
美 [spaɪs]英 [spaɪs]
  • v.在…中加香料;给…增添趣味;使…变得刺激
  • n.(调味)香料;额外的趣味(或刺激等)
  • 网络调味品;辛香料;香辛料

复数:spices 现在分词:spicing 过去式:spiced



n. v.

1.[c][u](调味)香料one of the various types of powder or seed that come from plants and are used in cooking. Spices have a strong taste and smell

2.[u]额外的趣味(或刺激等)extra interest or excitement


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... snack 小吃;点心 吃点心 19. spice 香料;调味品 20. vegetarian 素食者 十四、社交 ...


首页-大菜场/连云港配送-淘宝网 ... 粮油 Grain and Oil 调味品 Spice 零食 Snacks ...


辛香料Spice) 气味浓烈辛辣的辛香料,取自植物的果实、花、花苞、根茎、树皮。在中国古代,辛辣的调料十分多,重要的 …


大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... spherical a. 球形的 spice n. 香料,调味品;香气 spill vt. 使溢出 n.(人)摔下,跌下 ...


香辛料(Spice)一般指经过燥加工的植物,但广义的香辛料除上述的加工品外,亦包括新鲜的香草(Herb),本书所介绍的包括新 …


大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... spherical a. 球形的 spice n. 香料,调味品;香气 spill vt. 使溢出 n.(人)摔下,跌下 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... tortilla n. 玉米粉圆饼 spice n. 香料, 调味品, 趣味, 意味, 情趣 viva n. <意、西> 万岁的欢呼, 欢呼声 ...


