start up

  • n.创办中的公司;开机
  • v.开办;发动(机器,引擎等)
  • adj.新开张的
  • 网络启动;惊起;起动


start upstart up

start up


2008-10-18 -- 工业控制英语词汇大全 ... star 星、星形连接 start up 启动 start 启动、开始 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... start off 出发,动身;开始 start up 突然站起,惊起 stay up 不睡觉,熬夜 ...


泵类产品中英文汉英对照表一 ... 屏蔽泵 Canned Motor Pump 起动 Start Up 起动过程 Starting Process ...


start的中文意思是什么_百度知道 ... good start 开门红 start up v. 开始;发动;突然站起;突然出现 new start 新起点 ...


国际贸易>风电词汇中英文对照表 ... standstill 静止状态;停顿 start up 发动, 开动 starter motor 马达启动 ...


带up的词组以及例句_百度知道 ... stack up 加起来,累计 start up v.突然站起,突然出现,发动,开动 stay up 熬夜,不睡觉 ...


高考必备词组 - 豆丁网 ... start out 着手进行 start up 开工,突然站起来 at the very start 一开始 ...


国际贸易>风电词汇中英文对照表 ... standstill 静止状态;停顿 start up 发动, 开动 starter motor 马达启动 ...

It would be neither a venture capital fund nor a start-up incubator such as Bill Gross's IdeaLab in Pasadena, but a bit of both. 它既不是风险投资基金,也不是像比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)在加州帕萨迪纳创立的IdeaLab那样的初创企业孵化器,而是两者兼而有之。
There is a program calls Start-up Delayer, It can help to set after how much time programs should be loaded after Windows boosts. 有一个程序叫Start-upDelayer,它可以帮你设置在Windows启动之后,程序应该过多少时间才被加载。
It also means that start-up firms lacking the deep pockets of incumbents should be able to get a foot in the door. 这也意味着缺乏资金的新公司也能在这行业里插上一脚。
In a fast-growing start-up, a founder needs to be very protective and strategic with how they spend their time. 在一家快速发展的创业公司中,创始人必须对如何利用时间非常谨慎并富有策略。
do not open the door in a state of start-up trying to microwave ovens. 不要在炉门开启状态下试图起动微波炉。
Twitter happens to be, oh, the hottest start-up in the digital-media business right now, so it'd probably be a good investment. Twitter正好是在数字媒体行业最受欢迎的新宠,所以买它大概会是笔不错的投资。
With the setup and prerequisites complete, start up the application and examine what goes on behind the scenes as you step through it. 在先决条件得到满足,并完成了应用程序的安装之后,启动应用程序,逐步操作并研究幕后所发生的事情。
The founder of a start-up typically raises organizational money by maxing out his or her credit cards and taking out a home equity loan. 新企业的创办者一般通过充份利用自己的信用卡和房屋净值贷款(homeequityloan)来筹集创业资金。
The Tomcat server will now start up in Debug mode and bring up the Welcome. jsp page prompting for a user ID and password. TomcatServer现在将以Debug模式启动,并进入Welcome.jsp页面,该页面提示输入用户ID和密码。
Think of a large corporation like Microsoft, trying to start up a new enterprise. 假设一个大公司比如微软,想要建立一个新的企业。
"You were better off out of the door and into a start-up, where you could get 50 cent, 70 cent or dollar stock options, " says Mr Siegel. 西格尔称:“你还不如离开这里自己创业,到时候,你可以得到50%、70%或全部股权。”
Like a wheel, although the speed of the start of unpleasant, but it does have to start, start-up difficulties, is not easy to stop. 就像一条巨轮,起步时速度虽然不快,但确实已经启动,起动困难,停下来也不容易。
A Web start-up named Storify, which opens to the public Monday, aims to help journalists and others collect and filter all this information. 一个名为Storify的初创网站,上周一开放注册,目的是帮助记者和其他人收集和筛选所有这些信息。
Start-up times on the two were respectable for a Windows PC: ready to go from cold start in just over a minute. 两款电脑的启动时间对Windows电脑来说都是相当好的:冷启动只要一分多钟的时间。
Going to work for a small start-up in no way guarantees that you will be working in an Agile environment. 为一个小小的刚刚起步的公司工作,无法保证你将在一个敏捷的环境中工作。
You can decide if you want to see Help on start-up or not (and which version of the main Help page to see). 您可以决定启动时是否显示「说明」(以及显示哪个版本的「说明」主页)。
This relationship is not likely to start up in the first place, and not likely to last if you do make it to first base. 这样的组合起码不可能一开始就顺利,如果不打下坚实的基础的放在,你们的关系也不会持久。
Talk to a franchisee in the start-up phase to assess how much support he or she is receiving from the franchisor. 要和处在开始阶段的经销商聊聊,评估一下他或她从授权人那里得到多少支持。
A security exit is invoked during channel start up and, as the name suggests, is typically used for authorization purposes. 在通道启动的过程中调用安全出口,顾名思义,它通常用于授权目的。
How much would it cost to start up in the insurance business? 要想在保险业中创业得花多少钱?
But he added the company tries to make it possible to be 'part of a start-up within Google. 但他补充道,谷歌正努力在公司内部营造一种初创企业的氛围。
Her mother's great-grandfather was a miner, and later moved south to London to start up the family's social class trip. 她母亲的曾祖父曾是一名矿工,后来南下搬到伦敦,从而开始了这个家族的社会阶层上升之旅。
As I stepped into the bathroom you could hear machine gun fire start up in the lobby and everybody in there just froze. 我刚进入洗手间,就听到大堂里响起机枪扫射的声音,洗手间里的人全都呆住了。
Nevertheless, Nina's dream to be her own boss made her resign from her job and start up her own fashion line: Nina Fine. 然而,尼娜的梦想是自己做老板,于是她辞掉了工作开始创建自己的时尚品牌:尼娜精品。
Are you ready to burn 100 hours a week for the next two years to get your start-up off the ground? 你打算一周花100个小时为未来的两年重新起步么?
Unfortunately the mint only operated for two years after its start-up in 1866, and was later rebuilt as a sugar factory. 可惜铸币厂在1866年投产后,生意只维持了两年,后来转型为一间糖厂。
Another netizen disagreed, saying this was a sort of creative industry and was merely a different type of start-up for the young. 也有人反驳称这属于创意产业的一种,是年轻人创业的新思路。
Not the best time to make a commitment to someone or to start up a new relationship. 现在不是做出承诺或者开始一段新关系的最佳时刻。
It is not at all clear that it costs half as much to create a game of half the size, since these start-up costs are so significant. 人们完全不清楚,开发一半大小的游戏的费用是否仅会便宜一半,因为这些初始成本非常高昂。
So as Google has moved from trendy west coast start-up to major corporation, so it has started to behave like a major corporation. 而随着Google从西海岸的新兴公司成长为大企业,它也已开始表现得像一个企业。