so young

  • 网络致我们终将逝去的青春;如此年轻;致青春

so youngso young

so young


全球新片 - 资料库 - Mtime时光网 ... 同谋 Conspirators 致我们终将逝去的青春 So Young 遗落战境 Oblivion ...


谁有英文歌_百度知道 ... you can trust in me 你可以信任我哦 so young 如此年轻 negative things 坏事 ...


天下女人之20130507:致青春(So Young) 赵薇(Vicki Zhao)自爆没有初恋by hervillage 1,339 views 47:34 天下女人 20130416 …


Clémence St Preux_百度百科 ... 《Who will know》( 谁会知道) 《So young》( 太年轻) 《Sans Defanse》( 没有防备) ...


... She is my everything 她是我的一切 So young,so gone 如此的年轻,如此的堕落 At least we loved. 至少,我们曾经爱过 ...


老歌回放_Page2_中国英语网 ... summer whisper 夏末呢喃 So Young 年轻真好 Could I Have This Kiss Forever 《可否永留此 …


跪求《理发师陶德》中所有歌剧的... ... And she would fall,so soft 她掉进恶毒的圈套 So young, 她是如此年轻 So lost, 如此迷惑 ...

The attempt has provoked a debate in the country about whether someone so young should be allowed to try such a dangerous feat. 她的这一尝试激起了澳大利亚举国大讨论,人们争论这么年轻的少女是否应被允许进行如此危险的航行壮举。
We will all feel cheated always that you were taken from us so young, and yet we must learn to be grateful that you came along at all. 我们都感觉受骗总是你离开我们这么年轻,但我们必须学会感恩,因为你走了过来。
Whether a Buddha is a man or a woman, young or not so young, a Buddha is always very pleasant and fresh. 不管佛是男是女,年轻或年老,佛总是让人觉得非常愉悦清新。
"So young, " said Wyman Manderly. "Though mayhaps this was a blessing. Had he lived, he would have grown up to be a Frey. " “真是年轻,”怀曼·曼德利说。“但这也算因祸得福,若他长大了,他得长成一个弗雷。”
He has shown remarkable ability for a player so young, and is often touted in the media as "the new Diego Maradona" . 作为一个如此年轻的球员,他已经展现出了非凡的能力,而媒体则通常将他誉为“新迭戈·马拉多纳”。
Being so young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor. He thought he was going to die after he gave his blood to his sister. 小男孩太小了,误解了医生的意思。以为他把自己的血液输给了他妹妹,自己就会死掉。
"How, " said the Rector; "So young, and already unfortunate enough to have doubts upon the duties of religion! " “怎么!”教区长说,“这么年轻,不幸居然怀疑起宗教的职能来了。”
Did Anita Mui kill him by dying so young and so tragically just a few months prior leading to the heart overload? 是梅艳芳几个月前先走一步使他悲恸万分心力超载从而害死了他吗?
He was still so young at that point (21) that I even think he might have been a little awe-struck at everything. 他当时还是非常年轻的(21岁),我甚至认为他所做到的事情领你肃然起敬。
For one so young there was a rather strange power in him of seeing things in some sort of proportion. 年纪尽管这样轻,他却有一种权衡事情轻重的异常能力。
But I feel so young, I'm 35 and I haven't reached the peak of my performance yet and I can use all my experience for that. 但我感到还年轻,我35岁了还没有到达我职业的巅峰,我能运用我的经验来适应。
I'll fly to a whole new world, A wondrous place for you and me. Our dreams are so young, Without you, seem my days so long. 我要飞向那崭新的世界,属于你与我的神奇之地。我们的梦想还那么年轻,没有你的日子漫长难挨。
Our teacher is often taken for a student because he looks so young. 我们老师看起来很年轻,所以常被误认为是学生。
Fairfax: You know how much I like you. Jane, but. . . You are so young. . . and little acquainted with men. 你清楚我有多么喜欢你。可是,Jane…你过于年轻了…也不熟悉男人。
Social networking, it seems to me, is the biggest separator of the young from the not-so-young. 在我看来,社交是年轻人与不那么年轻的人之间最大的分水岭。
I have read your novels but I didn't think you could be so young. After having read your novel, I expected that you would be older. 我读过你的小说但是没料到你这么年轻。
When she was 15, she had an arranged marriage with Mr. Arif but didn't move in with him for another two years because she was so young. 在她15岁那年,她被安排嫁给阿瑞夫,但由于当时她还太年轻,直到两年后才搬去和他同住。
It must be terribly hard for anyone so young to have so many official responsibilities and also carry on as a wife and a mother. 对一个年轻女人来说,既要身兼多项公职,同时又要做一名贤妻良母,一定是十分困难的。
Interestingly, the teacher is always mistaken for a student, because he looks so young from his appear. 有趣的是,那位老师常被误认为是学生,因为他的外貌很年轻
China Business Morning: Which is to say that your mother made you adapt to the discrimination. How can you stand it as you are so young? 华商晨报:也就是说,你母亲让你去适应这种歧视,你还那么小,能受得了这个吗?
I'm young in war, but not so young as to stand on an open beach to be shot down like an owl, by daylight. 我打仗没经验,可还没嫩到象只夜猫子,大白天站在光秃秃的湖滩地上,让人用枪打死。
Mixed with her fear for him was a total admiration: that he had learned so young, so much. 她一面为他担惊受怕,一面又对他钦佩得五体投地:他竟这么年轻好学,见多识广。
That he had been crucified so young, before his mother's eyes, was even more revolting. 他那么年轻就在他母亲眼前被人给钉在十字架上,可真够骇人的了。
Chloe and Logan are both so young that it's likely they'll have no direct memories of me. 克娄依和娄更太小了,应该无法对我留下什么直接的记忆。
You are so young and yet you have taken on all this responsibility and faced many obstacles. What motivates you? 你年纪这么轻,但你已经承担起所有这些责任并且还要面对很多障碍。你的动力是什么?
They could not recall seeing such a nasty case of the flu, particularly in a child so young. 他们从来没有见过这样可怕的流感病例,尤其是发生在这么年幼的孩子身上。
Being so young you've achieved a career in the NBA and helping out the community with your foundation. What would be your next goal in life? 在这么年轻的时候你就已经在NBA有了自己的事业,还创办了个人基金来帮助社区。那么你人生的下一个目标是什么?
Her mother said, "I worry so much about my child, she is so young to have an operation. " 她的妈妈表示:“我非常担心我的孩子,她要动手术还是太小了。”
Her Ladyship had dreamed that her little daughter, who had died so young, had been tied up with red bands and was going to be killed. 原来夫人梦见了夭折的小女儿正被红绑绳捆着要被杀掉。
Last week I lost one of my best friends . . . It broke my heart because he was such a genius and so young and has two wonderful children. 上周,我失去了我最好的朋友之一,这让我心碎,他是个音乐天才,却走得太早,留下了两个孩子。