
美 [ˈsʌpləmənt]英 [ˈsʌplɪmənt]
  • v.补充;增补
  • n.补遗;增补(物);补充(物);添加物
  • 网络增刊;附录;副刊

复数:supplements 现在分词:supplementing 过去式:supplemented

supplement earnings,supplement diet


n. v.

1.增补(物);补充(物);添加物a thing that is added to sth else to improve or complete it

2.(报纸的)增刊an extra separate section, often in the form of a magazine, that is sold with a newspaper

3.~ (to sth)(书籍的)补编,补遗,附录a book or a section at the end of a book that gives extra information or deals with a special subject

4.额外费用,附加费(尤指度假服务的)an amount of money that you pay for an extra service or item, especially in addition to the basic cost of a holiday/vacation


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... chemical n 化学制品;化学药品 supplement n 补充 fit adj 健康的;适合的 ...


增_百度百科 ... 增殖〖 breed;reproduce〗 增刊supplement(toanewspaperorperiodical)〗 同本义〖 increase;gain;add〗 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... implement n 工具 supplement n 增补,补充 plenty n 大量,丰富 ...


单证常用的英文(包括数量单位) ... str. steamer 轮船 supp. supplement 补遗;附录;补充 T. ton 吨 ...


单证常用的英文(包括数量单位) ... str. steamer 轮船 supp. supplement 补遗;附录;补充 T. ton 吨 ...


副_百度百科 ... 副教授[ adjunct professor;associate professor] 副刊[ supplement] 副流感[ parainfluenza] ...


赵丽——GRE词汇课 - 豆丁网 ... complement 补充 supplement 补充物 supplementary angle 补角 ...


问题一:小梳打粉(碳酸氢钠)能否与营养补充剂supplement)一同服用?问题二:以看太阳为食物前,吃营养补充剂及服 …

Since the FDA considers it a non-prescription dietary supplement, it has no drug-like side effects. HGF is safe and non-toxic. 既然美国食品和药物管理局把人类生长因子视为非处方膳食补充剂,它是没有药物副作用的。
You can pay a full-board supplement. . . but for heaven's sake don't do that . . . you see it's a bit dull eating in the hotel all the time. 你可以全包饭…..但看在上帝的面上,别那么做……你知道,总是在旅馆里吃饭有点儿死气沉沉。
The Price is for one place in twin share room incl . Breakfast , please take notice of the single room supplement . 入住酒店双人标准间含自助早餐,请注意入住单人间需另外增加费用。
"It's a no-brainer for me, Michael Owen's got to be in there, even now, " Beasley said on The Sunday Supplement. 这对我来说是个傻瓜都知道的问题,即使是现在,欧文也应该在名单内。
"The cost of living is too high now and you cannot live on $194 a week even with the maximum accommodation supplement, " she said. 生活成本太高了,你不可能靠每周194新元来过活,哪怕得到最高的住房补贴。
Two months ago, a sympathizer gave a full account of my poor life in a long article to Guangzhou Republic Daily supplement. 两个月以前,一个同情我的上海朋友寄稿到广州《民国日报》的副刊,说了许多关于我的生活的话。
Mr Perrier says Japanese clients want investment products that pay a regular income, which is often used to supplement their pensions. 皮埃尔表示,日本客户属意提供固定收益的投资产品,往往把这种产品作为养老金的补充。
He needed to talk about what you needed to do to supplement your belief that God exists with pursuing justice toward the poor. 他得说,你要做什么来补充你的信仰,相信上帝一直赋予穷人正义。
As studies have come out promoting chocolate as a supplement to a healthy diet, the chocolate diet has come out as well. 巧克力减肥法:随着学生们提出倡导巧克力作为一个健康饮食的补充,巧克力减肥法也应运而生。
The utility model relates to an air supplement device of a medical infusion apparatus. 本实用新型涉及一种医用输液器补气装置。
To a great extent, it depends on the validity of classroom assessment whether CFA can be an effective supplement to standardized testing. 课堂形成性评估能否作为终结性标准化测试的有效补充,在很大程度上取决于评估的效度。
If it's not possible to arrange in-person testing, online tests could be an easy-to-access supplement to the assessment interview. 如果不可能安排面对面的检查,那么在线检查可能是对这种评估性谈话的一个容易使用的补充。
She said her husband has been sick for the passes few years and unable to work to supplement her income. 她还说她的丈夫这几年一直在生病,因此没有工作能力以补充她的收入。
Food supplements are intended to supplement the diet and should not be regarded as a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. 食物补充意欲补充饮食,并且不应该看待,各种各样的饮食和一种健康生活方式的一个替补。
People - especially in the north - see this a lot - regardless of how much calcium they supplement. 尤其是北方的人们会更多地看到隆背--先不管提供了多少钙质。
Since many classes meet after regular business hours, interested IT pros may be able to supplement their day jobs with a teaching role. 由于许多课程都是在正常上班时间之后开设的,感兴趣的IT专业人员在干完日常工作后扮演一下教师的角色。
generally from 4 to 6 months, the children began to add food supplement, to supplement the lack of nutrients in breast milk. 一般为4至6个月,孩子们开始添加补充食品,以补充母乳中营养缺乏。
appropriate reminder as a supplement, both the children face, but also to give the child a certain degree of psychological experience. 适当的提醒作为补充,既给孩子面子,也要让孩子有一定的心理体验。
Something added or to be added, especially a supplement to a book. 补遗,补篇,附录:加上或被加上的物品,特别是书本的补充。
Vitamin C Bioflavonoids (not ascorbic acid) strengthen the walls of the small blood vessels. It may be a helpful supplement for you. 维生素C生物类黄酮(不是抗坏血酸)可以加强小血管壁。这可能对你有益。
The legend of so-called silver ghosts' watching for treasures, just a variant and supplement to above all, also belong to a foreign one. 关于“银伥”看守金银的信奉,也当是上述掘宝民俗同一故事的别种说法,及其逆向思维和补充。
At this point you can eat supplement qi and blood of the longan, red dates, fruit, beef, nuts and other foods, good for the body! 此时可以吃些补气血的桂圆,红枣、水果,牛肉,坚果等食品,对身体有益处!
It used to be most of the scientific world was against most types of supplement. That has changed over the last 15 years. 我们曾一度反对大多数类型的补品,但在过去15年里这发生了改变。
These biscuits are specially blended to be a high-protein and high-energy food supplement in a dry, easy-to-distribute form. 这些点心经过特殊混和,制成干燥的易分发的高蛋白质和高能量的食品。
Even if you can't eat like a health nut all the time, at least you'll get most of your necessary vitamins with the help of a supplement. 即使你不能像一个很注重养生的人一样时时都吃维生素,至少也用通过补充获取大部分必要的维生素。
At least twice a week, supplement aerobic exercise with weight-bearing activities that target all major muscles. 至少两周一次,要用旨在锻炼所有主要肌肉的负重运动来补充有氧运动。
At the time, he said, the government allowed army personnel to do business on the side as a way to supplement their income. 当时,他说,政府允许军队人员做生意的一方,以此来补充其收入。
Later they heard that the Chinese alligator seems to be to supplement the energy in the sun, later on the only full strength activities. 后来听说它们说扬子鳄好像是在晒太阳来补充能量,等一会精力充分了才有力气活动。
As an important supplement to such a trading regime, regional economic integration should be vigorously promoted. 作为多边贸易体制的重要补充,积极推进区域经济一体化进程。
This off-line system can be used to supplement in -line filters when adequate turnover cannot be achieved in the system. 这个离线系统,可以用来在线补液过滤器,当有足够的营业额就不可能实现在系统中。