so sick

  • 网络受不了;如此厌倦;太恶心

so sickso sick

so sick


such quiet very... ... so reported 特此通报 So Sick 受不了;你的消息;发条芒果;晴果果 Just So 井井有条;正是如此 . ...


100首经典英文歌曲排行榜 -... ... 91 never grow old 永远不会老 92 so sick 如此厌倦 93 Stay 停留 ...


博文_ppttioio_新浪博客 ... ⒓ truely madly deeply 真实、疯狂… ⒒ so sick 太恶心 ⒏ miss independent 独立小姐 ...


求一些好听的英文歌_百度知道 ... Bonny Bonny-Cara Dillon 卡拉·迪伦 So Sick- 尼欧 A PLACE NEARBY - 琳恩玛莲 ...


苏轼so sick)【Tian】☆舔 回答采纳率:17.8% 2009-03-29 12:32 ☆^_^☆ □的感言: GOOD~ 您已经评价过!


500Film实验声场 专注明星歌会 ... (LIKE A VIRGIN 宛如少女) (SO SICK 受够了) (DANCE WIV ME 和我共舞) ...

Hearing this, Tess felt so sick at heart that she could not decide to go home publicly in the fly with her luggage and belongings. 苔丝听了这番话心里感到非常难受,再也下不了决心坐着马车拉着行李杂物公开回家了。
Once upon a time, a blonde became so sick of hearing blonde jokes that she had her hair cut and dyed brown. 从前,一位金发女郎因为厌倦了关于金发女郎的笑话,因此她剪掉自己的长发并染成了棕色。
Wilson was so sick that he looked guilty, unforgivably guilty--as if he had just got some poor girl with child. 威尔逊病得那么厉害,因此看上去好像犯了罪,犯了不可饶恕的罪——仿佛他刚刚把一个可怜的姑娘的肚子搞大了。
However, being with a doctor and a trunk of medicine overshadows this marriage. Is she so sick to get married to a hospital? 但有一位医生和一箱子药作伴,又使这婚姻不免黯然,她果真是如此地多病,要嫁给一所医院么?
When the doctors finally realized why she was so sick, they put her on dialysis, a treatment for her kidneys. 当医生们最终找到了她病情恶化的原因后,他们为她做了肾透析。
She got to crying again and she seemed so much up against it and looked so sick and so worried . 她又哭起来,好象一筹莫展,而且看起来病得很厉害,那么闷闷不乐。
Oh, I know, and my mother was so upset, she called me from the United States. She said you are so sick. 噢,我妈妈非常着急难过,她从美国打电话给我,她说,你病的太重了。
There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. 那个时候的操作这台机器变得如此可恶的,会令你生病时心里、使你不能参加。
A blonde became so sick of hearing blonde jokes that she had her hair dyed brown. 一位金发女郎听烦了金发女郎的笑话,她把自己头发染成棕色。
You mentioned that you got so sick of eating chicken breasts and salads and you would not exercise ever again. . . 你曾说过厌倦吃鸡胸肉和沙拉,也不想再像以前锻练…
then got so sick himself that the tree doctor had to give steve a haircut that made him look like a big thumb. 那之后,他病了。病得那么重,我们只好请给树看病的医生来给斯蒂夫理了个发。后来他看上去就像一个光秃秃的的大拇指一样。
Sandy was so sick that she threw up all over the bathroom floor. 三滴病了,吐了洗手间一地。
I'm so sick of the word "good" ; it is so stale and vapid! “善”这个词令我十分恶心;它是如此陈腐,如此索然无味!
I hope I will able to return to Bangkok and this hotel to make up for all I missed by being so sick. 我希望群我有机会能够重返泰国和这个酒店,补回我在生病时失去的一切。
She's always telling me how her boyfriend is so well-to-do and buys her everything and anything, it just makes me so sick! 她总是跟我说她的男朋友多么的富有,给她买所有的这样跟那样的东西,真是让我觉得反感!
Two years ago, I was in the middle of treatment for leukemia and I felt so sick I really thought I was going to die. 两年前,我正接受白血病治疗,感觉太差了,以为自己真的就要死了。
''It's so sick, '' she says of the subplot, wondering about the reaction. ''I hope we get away with it. '' “太恶心了,”她谈到这个情节时,想知道观众的反应如何,“希望这个能撑过去。”
This is so sick! ! Gonna come out in theatre's Worldwide Valentine's 2011! ! ! I'm taking this thing worldwide thanks to u all! ! Hyped! ! 这真是太棒了!!将会于2011年情人节在电影院上映!!我把这件事告诉你们谢谢你们!!宣传起来!!
It also made her so sick, that in the fall of 2008, she was hospitalized for about a month. 就这样,她非常虚弱,在2008年秋天她住了大约一个月的院。
The 51-year-old woman was so sick she had to be taken to the hospital, in tears all the way, paramedics said. 这位51岁的房主反应非常严重,不得不把她送到医院,一路上她一直在流泪,护理人员说。
Lead, said the village cadres migration of water has been detected escherichia coli, but now overweight people in water, so sick. 带路的移民干部说,这个村的饮用水曾被检测出大肠杆菌超标,可如今换了水源,人还是照样得病。
The woman is so sick that she cannot look after herself. 这个女人病的太重,不能照顾自己。
We don't usually accept late applications, but since you were so sick I'll make an exception. 我们一般不会接受迟到的求职信,但是因为你病的很严重所以我们会破例一次。
There were days when I wished that I were dead so that I would not have to feel so sick. 在那些日子里,我但愿死去,以便我不会受到这么大的痛苦。
The patient is so sick that I'm afraid she'll die on me. 这病人病情如此严重,我怕她会在我当班的时候死去。
I'm so sick today that I couldn't walk as far as the kitchen, let alone go to the zoo with you. 我今天病得连厨房那么远都走不动,更不用说陪你逛动物园了。
I'm so sick of the crazy consumerism on Black Friday; I think I'll just wait for Cyber Monday this year. “黑色星期五”的购物潮真让我抓狂,我想我今年还是等待“网络星期一”吧。
We all suffered with Tray on days he had just come from chemo and was so sick he couldn't go 10 minutes without a trip to the bathroom. Tray接受化疗的那几天,看着他病得那么严重,每隔10分钟就要去一趟洗手间,我们都感到难受极了。
I am so sick of people taking their in securities out on me. 我非常厌倦这些妒忌我的人。
I was so sick, achy and bedridden that I realized all my other bouts with "flu" were really just bad colds or upper respiratory infections. 当我很不舒服,感到很痛,卧病在床时我才明白自己以前和“感冒”做的斗争其对象都是着凉或上呼吸道疾病。