让生命调味料SPICE)的五个重要核心:简洁、动之以利、不按牌理出牌、信心和同理心告诉你。同时还要利用它们解构瞬 …

I'm not saying you need to "spice things up" in the bedroom, as that's only one type of this sort of problem. 我并不是说你需要在卧室“增加趣味”,而这的确是一个问题。
As one of my relatives said, he was the salt of the earth and the spice of life. 就像我的一个亲戚说的那样,他是高尚的人,富有生活情趣。
But Aggarwal has nonetheless become an aggressive champion for a spice that Vasco da Gama brought back to Europe from his voyages eastward. 不过,对于这个由达伽马东航之旅带回欧洲的香料,阿格瓦可是不遗馀力的鼓吹者;
Desktop wallpapers have always been a great source of inspiration and the best way to spice up your dull desktop. 笔记本电脑壁纸总能给人愉悦的感觉,并能让你死气沉沉的电脑焕发无限生机。
But people looked at it and realized that's not weird enough, so they decided to put little dolls like pig jockeys, to spice things up. 显然是人们觉得看起来不够怪异,所以他们决定在猪背上放些娃娃,使之看起来象骑士,以达到丰富内容的目的。
A very cheap, filling dish, it is a must to know for backpackers who can handle a bit of spice. 这道菜十分实惠,对于那些能吃一点辣的背包客来说是必须知道的。
Turmeric: This powerful Asian spice contains a natural anti-inflammatory compound, curcumin, which is often found in curry blends. 姜黄:这种强劲的亚洲香料含一种天然的抗炎化合物——姜黄素,咖喱中也有这种成分。
The Spice Girl, who also won Entrepreneur of the Year, attended the London event dressed in a corset and pair of frilly knickers. 辣妹身穿束腹紧身衣和镶褶边灯笼裤出席在伦敦举办的颁奖礼,她同时获得“年度企业家”称号。
Today, I propositioned my boyfriend of two years to have sex with me in the shower to spice up our love life. 今天,我跟交往两年的男友说,我们去一边洗澡一边做爱吧,这样蛮有情趣的。
He said she had confirmed his findings and promised to tell Victoria, who came to fame as "Posh Spice" in the Spice Girls. 他说她已证实他的发现并许诺告诉以“时髦辣妹”成名的维多利亚。
But it pays to spice it up for added benefits and find ways to make it appealing so you don't mind eating it if you're not a broccoli fan. 但最好与辣的食品搭配以增强它的好处。如果你不爱吃花椰菜,可以想办法把它做得诱人一些,那样你就不会拒绝它了。
Shelton had not received congratulations that pleased him more; there was the spice of envy in them. 谢尔顿所听见的贺辞都没有使他更高兴;这里面含有一点妒忌的味儿。
To us, it sounded like an adventure to spice things up after a week on the more popular Pacific coast of this Central American country. 不过,在这个中美洲国家较受游客欢迎的太平洋沿岸停留一周后,再漫游加勒比海沿岸地区,就像是一场刺激的冒险。
Then, as Mouton started trying to quit stop smoking, he thought that wearing a hat would spice up his life. 没多久,戒了烟的穆东感觉,戴这帽子就像往自己的生命中注入香料,注入活力。
A relatively closed nose, with red cherries, light earth, butter, lightly perfumed apricot syrup and a bit of spice. 相对内敛的香气,带红樱桃味和淡淡的泥土清香,具有淡淡的甜杏香气和香料味。
So what stocks would I look to add to my portfolio if I needed to add just a bit more U. S. spice to the stew? 如果我要给汤里加些美国作料的话,应该考虑把哪些股票加入我的组合呢?
Tailgating can add a bit of spice to the pre-game hours -- WITHOUT letting libations get out of control. 紧跟(另一辆车)行驶可以为赛前时间增加一点趣味—不让奠酒失去控制。
All the same, she thought, it was an idea that could add a certain spice to the proceedings, not to mention speeding things up! 同样,她认为,这个主意,有可能增加某些香料诉讼,何况超速驾驶的事了!
Boys are made of errant amphibians, mollusks and puppy parts while girls are made of sugar and spice and all that's nice. 男孩是由爱捣乱的两栖动物、懒惰的软体动物和活泼的小狗组成的,而女孩是由糖、香料和其他一切美好的事物所组成的。
There was a note of spice, especially that of cinnamon. Until the 6th infusion, the tea was still quite blunt in mouth. . . (茶汤)中有香料,特别是桂皮的的味道。直到第六泡,这茶在口中仍感粗钝。
It had previously belonged to Ziro the Hutt, and was used to smuggle illegal spice through customs checkpoints. 它以前归赫特人齐罗所有,用来把违禁香料走私运出海关哨卡。
Beckham, also known as Posh from her Spice Girls days, is married to former England football captain David Beckham. 维多利亚,作为辣妹成员时被人们熟知,后来嫁给了前英格兰国家队队长大卫。贝克汉姆。
At times Columbus became reconciled to the truth that this new land was not China, not Japan, not the spice Islands. 有时,哥伦布不承认事实:这块新陆地,日本,也香料群岛。
One day, to spice things up, Mr Gygax turned a plastic dinosaur into a dragon and mixed in wizards and trolls among the men-at-arms. 有一天,为了调节一下气氛,吉盖克斯把一只塑料恐龙演绎为一只真龙,并加入了在重骑兵队伍中游荡的巫师和巨怪。
Candice : I'm insulted. Each spice and condiment was added precisely to give it a distinctive flavor. This dish doesn't need salt. 坎迪斯:我感到被羞辱。每种加入的香料和调味料份量都很准确,才能烹煮出一流的味道,这道菜不须加盐。
To spice up the heat in a bedroom, couples would go in for various types of lovemaking positions to enhance the love life between sheets. 为了提升卧室的“热度”,夫妻可以尝试采用多种做爱体位,来为床上的爱情生活增添趣味。
"Oh, my goodness, you all. This is delicious, " said one judge. "What is it in there that kind of gives it a little spice? " “哦,天哪,你所有。这是好吃的,”一位法官。“什么是有它的一种给它一点点香料?”
MOOS But Gus was no more neurotic than many bored zoo animals, and Gus's keepers have been going out of their way to spice up his life. 格斯不再像诸多烦躁的园中动物那样敏感了,管理员想尽办法来调节它的生活。
Let foreplay lead both of you into amazing sex. Don't skim on it. Apply the above tips and spice things up in your bedroom tonight! 前戏会让人进入兴奋的高潮,千万不要跳过这个环节。今夜就可以在床上运用以上建议!
Tight grained wood tends to impart the Oak characteristics (vanilla, spice and butter flavors) much more slowly than wood with looser grain. 木材往往紧密纹路传授橡树特性(香草、香料和奶油口味)远远低于木和宽松的粮食。