难。
Diadema's transformation from dangerous slum to stable working-class neighbourhood is part of a broader change in Latin American cities. 迪亚德马从危险的贫民窟,转变为稳定的工人阶级居住区,是拉丁美洲城市更大范围转变的一部分。
The peasant family is cramped tightly into a small makeshift shack in a favela, or squatter slum. 那个农民家庭却挤在贫民窟中一个临时凑合的小棚屋里。
Whether or not the government wins its war against slum development, the days when urbanization was a boost to economic growth are gone. 无论政府能否赢得清扫棚户的战斗,城市化作为推进经济增长的日子一去不复返了。
I spent a few days on this trip visiting the Kibera Slum, the largest slum in Africa. 我用了好些天的时间访问基贝拉的贫民窟——非洲最大的贫民窟。