soak up

  • v.吸取
  • 网络吸收;摄取;吸收摄取

第三人称单数:soaks up 现在分词:soaking up 过去式:soaked up

soak upsoak up

soak up


带up的词组以及例句_百度知道 ... snarl up 使缠结;把...弄得一团糟 soak up 吸收,摄取 sober up 从酒醉中清醒过来,酒醒 ...


带up的词组以及例句_百度知道 ... snarl up 使缠结;把...弄得一团糟 soak up 吸收,摄取 sober up 从酒醉中清醒过来,酒醒 ...


吃透职场美剧《丑女贝蒂》第110期:我让你们实现... ... 8. know nothing about: 对......一无所知 9. soak up吸取,摄取 ...


从7月开始看希望英语的_百度知道 ... 很好的适应了- be well-suited to 吸收摄取- soak up 食草的- herbivore ...


Ugly... ... You probably need it to soak up the booze. probably: 可能 soak up: 大量而迅速地吸取 soak: 浸透,吸收液体 ...


一起游欧洲吧! - 第2期 伦敦,我的爱!... ... feasts for the eyes 大饱眼福 soak up 沉浸,浸泡 start clicking 开始 ...

It is a great place to soak up the atmosphere even if you do not want to see a performance. 就算你其实并不想看演出,到那里去感受一下氛围,也是很不错的。
That said, the Fed cannot be certain that paying interest will work as planned, so it would also like to be able to soak up some reserves. 联储并不确定支付利息会像预想的一样奏效,所以想要吸纳一些储备。
It was pretty heady stuff for a 15 year old, but he loved it and worked hard to soak up every bit of what he taught into his game. 这对一个15岁的球员来说是很难理解的东西,但是扎克很喜欢这个并努力吸取他教导的每一个细节。
Where fishermen once set out to sea, now travellers stop to soak up the sun which bakes the sandy shores. 渔夫们曾经出海的地方现在成了游客们停下来进行日光浴的场所,这里的沙滩被太阳炙烤着。
That powder is able to soak up gases, which combine with the water molecules to produce a hydrate. 这样的粉末能够吸收气体,与水分子结合在一起生成水合物。
He said, "The skin acts like a sponge. It's the last defense before anything enters the body. It evolved to soak up impurities. " 他说,“鱼皮的作用就像是海绵。它是阻止任何物质进入到体内的最后的防线。它的作用是吸收杂质。”
The brain is acting a bit like a sponge; it can soak up new information and change to make room for it, a concept known as plasticity. 大脑就像是一块海绵,它能吸收新的信息,并作出改变为其腾出空间,这就是大家熟知的“可塑性”。
Absorbent booms and pads are being used to soak up oil floating on the surface or clinging to plants, boats and structures. 我们还采用了可以吸油的栅栏和垫板,来吸收漂浮在海面上和附着在植物表面、船只底部和建筑上的油污。
And once you've done all that, just sit back, relax and soak up all the praise for your newfound football savvy. 一旦你做了这一切,只是坐下来,放松和享受您的新发现的足球悟性各界的好评。
State giants soak up capital and talent that might have been used better by private companies. 国企巨头们大量吸引的资本和人才本可以被私营企业更好地利用。
His eyes were closed, as if the king of this domain were taking a nap, stretched in the sun to soak up the long-awaited warmth of spring. 它闭着眼睛,神态安详,这片领地的“国王”仿佛只是睡着了一样,躺在阳光里享受着这漫长的等待之后温暖的春天。
Soak up in a tub for an hour and two and shut yourself away from the outside world. 在浴盆里泡上一到两小时,将自己关上,远离外面的世界。
Perhaps you could soak up the sun on the sand beaches or view some beautiful landscapes. 也许你会去做日光浴,或参观风景名胜。
China's regulators are encouraging foreign-listed Chinese companies to list domestically to help soak up the excess liquidity. 中国监管当局鼓励海外上市的中国公司在内地上市,以帮助吸收过量流动资金。
To fight aid-induced inflation, countries have to issue bonds to soak up the subsequent glut of money swamping the economy. 为了防止援助造成的通货膨胀,这些国家不得不颁布法规立即吸取过剩的资金以免经济形势失去控制。
Idealistic, rights-oriented campaigns soak up some of the energy that used to go into old-fashioned liberal politics. 理想主义右倾者吸纳了这些通常投身于守旧自由主义政治团体的部分活力。
China's government, which owns majority stakes in almost all domestic banks, will soak up a significant portion of that. 预计作为几乎所有本土银行大股东的中国政府将出资吸纳相当大一部分股权。
When carbon dioxide from the power stations is mixed with water, the algae soak up much of it, using it as a nutrient. 当把从发电厂排放出来的二氧化碳溶入水中时,藻类能把绝大部分二氧化碳当作养料而吸收,从而茁壮生长。
I will never fully soak up in any lovely song resonant with pretty emotions; I don't understand the half of it. 我将永远无法理解那些充满精妙感情的歌曲;一半都不了解。
Place your vines over a southeast- to south west-facing slope therefore their- leaves can soak up equally as much sunshine as can be. 放在一个东南向南向西阴坡因此它们的,同样的叶子可以吸收阳光尽可能多的可以成为你的葡萄。
Most Australians love to soak up the rays hoping for a great summer tan. But, while it may look healthy, it can pose a real health risk. 大多数澳大利亚人为了拥有漂亮的古铜肤色而暴晒太阳,尽管这看上去很健康,但是却会埋下真正的健康隐患。
Let's take a minute to soak up the cultural import of this event. 让我们用一分钟时间来吸收这个事件的文化意义吧。
Up on Athens, Normandy and Sparrow Hawk, the Royal Marines like to soak up the sun during lulls in the fighting. 在“雅典”、“诺曼底”与“食雀鹰”山头之上,战事间歇时,皇家海军陆战队员喜欢沉浸在阳光中。
If a sheep should slip into a river or stream its wool would soon soak up the water and become completely saturated. 如果羊不小心掉进河里或溪里,它身上的毛会迅速吸收水分,全身都被浸透。
The control rods soak up the neutrons that mediate the chain reaction which produces most of a reactor's energy, shutting it down. 控制棒会吸收路子减慢链式反应,降低核反应的能量释放,进而关掉反应堆。
One reason that politicians created an independent central bank was to soak up the blame for economic pain. 政治家之所以创建独立的央行,原因之一就是为了让它承担经济问题的罪责。
Contemporary art today is like a layer of oil floating on water- it will not dissolve into or soak up the water. 现在的这些当代艺术就像是漂在水面上的一层浮油,沉不下去,也溶化不了。
Since the beginning of last year, China has raised the bank reserve requirement nine times to soak up liquidity. 自去年始,中国已九次上调存款准备金率,以回收流动性。
The Helsinki model even has a decking area where homeowners can sit and soak up the sun. 这个赫尔辛基式模型甚至还有一块房前休息区,房主可以坐在这里,享受阳光的沐浴。
We lay blankets out to try and soak up the water, and some of us were up until 3 am clearing up. 我们摊开毛毯,希望把水吸走,有些团员一直清理到凌晨3点。