
美 [sneɪk]
  • n.【动】蛇;〈比喻〉奸诈之人;卑鄙之人;疏通下水道的工具
  • v.曲折前行;蛇行;拖;拉
  • 网络蛇类奇观;毒蛇;蛇之传说

复数:snakes 现在分词:snaking 过去式:snaked

venomous snake,poisonous snake




Category:Animal Planet - 纪录片百科 ... SnakesKin《 驱蛇专家》 Snakes蛇类奇观》 Speed《 十大极速排行榜》 ...


  毒蛇(Snakes)- 超自然力量 加( 加(+) ) 6-9   钢(Steel)- 攻击力量 加( 加(+) ) 41-59   强健(Sturdy)- 增加防御力   得胜(Triu…


犯罪现场... ... (511) 谁杀了福尔摩斯 Who Shot Sherlock? 2005 (512) 蛇之传说 Snakes 2005 (513) 子母娃娃 Nesting Dolls 200…


下一篇文章: 描写蛇的(Snakes)-初中英语作文最新热点 最新推荐 相关文章 My Family-初中英语作文My Sundays-初中英语作 …


...(Active Contour Model),也称蛇模型Snakes),则是基于物理的模型,通过能量函数来收敛目标的轮廓,达到目标分割 …


描写近年家乡的变化... ... 描写一个你认识的小孩( A child you know) 描写蛇的( Snakes) 描写自己母亲的英语作文( My Mother) ...

