speed up

  • na.加快(机器等的)速度;使加紧做
  • 网络加速;加快速度;增加速度

第三人称单数:speeds up 现在分词:speeding up 过去式:sped up 过去式:speeded up

speed upspeed up

speed up


爱丽丝快跑_百度百科 ... 斧头兵( Pawn) 加速Speed up) 贪婪( Greddy) ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... sooner or later 迟早,早晚 speed up 加快速度 spend...on 在……花钱 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at full speed 以全速 speed up 使加速,增加速度 in spite of 尽管;不顾;虽然 ...


美国驾驶路考常用英语_新东方在线 ... 45. Too fast 太快 46. Speed up 加速行驶 47. Give a signal 打灯号 ...


考博英语词汇 ... sit out 耐心听完;耐心看完 speed up 加速;加快;催促;加紧 stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护;容 …


考博英语词汇 ... sit out 耐心听完;耐心看完 speed up 加速;加快;催促;加紧 stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护;容 …


...ort Attack),以及能使用速度提升技巧的“速度提升”(Speed Up)等全部共五种不同类型的战斗风格来进行挑选。

The bottom line. It's important to look neat, clean and professional. But, at least for women, try to speed up the process. 说到底,让自己看起来整洁大方和干练职业固然重要,但至少对女性来说,应尽量将这一过程缩短。
This will speed up the operation of this method, but if some servers are not responding, some transitive replications might be blocked. 这将加快此方法的操作,但如果有些服务器没有响应,则可能会阻止某些可传递的复制。
The antibiotic fosfomycin itself is effective, but note that this will speed up the bacteria resistant to drugs. 磷霉素这一抗生素本身是有效的,但是需要注意的是,这一药物会加速细菌产生抗药性。
They decided to speed up the opening of a special SCO account to resolve financing problems of major cooperation projects. 加快建立上海合作组织专门账户,解决大项目合作融资问题;
Neural implants may within a few years be able to increase intelligence or to speed up reflexes. 神经系统的输入可能在几年之内提高智力或加快反映。
The next development in arithmetic was the invention of mechanical devices and machines to speed up the execution of arithmetic processes. 算术上的第二项进展是加速算术运算的机械装置和机器的发明。
I should learn from A who can remember the word immediately. I should speed up to do them like her. 我应该向A学习。她瞬间可以记住单词。我要向她一样。加快速度。
The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment. 第105号订单所订货色我们要急用,请你们加快装船速率。
By adopting a parallel computing scheme, the training process can be significantly speed up in distributed or multiprocessor systems. 提出了训练过程的并行结构设计方案,使得在分布式和多处理器环境下训练速度得以提高。
prosecutors are trying to speed up the court proceedings. 检方正在努力加快审理过程。
External and internal values of life with, and curiosity may soon see whether or not the matter, it can speed up the practice of philosophy. 外在的生活与内在的价值观配合,有好奇心,很快看到事情的可能与否,能够加速对理念的实践。
At the moment he knew that even if the requirements under the command unit also will not help to speed up the pace. 他知道此刻即使下命令要求部队加快速度也无济于事。
With the establishment of the British monarchy and speed up the enclosure movement, resulting in a large number of proletarians. 随着英国君主立宪制的确立,加速了圈地运动,产生了大批无产者。
He had spent 16 years on the run; prosecutors are trying to speed up the court proceedings. 他已经潜逃在外16年,目前检察官正尝试加快法庭诉讼。
She begged him to speed up the pace of the rescue efforts, but after he left she was less timid in her comments to reporters. 她恳求马英九加快救援速度,但是,在马英九离开以后,她对记者却羞于说话。
U. S. officials are trying to speed up assistance in the wake of the spate of flooding and tornado disasters this spring. 今年春天美国发生了一系列洪灾和龙卷风后,政府官员正设法加快援助步伐。
Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile engine called a magneto. 福特将这一过程颠倒过来,试试是否会加速汽车上一个叫做磁石发电机的部件的生产。
Acetic acid may also speed up the rate at which glucose is moved out of the bloodstream and into muscle cells for storage. 醋酸也可能加快葡萄糖从血流中移出并进入肌细胞储存的速率。
One of the many changes we made was to speed up the way our parts and supplies reached the assembly plants. 我们做出了很多改革,其中之一是加快零部件和供应品运达装配工厂的时间。
I take it out for a run around the National Mall and as I go, the app's friendly female voice tells me I need to speed up. 当我带着它围绕国家广场跑的时候,应用程序里友善的女声告诉我需要加速。“5分钟内加速到黄色区域。”语音提示我。
The Chinese leader said the sides should speed up talks on an investment agreement as well to continue the growth. 这位中国领导人说双方应该加快投资协议的和谈来保持持续增长。
If cells were truly understood, that process might speed up to the point where the vaccine was ready in time to do something useful. 如果当初细胞被完全了解,疫苗的研究过程也许会快许多,这样疫苗就可以及时地用于其它更有用的方面。
If it is not too deep and you decide to drive through, drive as slowly as you can but keep the engine speed up to avoid stalling. 如水不太深,你决定继续向前驶时,应尽量慢驶,但引擎的转速不可过慢,以防车辆死火。
He wondered aloud if it might be worth buying one of those automated coin-counting machines to speed up my weekly bank trip. 爸爸很想知道买一台自动硬币计数机是不是值得,这样可以减少每周去银行的时间。
It's like having your personal coach riding with you and telling when to speed up, slow down, up-or-down shift to maintain your cadence. 这就像你的私人教练骑马并告诉你何时加速,减慢,增长或下降的转变,保持你的节奏。
No matter how slow progress seems to be, it has the potential to speed up dramatically soon. 不管这个进程看上去多么的缓慢,但是很快就会有潜在的突然加速。
She knew the animal's size from the path it had left through the glossy undergrowth of mayapples, and that was enough to speed up her heart. 不过光滑的盾叶鬼臼灌木丛小径还是留下了那只野兽的足迹,她由此得以判断出它的体型,而这就足以让她心跳加速了。
One can place the pan in a sink full of cool water with a few ice cubes to speed up the process, but make sure not to over cool. 你可以将平底锅放在水槽中加入冷水和小冰块来加速其过程,但请确保不要冷却过度。
This seems to speed up the process of teaching the dog that it is now part of our family pack. 这好像可以加快教会狗儿明白它是家庭中的一员。
To speed up the user time, it is to point to let users in to your site, it was found that the time go quickly. 加快用户时间,是指让用户在访问你的站点时,发现时间过得特别快。