hold on to

  • na.赖着不走
  • 网络坚持;紧紧抓住;抓住不放

第三人称单数:holds on to 现在分词:holding on to 过去式:held on to

hold on tohold on to

hold on to


九年级英语单词表_百度知道 ... conclusion 结论 hold on to 继续;坚持 come true 实现 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold on 握住不放;坚持下去 hold on to 紧紧抓住;控制,克制 hold oneself in 尽力不叫 ...


考博英语词汇 ... hold in 抑制(情绪等),控制住 hold on to 抓住不放 hold out 坚持要求;坚持到底;守住;提出;伸出; ...


各类英语词汇_百度文库 ... hold out 坚持(抵抗)维持 hold on to 抓住 保持 不放弃 hold up 举起 11. ...


高中上海新世纪版资料列表_课件中心 ... power switch 电源开关 3.hold on to 抓牢,抓紧 4.one-fourth 四分之一 ...


英语动词短语归类_百度知道 ... hold the line 不挂电话 hold on to sth 坚持某事 hold on to doing sth 坚持干某事 ...


English words_日坛中学吧_百度贴吧 ... pull up 把……往上拽 hold on to 保有;寻找支持和援助 get on one’s feet 站起来 ...

Manchester United had always been the likely destination and it had seemed Everton would hold on to Rooney for an extra season. 曼联一直是足球精英们最向往的家,而埃弗顿似乎想再留鲁尼一个赛季。
But just then he was doing, I believe, what I was trying to do: hold on to our lives despite this awful error in judgment. 但就在这时,他在干什么,我相信,我要怎样做:在我们的生活,尽管持有这种可怕的错误判断。
They are scrambling to hold on to policies and trying to radicalise things in an effort to affect a moratorium on the crisis. 他们挣扎着坚持自己的策略,试图激进地应对危机,努力促成延期偿付(暂停)。
In his opinion, college grads need to hold on to their first job for at least a year. 在他看来,高校毕业生在第一个工作岗位上至少要坚持一年时间。
Already it is declining and their frustration is showing as they hit out as a last desperate attempt to hold on to it. 它已经在衰退,他们的挫败在展现,所以他们在穷追猛打作为企图抓住它的最后一搏。
My feet seem to cry out, but I ignore them, along with the shaking my arms are doing, as they struggle to hold on to Itachi's heavy form. 我的脚似乎在哭泣,但我不理会他们,随着摇我的胳膊在做什么,因为她们要努力保住印达重形式。
And when I'm done with it, I toss it out, making room for other data, and don't hold on to old data for too long. 用完的数据就丢掉,腾出空间给其他数据,同时不要在旧的数据上面花太多时间。
When you hold on to your resentment, you freeze yourself in a victim's role, freezing some of your emotional energy as well. 如果你执着于自己的愤怒,便是将自己冻结在受害者的角色上,也会冰冻了你的情绪能量。
You would rather hold on to a dress with a dislocated shoulder than let me repair it in surgery for you right now? 你宁愿拖着脱臼的肩膀去抢礼服也不要我马上给你动手术?
Chinese woman manages to hold on to her umbrella against a strong wind while visiting the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. 在参观北京故宫时一名妇女在设法稳住被强风吹反的雨伞,中国。
History shows that when China gets into a leadership position in manufacturing an electric device, it tends to hold on to it. 历史表明,当中国步入某一电气设备制造的领先地位时,就会继续保持。
When he jumped, his feet did not hold on to the bark. 当它跳的时候,他的脚爪抓不住树皮。
Hold on to your umbrella in case it might be blown away by the wind. 握紧你的伞,免得它被风吹走。
Police decided to hold on to the rest of the money temporarily. They told the man to come back and collect it once he sobered up. 警方决定暂时替这名男子保管其身上余下的现金。他们已经告知这名男子,一旦神智恢复清醒后立即返回警察局将钱带走。
We thought of selling this old furniture, but we've decided to hold on to it. It might be valuable. 我们曾想过卖掉这件旧家具,但现在我们决定留着它。它可能很值钱。
The support of these men may have been a factor in making Chiang hold on to an untenable position. 蒋之所以死守无法保住的阵地,这些人的支持可能就是原因之一。
This is the year of the empty hand. Oh, you hold on to what you can. And charity is a coat you wear twice a year. 这是一无所有者的年代。你坚持着你所能坚持的。而慈善就像你一年只穿两次的外套。
You know about Christ's return. Hold on to what you know. 你们又知道基督将要再来,因此要谨慎自持。
Although most liberals attempt to hold on to a core of Christian doctrine, some did carry immanence to its logical end, which is pantheism. 虽然大部分民主派企图进行到一个核心的基督教教义,一些没有进行其内在的逻辑结束,这是泛神论。
If she tried to go herself, she knew, Maddie wouldn't be able to hold on to the two toddlers, and all three children might drown. 如果她本人出去求救,她知道玛迪是无法抓住两个孩子的,那样,三个孩子都会淹死。
In the end the Novara players asked me for my shirt, but I wanted to hold on to it because for me it's a special memory. 在比赛结束时诺瓦拉的球员找我交换球衣,但我要把它保留起来,因为对我来说这将是个特别的回忆。
That was more tactical than principled, but it might help the CDU to hold on to a state it has governed for more than half a century. 这种说法的策略色彩大于其原则含义,不过它或许可以帮助基督教民主联盟守住这个已被该党统治超过半个世纪的州。
No referee wants the gorgeous girl to be angry with him, as we all hold on to the slim possibility that our stars may align one day. 没有裁判会希望这位漂亮的女孩生自己的气,因为我们心里都坚守着一个微弱的可能性:那就是希望有朝一日我们会福星高照。
For the lucky Americans who have managed to hold on to their jobs, 2009 has so far been a great time to go shopping. 对于那些幸运地保住了工作的美国人来说,今年迄今为止,一直是购物的大好时机。
b. He said he would hold on to the truth with his blood and life. 他说他会为保持真理而奉献鲜血和生命。
I remember desperately wanting to hold on to this pattern, trying to savor the wakefulness when everything outside was quiet and dark. 我记得自己绝望的想去克服这种状态,为了多睡会,我对外界充耳不闻,让屋子里一团漆黑。
Delighted by his son's ingenuity, Philip observes that Macedonia can't hold on to such a prince for long. 对于儿子的足智多谋,菲利普非常欣喜,同时也感觉到这位王子安守在马其顿的时日不多了。
If you remember nothing else that has appeared in this space over the past four and a bit years, please try to hold on to that thought. 如果你记不住过去四年多一点的时间里出现在此处的其它文字,那么请努力记住这个观点。
You made room for me but it's too soon to see if I'm happy in your hands. I'm unusually hard to hold on to. 你为我腾出空间,但你很快就要看我是否在你的手里很高兴。我很少难于坚持。
"Now be careful, " warned Mrs. Bobbsey, as she held out the cup. "Hold on to the seats as you walk along. " “现在小心了,”鲍勃西夫人拿出杯子时,又强调了一次,“走路的时候要扶着旁边的椅子。”