
美 [spɔrt]英 [spɔː(r)t]
  • n.体育运动;芽变;消遣;(某项)体育运动
  • v.夸示;嬉戏;得意地穿戴;故意显示
  • adj.运动(比赛)用的
  • 网络运动模式;运动会;运动系列

复数:sports 现在分词:sporting 过去式:sported

competitive sport,national sport,exciting sport,rough sport,dangerous sport


n. v.

1.[u]体育运动activity that you do for pleasure and that needs physical effort or skill, usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules

2.[c](某项)体育运动a particular form of sport

3.[c](informal)(用作友好称呼,尤指对男子)朋友,老兄,哥们儿used as a friendly way of addressing sb, especially a man

4.[u]乐趣;消遣;玩笑;逗乐enjoyment or fun


be a (good) sport

(尤指在困境中)开朗大度,讲交情to be generous, cheerful and pleasant, especially in a difficult situation


运动(Sport)100 [角落] [飞语] 发表于:11-09-15 17:00 [第1版09-15 17:00] [只看该作者] 第3楼 打死我Y就说 [角落] [飞语] 发表于…

体育 网上书店 ... 婚恋/育儿( family) 体育( sport) 外语( foreign language) ...


S 运动模式sport) 在这个档位下变速箱可以自由换档,但是换档时机会延迟,使发动机在高转速上保持较长时间,使车辆动 …


剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表_英语网 ... spider n 蜘蛛; sport n 体育运动; start v 开始; ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... spoonful n. 一匙(的量) sport n. 体育运动,锻炼;(复,英)运动会 spot n. 斑点,污点;场所, …


首页-佰利德正品名表城-淘宝网 ... BABY-G 青春时尚 Sport 运动系列 ANALOGUE 都市指针男表 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... 18. sound 听起来v. 20. sport 运动;游戏 n. 23. club 社团;俱乐部 n. ...

