hear from

  • na.得到…的消息
  • 网络收到……的来信;收到……来信;收到…的信

第三人称单数:hears from 现在分词:hearing from 过去式:heard from

hear fromhear from

hear from


仁爱英语八年级下册单词_百度文库 ... sth. 期望做某事 hear from 收到……的来信 as soon as 一……就…… ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... suffer from 受……苦 hear from 收到……来信 die from 因……而死 ...


英语音标知识(3) ... fear 害怕;恐惧 hear from 收到...的信 here and there 到处 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hear of 听到,听说 hear from 接到…的信 at heart 在内心里;实质上 ...


英语学习基本词汇 - 豆丁网 ... hear 听见 hear from 收到某人来信 hear of 听别人说 ...


仁爱英语八年级下册词组汇集 ... 在校门口 at the school gate 收到某人的来信 hear from 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth. ...


电话英语 ... look forward to 渴望 hear from 收……的来信 decent a.1. 正派的;端庄的 ...

It is so nice to hear from her. Believe it or not, we last met more than thirty years ago. 很高兴收到她的来信,信不信由你,我们最后一次见面是在三十多年前。
Thanks for your message. You're right, it would be great to hear from more SW listeners in Malaysia and around the continent! 感谢您的消息。您说得对,它将会收到更多马来西亚及大陆周围短波收听者的来信!
After the blast, which itself was quite loud, there wasn't any sound to speak of, at least not that I could hear from so far away. 爆炸声很大,但是事后谈论它的声音并不大,至少不如我在遥远的其他地方听到的那么大。
But if the wife did not hear from her husband for three years, she had the right to marry again. 但是妻子如果三年听不到她丈夫的音信,便有权再结婚。
as if she's genuinely thrilled to hear from me, and I've really noticed what a difference it makes on my feelings of warmth toward her. 仿佛听见我时很兴奋,而且,我实实在在地注意到了这对我的对她温暖感受上的带来的差异。
I hear from Icelandic writers and artists that Berlin is the place to be, or at least visit for a while. 我从冰岛作家与艺术家那里听说,柏林是,或者至少应该是值得一去的地方。
I've wrote lats of letters to. . . , but I didn't hear from him, will you help me to ask him about this? 我写过很多信给…,但他并没有回信,能不能帮我问一下。
As I travel across the country, I continue to hear from Americans who want Washington to take its' hands off of their health care. 在我走访全国各地时,我不断听到美国人希望华盛顿当局不要插手他们的健康保险。
I didn't hear from David for two years, but last fall he called and said he might have found the right client for us. 我没有听到大卫两年,但去年秋天,他打来电话,说他可能已经找到了适合我们的客户。
The radio talk shows were pushing it hard, and moderates were beginning to hear from anti-Clinton activists in their home districts. 电台访谈节目又一直在鼓噪,温和派议员开始听到来自家乡选区的反克林顿活动活跃分子的呼声。
You've got to get out and hear from the entrepreneurs and business owners doing the producing, innovating and hiring in our economy. 我们必须要从办公室里走出来,听取企业家和企业主们谈论他们的生产经营情况,他们公司的革新内容,以及他们的招聘计划。
If there are other tips that you know of, that have been effective in your environment, we would love to hear from you. 如果您知道其他的,在您的环境中有效的技巧,我们希望收到您的来信。
Every time I write to you and I also expect to hear from you. but always get me disappointed. 每次给你写信。我都会非常期待你的回复。但是一次次的失望。
Newcastle hope to hear from Liverpool and Arsenal within the next 10 days after accepting that Jose Enrique needs to leave. 在接受何塞·恩里克的转会申请后,纽卡斯尔希望在接下来的10天听取来自利物浦和阿森纳的报价。
Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. Hoping to hear from you soon. 请向我保证你将会依此采取行动正如我的规定。
He never acknowledged (receipt of) our letter. But even so we know he was pleased to hear from us. 他从没收到我们的信。但是尽管这样,他听我们告诉他后,他还是很高兴的。
At the bottom of the hour, we're going to hear from the former head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 而在最后,我们将听到美国国家公路交通安全管理局前负责人的言论。
If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time. 对此约定如不来信,我将认为于这个时间打电话是方便的。
Bill, I am glad to hear from you! I've been at it day and night. . . looking over the records. 比尔,我很高兴得到你的消息!我这些天都忙着核对那些账目报表,
And therefore You knew what I would need to hear - from Your Word - to be convinced of Your love for me. 因此你知道我想要从你的话语中听到什么来确信你爱我。
Lo, if you hear from him or see him, Just please keep him away from me at all costs. I'm worried what he might do. 如果你见到他或者听到他说什么,请不惜任何代价让他离我远点。谁知道他会做出什么事来。
And I haven't got any message of receipt to the gift. I'm still waiting to hear from her. 我还有收到关于礼物的任何消息。我还在等着她的回信。
I was happy to hear from her, though her tone was a little ominous. 我很高兴收到她的来信,尽管她的腔调让人有点不祥的预感。
What was she happy for? Sam: She was very happy to hear from her boyfriend. 简:她为什么高兴?山姆:收到男朋友的来信她很高兴。
When you hear from them, use the opportunity to ask questions about their experience and the company culture. 当你和他们联系上时,借助这个机会询问他们的经验和公司文化方面的问题。
They were the last words she was to hear from him for a long time. 这是她很久以来听到他说的最后一句话。
A Ghanaian family took him in temporarily, and Kwasi waited in vain to hear from his aunt. 一个加纳家庭暂时收留了他。夸西等待姨母的消息,可杳无音信。
Thank you for your email- it was so great to hear from you after all this time, and I am sorry I have not kept in contact until now. 谢谢你的EMAIL,隔了这么就还能够收到你的来信真是太好了,很抱歉我一直没能联系你。
Mom: It was so nice to hear from you at Christmas! May youth, good health and happiness be always with you. 妈:圣诞节收到您的来信真高兴!愿青春,健康和幸福永远伴随着您。
Let me know if you find any interesting news stories you think should be shared with others here. I'd love to hear from you. 如果你发现任何有趣的新闻故事,你觉得可以和别人在此分享都可以告诉我,我非常乐意读一读来自你的文章。