have to do with

  • na.和…有关系
  • 网络与…有关;和……有关系;与…有关系

have to do withhave to do with

have to do with


大学英语四级常用词组 ... have to 不得不;必须 have to do with 与…有关;和…打交道 head for 朝…方向走去 ...


短语动词 - 豆丁网 ... have on 穿着 have to do with 和…..有关系 hear form 接到…..的信,从…..听到 ...


最常用英... ... have time off 放假,休息 have to do with 与……有关系 have two strikes against oneself 处于不利或危险的境地 ...


专升本英语词汇资料 - 豆丁网 ... do sb a favor 帮某人忙 11、 have to do with 和……有关 12、 after all 毕竟 13、 ...


Carácter -... ... 若干[ several] 相干[ be concerned with;have to do with] 何干[ have nothing to do with (sb./sth.)] ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... have to 不得不;必须 have to do with 与…有关;和…打交道 head for 朝…方向走去 ...

Or more to the point: What does the price of Greek bonds have to do with the IPO of a web startup? 或者更直接点:希腊国债价格和互联网新创企业的IPO有什么关系?
And if you think to yourself, how far away is that? What does that star have to do with me? That's Science. 你自己在思考,星星距我有多远?那些星星和我有什么关系?这也都是科学。
The three lessons that have had the greatest impact on my life have to do with feelings, with failure and with finding happiness. 这对我人生有极大影响得三课分别是:感觉、失败、找寻快乐。
"What do we have to do with Syria? " he said. "The prime minister and his wife used to go there for tea and coffee. " “我们和叙利亚究竟有什么关系?”他说,“不过是我们的总理夫妇去那里喝过茶和咖啡而已。”
Now you know how thickness and weight are measured, but what does that number have to do with quality? 现在你知道厚度和重量如何被测量,但是那数字跟品质有什麽关系?
Both the foregoing rules concern the form of Scripture; the next four have to do with its matter and content. 上面两个原则与《圣经》的形式有关;下面四个原则是关乎《圣经》的题目与内容。
what does nearsightedness have to do with you working yourself to death on your job ? 为什么?近视跟你工作卖命有什么关系?
How much does this downgrade have to do with Congress' recent fight over the federal debt ceiling? 这次的降级与最近国会关于联邦债务上限的争议有多大关系?
Can we say that the concrete facts and specific targets have to do with only a few individuals? 所谓具体事实、具体对象,能不能解释为只是针对个别的人呢?
What does all this have to do with you? 所有这些跟你有什么关系?。
What does pure, creamy frozen yogurt have to do with monsters and the underworld? Everything, in the case of Devil Yogurt and its website. 什么是纯粹的奶油冻酸奶都与怪物和黑社会?一切,在其网站上魔鬼酸奶和案件。
What does this all have to do with health, you may be thinking? We'll get to that in a minute. 也许你会产生疑问,这与健康有什么必然联系呢?我们马上就会揭晓答案。
John, how do you know all of this? About the machines? The war? And what do you have to do with it? 你怎么知道这些的?关于机器?战争?和你有什么关系吗?
And the reason may have to do with the age of those homes. Dave Statter explains - in this case, newer isn't always better. 而原因可能与这些房子的年龄有关。戴夫·斯达特解释说-在这种情况下,新的并不总是更好。
It might have to do with my monthly menstrual cycle has the very big relations. 这或许跟我每月的生理周期有很大关系。
What does all that retailing and wrapping paper have to do with peace on earth? 购物、包装纸与地球平安有关系吗?
They think they might have to do with the leak in underground natural gas line. 他们认为可能与地下天然气管道泄漏有关。
These might have to do with things like prior art and tips on writing better patents. 这些标记可能与诸如现有技术和有关编写更好的专利申请的技巧等事情有关。
They suspected it might have to do with trust and emotional attachment. 他们怀疑这可能和信任与感情归属有关系。
Michael: So kill him! What does all this have to do with me? 那就杀了他吧。这一切跟我有什么关系?
Some of you will find this emotionally challenging, as most of the information received will have to do with karma repair. 你们有些人会遭遇到情感方面的挑战,就像许多讯息里提到需要修复业力。
By now you're thinking, what the hell does a seagull have to do with wine? Hang on, we're getting to the point quickly now. 到现在你可能在想,这破海鸥和葡萄酒有什么关系呢?别急,你很快就知道了。
Garland, a doctoral student at the University of Queensland in Australia, said the reasons probably have to do with sex. 加兰,澳大利亚昆士兰大学的一位博士生说原因大概要从性的角度找。
'More of the problems have to do with the fact that China is a large, ungainly, rapidly moving animal that's hard to measure. ' 他说,问题更多的是与这样一个事实有关:中国是一只庞大、笨拙、行动迅速、难以衡量的动物。
It may have to do with the fact that they tend to father children until a later age, which keeps them active. 这也许和他们倾向于更晚的当爸爸有关,因为这样会让他们保持精力充沛。
SPIEGEL: Do the donations also have to do with the fact that the idea of state and society is such different one in the United States? 明镜周刊:是不是捐赠要依据国家和社会的现实情况,毕竟我们和美国有很大的区别。
Please put the matter right at once, letting us know what we have to do with the unsold balance of 50 dozen watches. 请尽快处理该事件,并告知如何处理尚未出售的50打手表。
Define natural monopoly. What does the size of a market have to do with whether an industry is a natural monopoly? 什么是自然垄断,市场规模大小与某个行业是否是自然垄断有何关联?
Basically, they want you to only ask questions that have to do with learning a language. 基本上他们要你只问语言学习相关的问题。
But some of these projects clearly also have to do with the problem of conserving cultural tradition. 但是一些方案很清楚是和保护文化传统的问题有关。