
美 [ˈsoʊlli]英 [ˈsəʊlli]
  • adv.只;仅;唯;单独地
  • 网络独自地;唯一地;仅仅

solely rely


1.仅;只;唯;单独地only; not involving sb/sth else


外商独资企业英文怎么说?-翻译-英语-天涯问答 ... state-owned enterprise 国营企业 ... Solely 单独地 Source 来源 ... ...


考博英语词汇 ... sodium n. 钠 solely ad. 单独地;唯一地;独自地 solemn a. 庄严的;严肃的;隆重的 ...

未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... software 软件 solely ad. 独自,单独, solid 固态的 ...


新概念第三册精解 ... choose 挑选(凭个人意愿) solely adv. 唯一地 bewilder 令人眼花缭乱 ...


雅思告别式——作文模板总结+方法分享+资源推荐 ... 尽管: despite,in spite of 仅仅solely 包括: consist of,comprise ...


城池水_新浪博客 ... Solid 稳固的 Solely 完全 Painstaking 艰苦的,勤勉的 ...

These Linked Sites are provided solely as a convenience to You and not as an endorsement by UPS of the content of such Linked Sites. 提供这些被链结的网站,仅为您的方便而已,并不表示UPS认可这些被链结网站的内容。
That this does not take place, may be ascribed solely to the fact that all planets have their own motion. 但是,这一切之所以并没有发生,唯一的原因就是因为这些行星本身都在运动。
They are usually used as the front part of a sentence and combine a sentence solely. 一般用在其他句子的前面,单独地构成一个句子。
Gradually I start to see that I am not solely responsible for her upset. 我逐渐认为我不必单独为她的难过负责。
If the logic of the system is conserved across species, a strategy that focuses solely on behavior can only go so far. 如果系统的逻辑是跨物种而发挥,则单独集中于摄食行为的减肥策略所起的作用就不过如此而已。
No one has the right to have sex with you against your will. The blame for a rape lies solely with the rapist. 任何人都没有权利在违背你意愿的情况下与你发生性关系,强奸犯应该负全部责任。
Eventually, and solely because there was no other way out he permitted her to come to him. 后来,只是因为别无他法,他才允许她来找他。
Women who love oral will become highly aroused as you focus solely on her clit to provide a body rocking orgasm! 女爱将高度引起口腔为你只顾她的身体摆动clit提供一个高潮!
While these reports are helpful, I don't feel they are nearly thorough enough to be solely relied upon to make a decision to close or not. 虽然这些报告是非常有用,我感觉他们并不全面到足以单靠这个报告而做出交易决定。
"After that, " Dr. Sacktor said, "we began to focus solely on PKMzeta to see how critical it really was to behavior. " 在那之后,“萨克特博士说,”我们开始集中注意力在这个分子上来看它对于行为的重要性。
Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between. . . and. . . lies solely with. . . 对人们行为的多年观察使我能够得出这样的结论:……和……的主要区别仅仅在于……
This pattern is aptly named, as it calls for the use of a specialized object solely to create other objects, much like a real-world factory. 此模式的命名非常恰当,因为它需单独使用专用的对象来创建其他对象,与实际的工厂非常类似。
To me that is not the achievement of any nation of individual solely but of the human race in general. 对我而言你,这不是某一个国家的成就,而是属于全人类的。
But second, it would be folly to put the burden of adjustment solely on them, for that would create a huge deflationary bias. 第二,让那些国家单独承担调整的压力是愚蠢的,因为这会引发巨大的通货紧缩趋势。
They want their lives not to be confined solely to the White House but rather to become a part of the urban, vibrant fabric of D. 他们不希望把自己的生活仅仅局限于白宫之内,渴望成为华盛顿特区活跃城市生活的组成部分。
What you glean from this information is solely up to you for you are given to experience as you choose. 你从这讯息中所搜集的,完全取决于你,因为当你选择,你被赠予去体验。
The project costs are fixed, so your ability to improve ROI will come solely from how much your methodology can drive increased revenue. 项目的成本是固定的,所以您必须通过增加收益来提高ROI。
If you're running solely as a means to an end -- such as weight loss -- you're going to eventually feel as if it's a chore. 如果你只把跑步当作达到某个目的的手段,例如减肥。最终你会觉得跑步是一件很枯燥的事情。
Service management and monitoring should be considered at Design-Time, not as an afterthought associated solely with IT operations. 服务管理和监视应该是在设计时考虑的问题,不应该是只与IT操作相关联的后期问题。
Be aware that SQLite relies solely on the file system for its database permissions and has no concept of user accounts. 要知道,SQLite的数据库权限只依赖于文件系统,没有用户帐户的概念。
People have difficulties in life should be like the plum blossom, the efforts to overcome it and defeat it, a person solely. 人们在生活中遇到困难,应像梅花一样,努力的克服它,战胜它,做一个永不言败的人。
I would be lying if I said that I solely identified myself as an Armenian. 若说我完全认同自己是亚美尼亚人,那就是在说谎。
But I must quickly add that this tendency to see a story as more than a story does not solely come from the West. 但我必须尽快补充说明的是,这种把故事不仅仅作为故事看待的趋势并不仅仅发生在西方。
People generally speak of the analytical and synthetic methods, as if it depended solely on our choice which we pursued. 人们常说到分析方法和综合方法,就好像这全凭我们的高兴,随便用这个或那个方法都可以似的。
While it's admirable to concern yourself with your woman's pleasure and level of satisfaction, you're not solely responsible for her orgasm. 你关注自己的表现和你女人的快感及满足的程度,这种精神是可嘉的,但你不能对她的高潮负全部责任。
Some methods may be prescribed solely for their non-contraceptive benefits for a woman who does not require it for contraception. 有些方法可予订明只用于非避孕益处的女人谁不要求它的避孕措施。
I said that sentence is made solely for you to choose a frame of reference for you to do price comparisons. 我说那句话的目的仅仅是为你选择一个参照物供你做价格的比较。
"In the long term, we cannot go on like this by solely relying on Google, " Kim Jae-hong, deputy commerce minister, told reporters. “从长远来看,我们无法继续像这样完全依赖谷歌。”知识经济部副部长KimJae-hong表示。
As an investment that does not produce income, its attraction lies solely in the hope that its value will rise or at least be maintained. 作为一种投资品,黄金本身不能创造价值,它的吸引力仅仅来自于其本身价值的上升或者至少保持当前的价值。
A quick scan of YouTube's terms of service reveals that the company sees most of its videos as intended solely for online streaming. 浏览YouTube的服务条款就会发现,该公司认为其绝大多数视频只用于在线播放。