
美 [sɔɪl]英 [sɔɪl]
  • n.土壤;土地;国土;领土
  • v.弄脏
  • 网络泥土;污物;土质

复数:soils 现在分词:soiling 过去式:soiled

fertile soil,rich soil,foreign soil,dry soil,american soil
fertilize soil,aerate soil


n. v.

1.土壤the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow

2.国土;领土;土地a country; an area of land


土字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 土墙〖 cobwall〗 土壤soil〗 土人〖 aborigines〗 ...


土字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 土层〖 layerofsoil〗 土地〖 field;soil;ground〗 土地肥沃〖 territory〗 ...


泥_百度百科 ... 泥塘〖 muddypit〗 泥土soil〗 泥封〖 scove〗 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... sociology 社会学 soil 弄脏 n.泥土 solar 太阳的 ...


高一英语词汇表 ... condition n. 条件;状况 soil n. 土壤;土地;国土 remove vt. 移动;搬开 ...


工程英语词汇(S2) ... softwood 软木;软质木材 soil 土壤;污物 soil absorption capacity 泥土渗水能力 ...


PET词汇精练(18)_英语网 ... do/cause damage to( 使…受到伤害)为固定短语。 soil 强调土壤,土质 ground 地,地面, …

As a main life element, carbon plays important role in the matter cycling in soil-plant system. 碳作为重要的生命元素,在土壤-植物系统物质循环中发挥重要作用。
Adobe is soil that contains at least 40% clay. In its purest form, clay can be shaped and stretched and used to make objects. 土坯的土中粘土含量至少40%,用这种纯粹的方式,粘土可以成形、延伸,并制造物件。
Treated sludge is often stored in ponds where the water eventually evaporates, leaving behind a dried, red, clay-like soil. 赤泥经处理后,通常在池中储存,待水分挥发后,分离出红色粘土状物质。
The soil stores moisture during cooler weather. But most of that moisture is gone by the middle or end of the hottest months of the year. 在天气比较凉爽的时候,土壤会储存水分。但是在一年中最炎热的月份中间或结束时,水分会消失。
As long as the love is in the heart, no matter how sterile soil, the sturdiest trees can grow up in it. 只要心中有爱,无论在多么贫瘠的土壤里,都能长出最粗壮的树木。
New Jersey gained its nickname of the "Garden State" in the 18th century, because it had so much rich and fertile soil. 在18世纪时,纽泽西因为拥有许多肥沃的土壤,而得到「花园之州」的昵称。
In analyses of soil structure interaction (SSI), two-degrees-of-freedom lumped-parameters model is often used to simplify the soil. 在土-结构的动力相互作用简化分析中,常采用双自由度集中参数模型简化土层。
The waters scoured off the soft, windblown soil near the surface and eventually reached bedrock, the hardened lava of the Columbia Plateau. 洪水冲洗掉地表附近松软的风化土,最终到达了岩床,哥伦比亚高原上坚硬的火山岩。
Spray the garden with the hose, making the soil nice and wet. Enjoy the winter months and get ready to plant in the spring. 用软塑料管为花园浇水,保持土壤湿润。好好享受冬季好时光,为来年种植做好准备。
The shield tail brush is an important accessory in soft soil tunnel shield device, and is often used in the tunnel construction. 盾尾刷是软土层隧道盾构设备中的一个重要配件,在隧道施工中常被使用到。
To that, the boss shows him a handful of red soil and reminds him that the soil represents his own identity as a son of Africa. 这时,上校拿起一把红土,然后提醒他,那土就是他作为非洲之子的象征。
Before my eyes was the dark and red soil under the sun. 阳光下,暗红色的土地呈现在眼前,那是一望无际的戈壁滩。
"Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God. " Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk. 地里首先初熟之物,要送到耶和华你神的殿。“不可用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔。”
If there were a real carbon price, farmers would think of their fields in terms of the carbon embodied in crops and soil. 如果存在一种有形的碳价,农民们就会认为他们的农田就是一种以农作物和土壤为载体的碳。
drainage occurs in a surface soil layer, with limited thickness and with high hydraulic conductivity due to its macro porosity. 由于极大的渗透性,当土层厚度变薄或由于大孔隙而具有较高的水力传导性时,表层土壤就会出现排水。
I wish to turn into a lamb, forever inseparable from you, smell you smell the fresh grass, smell your scent of fresh soil. 我愿化作一只小羊,永远的离不开你,嗅你清新的青草味儿,嗅你新鲜的泥土香味。
From the perspective of engineering evaluation, the distribution form of soil parameter has no influence on reliability index. 从工程评价的角度来看,可以认为土性参数的不同分布类型对可靠指标可以基本没有影响。
In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries, patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil. 一片一片的绿色草地开始在那烧焦了的土地上出现了,取代了在那里生长数个世纪的树木。
He said: "He says: A heifer not trained to till the soil or water the fields; sound and without blemish. " 他说:“我的主说:那头牛不是受过训练的,既不耕田地,又不转水车,确是全美无斑的。”
Within a few days, green sprouts push up through the soil and produce a green flush of grass. 几天内,草儿破土而出,一下子就绿了原野。
Soil liquefaction is the process by which the strength or stiffness of soil is weakened by an event like the shaking of an earthquake. 土壤液化是指土壤的强度和硬度在遭受像地震这类事态时会变弱的过程。
The highly sensitive radio tracer technique is often used to follow tagged synthetic soil ingredients. 高灵敏度的放射性示踪技术,已经常用于跟踪标志污垢成分的试验。
As for the meeting, first the Parthian dined with Gaius upon the Roman bank, and later Gaius supped with the king on the soil of the enemy. 至于这次会谈,帕提亚人先是在属于罗马人的河岸上与盖乌斯一道就餐,稍后盖乌斯又到敌方的领土上和大王共进晚餐。
The girl said she feels no need to eat normal food now that she has discovered how much she likes to eat soil. 这名女孩说,自从发现自己喜欢吃泥土以来,她觉得没有必要再吃饭了。
Test results of Qiantang River silt in Hangzhou show that the critical hydraulic gradient of the silt differs from that of sandy soil. 对杭州钱塘江粉土的实验结果表明,粉土的临界水力比降与一般砂土有差异。
Defective food is often a result of horrendous industrial pollution that has seeped into the water and soil. 食品问题往往是由于可怕的工业污染物进入水和土壤而造成的。
You can use a seed tray to start the seeds indoors. The container should be deep enough to hold at least 3 centimeters of soil. 刚开始可以在室内使用播种盘育种。播种盘应至少能容纳3厘米深的土壤。
The soil failed to reach the instrument and scientists said Saturday they will devote a few days to trying to determine the cause. 土壤未能进入试验炉。星期六科学家们说,他们将用几天时间来确定原因。
But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. 那落在好土里的,就是人听了道,持守在诚实善良的心里,并且忍耐着结实。
The pottery after ising with the mud(glue soil) model to dry in the air burns out with the fire of, is the crystallize of mire and fire. 陶器是用泥巴(粘土)成型晾干后,用火烧出来的,是泥与火的结晶。