the land in sheets, and lightning played like jagged snakes in the air. High above the roar of the wind crashed and burst the thunder. 滂沱的大雨横扫地面,闪电像锯齿似的火蛇在空中翻腾。在咆哮的风声之上进发出震耳的雷声。
There before me, facing the little prince, was one of those yellow snakes that take just thirty seconds to bring your life to an end. 就在那里,一条黄蛇直起身子冲着小王子。这种黄蛇半分钟就能结果你的性命。
Bobby finally see it with the snakes, the heart of a woman, a revival, always be ready . . . 波比终于看清了这怀着毒蛇心肠的妇人,又重振雄风,时刻准备着…
It was odd; a moment before his insides had been writhing like snakes, but suddenly he didn't seem to have any insides at all. 真奇怪,刚才他的五脏六腑像蛇一样扭动着,但现在突然感觉五脏六腑好像没了。
"If the snake had evolved the machinery that modern snakes have, it would have been able to take even bigger things, " he said. “假如这条蛇已进化成现代蛇所拥有的生理结构,它将能够吃更大的东西”,他说。
To make her wares she decapitates small green snakes with a pair of scissors and drains the blood into a plastic bottle. 为了生计,她用剪刀割除了一条小青蛇,并将血挤入到一个塑料小瓶里。
We both may be snakes, Dave, but I'm just better at it. Among the snakes, I'm the sneakiest. 我们俩或许都是卑鄙的人,戴夫,但我的道行就是比较高。在这类人中,我可是冠军。
Once airborne, and thus able to observe trees to the side of their glide-paths, some of the snakes turned towards them. 一起飞,这些树蛇就可以看到滑行路径两旁的树,一些就转变方向朝树木飞去。
To the night before I was true to go, they began to talk about snakes that infested their gardens, so, I said I shan't go. 直到我要出发的前一天晚上,他们开始聊他们花园里大量出没的蛇,所以,我说我不去了。
A lustful, panting dialogue raced down the pages like a rivulet of snakes, and one felt it had all been decided from eternity. 一段激动的、充满情欲的对话象一条条蛇似的从纸面上蜿蜒而过,使人觉得这一切都象来自永恒的天意。
It might be due to the Halloween weekend, but the above reminds me of the below image. Imagine if Medusa had conodonts instead of snakes. 可能是因为周末是万圣节的关系,上面的图片让我联想到了下面的画面。想象一下,头发不是蛇而是牙形刺的美杜莎。
And the delta has alligators crawling in and out of rivers filled with fish and cypress trees dripping with snakes, birds of every flavor. 短吻鳄在这个三角洲里鱼儿丰富的河流中游荡蛇从柏树的枝头垂下,各种各样的鸟儿在枝头歌唱。
But there's another reason to feel a little uncomfortable: in front of us, just a few feet away, is a basket full of snakes. 普通的瑜伽姿势会让我们不舒服,除了“姿势”的因素以外,那就是就在我们前方几英尺远的地方,有一个装满了蛇的篮子。
Another woman, who found a snake in her Christmas tree, started a petition demanding that Helen get rid of her snakes. 另一位妇女,因为在她的圣诞树上发现了一条蛇,就发起签署一封请愿信的活动,要求海伦不再养蛇。
As I said, it's just like a little snack for him, you know? usually they eat larger snakes like rat snakes, or even cobras. 就像我说过的,毒蛇不过是它的点心。通常它们吃更大的蛇,比如食鼠蛇,甚至是眼镜蛇。
It was a snake skin that had been shed by one of our many garden snakes. 那是一条蛇的蜕皮,我们的花园里有很多蛇。
Garuda personifies the sun, as well as'being the enemy of snakes . 揭路荼赋予太阳以人性化,以及是蛇的天敌。
I felt very proud. Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them. 我感到非常骄傲,终于有个机会让我通过发明一种仁慈的捕蛇工具、同时又不会伤害它们的来表现自己了。
19I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. 我已经给你们权柄可以践踏蛇和蝎子,又胜过仇敌一切的能力,断没有什么能害你们。
Dung beetles in their hundreds in elephant dung. Found 8 chameleons crossing the road over a few days. Also a number of snakes. 大象粪团里有上百只屎壳郎。这几天看见8条变色龙穿过小路。还看到几条蛇。
She looks at her hands, rank hands of a woman, and her bracelet with the golden snakes shines with the evening sun. 她看着她的双手,一双女人成熟的手,她的金蛇的手镯与黄昏之光共同闪耀。
It kills small vertebrates, including venomous snakes, by crushing with its jaws and the weight of its coils, but is not a constrictor. 以小型脊椎动物(包括毒蛇)为食。取食方法为用上下颚咬死或将身体盘起来压死猎物,而不靠身体的缢缩。
China is now the primary market for tiger bone, rhino horn, elephant ivory, live snakes, pangolins and a whole host of wildlife products. 中国如今是虎骨、犀牛角、象牙、活蛇、穿山甲和种种野生动物产品的主要市场。
The mouse and fish up to retinoic acid contained in the body, which is why snakes, cats, bats, rats born to be their natural enemy. 而老鼠和鱼类体内所含的黄酸最多,这也正是为什么蛇、猫、蝙蝠天生都要跟老鼠过不去的原因之一。
When your art creation enters the selfhood state, you will be able to understand birds singing and snakes keeping silence. 当你的艺术创作一旦走进了自我的境地,你便能听得懂鸟的歌唱,蛇的静寂。
She told me that she was frightened of snakes. 她告诉我说她怕蛇。
Already, the skeleton of an enormous conveyor belt snakes out of the refinery and up to the foot of the mountain. 巨大传送带的架子已经从炼铝厂外面一路蜿蜒至大山的山脚。
Even if devoured by the giant beasts, dragon snakes could gnaw through the swamp slug's stomach and burst out of its belly. 即便被这个巨大的怪物吞进腹里,龙蛇也能咬破沼泽蛞蝓的胃破腹而出。
Scientists figure humans may be born with a fear of spiders and snakes, healthy phobias that up the odds of survival in the wild. 科学家指出对于蜘蛛,蛇类的恐惧可能是人与生俱来的,这来自于人类对自身健康的担忧,但是它能提高人类在野外生存的可能性。
Many a man who did not look before he leapt found sharp rocks or even worse, a den of angry snakes. 许多起跳以前不观望四周地势的人,会踩到锐利的石块,甚至愤怒的蛇窝。