Unfortunately, though, injuries seem to be an unavoidable part of the sport. 不幸的是,尽管这些伤害看起来是运动中不可避免的一部分。
"Calciopoli shock: Palazzi sinks Inter" said the front-page headline of Tuesday's Gazzetta dello Sport. “电话门事件的冲击:帕拉奇搞垮国际米兰”是周二《米兰体育报》的头条标题。
His unwillingness to think of a non-sport career caught up with him. 他不愿考虑运动之外的职业给他带来不幸。
In my sport it is a case of moving the boat as fast as you can down your lane. 就我的运动项目而言,要做的就是沿着赛道划船,划得越快越好。
For Tom and me, this really is about trying to win championships, and that takes commitment, no matter what sport. 对于Tom和我来说,这对获得冠军非常重要。这需要承诺,任何运动都是如此。
However, according to Sky Sport Italia it seems as if Di Natale is standing by his promise to end his career in Udine. 然而据意大利天空体育报道,迪。纳塔莱似乎准备信守自己将在乌迪内斯结束职业生涯的承诺。
Soccer is a horrible sport and if we become good at it we will have to hear about it on our news channels and read about it in the paper. 足球是一项糟糕得可怕的运动如果我们变强大了那以后我们就必须得在新闻频道里听足球消息在报纸上读足球消息了。
And yet it was more than that. In tough economic times, we rely on sport's sense of fairness, its heroes, for much needed relief. 这还不是最糟糕的,在激烈的经济竞争年代,我们真的很依赖源自体育界的公平竞争,比赛中获胜的英雄,以及他们传递给我们的信念。
During the Cultural Revolution the sport was shunned due to its "bourgeois nature" , but it is now making something of a comeback. 文革期间的运动是避免由于其“资产阶级性质”,但现在作出某种东山再起。
So, play a sport, train for an event such as a marathon, triathlon or "fun run, " or work out with a buddy to help keep things interesting. 所以,玩项运动,参加马拉松、三项全能或“募捐长跑”等竞赛项目的训练,或和好朋友一起工作来帮助使事情变得有趣。
Ski sport tourism is an important part of sports tourism. As a huge industry, it is popular among the general public of all ages. 滑雪体育旅游作为体育旅游的一个重要组成部分,已经形成了巨大的产业,同时受到了大众的青睐。
Everyone knows that in Brazil football is as much about passion and a way of life as it is about sport. 大家都知道巴西足球不仅是一项体育运动更是一种生活方式。
Since agility and a keen sense of balance are skills essential to the sport, women climb just as well as, or better than, men. 既然矫捷的身手和敏锐的平衡感是这项运动必备的技能,女性攀岩绝对不让须眉,甚至比男人更好。
Few people care about the sport itself; victory is all that matters, and there's little joy in the experience. 很少人理会运动的本身,胜利就是一切,而此过程则无甚欢乐可言。
While some argue soccer has no future in this country, other indicators say the sport could be on the road to mainstream respectability. 当一些人认为足球在这个国家没有发展前途的时候,有迹象显示足球正在赢得美国主流的尊重。
The author took great pride in striving to be a Olympic volunteer since the event is the grandest sport gala of its kind worldwide. 争当奥运会志愿者让作者感到很自豪。因为奥运会是世界上最大的体育盛典。
Then on Thursday he was skiving off work, sitting on the toilet reading the Daily Sport and he finished with a block of ice on his head. 有天周四他工作完了,蹲在厕所里读每日体育,读完了时头顶上结了一大块冰。
But since the Olympic vote, the sport's backers in China seem to have raised their sights a bit. 而在奥委会投票过后,中国高球运动的支持者的目标似乎又高了一些。
The princess rightly points out that a sport so imbued with privilege has no place in a democratic festival such as the Olympics. 安妮公主正确指出,赛马运动充满特权色彩,不适合像奥运会这样的民主盛会。
Starting with the Atrix, we're beginning to see Android phones sport dual core processors that can offer amazing speed for your phone. 在Atrix之后,我们将可以看到更多的Android手机使用双核处理器为你的手机提供惊人的处理速度。
There's got to be outside activities, even if it's not football, so they can be with their friends and enjoy sport. 即便不踢球也该有户外运动,这样他们才能交朋友并享受体育。
North Korean streets currently sport propaganda posters depicting workers punching the air as a rocket rips into the sky behind them. 朝鲜街道目前张贴着这样的宣传海报:工人们向空中挥拳,背景是一枚火箭正在升空。
'I don't want him to think that we're undermining his desire to be good at a sport he really likes, ' she says. 艾蜜说,我不希望儿子认为我们在拉他后腿,不让他在自己真正喜欢的体育运动上有所作为。
When he returned to St. Louis, he gave up running, too exhausted for the sport he loved. He started having night sweats. 回到圣路易斯,他放弃了跑步,由于筋疲力竭而无法进行他最热爱的运动。他在夜间开始盗汗。
Some consumers even consider shopping to be something of a sport, perhaps even the modern-day national pastime. 不过有的消费者却把购物视为一项体育运动,甚至是当下国民消磨时间的方式。
It's important to consider how much time you actually spend being active and training for your sport. 重要的是要考虑你有多少时间是实际花在积极培训的运动上。
For the sake of that sport with life he had now come over to the Russians, and for the same sport he might go back to Shamil tomorrow. 为了表示对他的运动寿命比现在的俄罗斯人,而同一运动沙米利明天他可能回去。
Between these thin-obsessed co-workers, it becomes almost a competitive sport to see who can consume the least amount of food. 这些一门心思想着如何变瘦的女生正在进行一场激烈的角逐,看谁吃的东西最少。
But I initially assumed the soreness was just part of the sport, so I continued to run for a few days more. 最初我认为疼痛是运动的一部分,所以就继续几天的训练。
England's win at cricket was the only crumb of comfort in a week of consistently bad news for British sport. 英格兰队板球获胜,这仅仅是一周中英国体育运动一连串坏消息后的一种小小安慰。