
美 [sprɪŋ]英 [sprɪŋ]
  • n.春天;春季;弹簧;发条
  • v.跳;跃;蹦;突然猛烈地移动
  • 网络泉;泉水;跳跃

复数:springs 过去式:sprang 过去式:sprung 现在分词:springing



n. v.


1.[u][c]春天;春季the season between winter and summer when plants begin to grow

弹簧twisted wire

2.[c]弹簧;发条a twisted piece of metal that can be pushed, pressed or pulled but which always returns to its original shape or position afterwards

3.[u]弹性;弹力the ability of a spring to return to its original position


4.[c]泉a place where water comes naturally to the surface from under the ground

活力cheerful quality

5.[u][sing]活力;朝气a cheerful, lively quality

跳跃sudden jump

6.[c]跳;跃a quick sudden jump upwards or forwards


春字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 春试〖 imperialexaminationsheldinspring〗 春天spring〗 春帖〖 SpringFestivalscroll〗 ...


机械专业英语词汇_百度文库 ... 滑动轴承 sliding bearing 弹簧 spring 制动器 arrester brake ...


Dave Bella官方旗舰店 --京东商城 ... 礼盒 gift boxes 春季 spring 夏季 summer ...

镂月裁云的回忆--THEN黄铜优盘-jue.so ... “CODE 码" “spring ”、2 “spines 脊”、3 ...


美丽的英文诗句 – 个人日记 – 一百易社区 ... true: 真挚,真诚,符合标准 spring: 春天,泉水 fountain 人工喷泉 ...


英语过去式单词_百度文库 ... spit 吐出 spring 跳跃 stand 站立 ...

As the two left the club, Farnmir tried to pin Shee before she could spring her attack, but Shee's reflexes enabled her to avoid capture. 两人离开夜总会后,法恩米尔试图在希发起进攻前制服她,但希反应敏捷,没有被抓住。
Some people can spring out of bed at the crack of dawn and slip right into a pair of sneakers without stopping for coffee. 有些人能在黎明时分跳下床,迅速地穿上运动鞋,连喝杯咖啡的时间都没有就走了。
The bottom half of the road experiences tension, meaning that it elongates like a spring pulled apart. 路的下端也受到张力,这意味着它像一个伸长的弹簧一样拉长。
It was as if the spirit of life and the awakening spring had given back the soul to her youth and bade her rejoice. 它犹如精神和生命觉醒的春天已经还给灵魂,她的青春和她话别感到高兴。
It's a beautiful spring day. It would be good for you to spend a day in the sun. 是个美丽的春天。花一天的时间晒晒太阳对您是很有益的。
While you may not be prepared to spring for a booth at a national conference, regional conferences are often far less expensive. 你可能还没准备好去花钱购买一个全国性行业会议的席位,不过区域性的会议一般要便宜很多。
Spring is the golden time of a year, so is morning of a day. 一年之际在于春,一天之际在于晨。
Think of a spring outing without your best friend. Would it be as much fun as with him or her? 想象一下一次你最好的朋友没有参加的春游,那可以和他们在的时候相比吗?
Mark: One thing Aleks and I agreed very early on was that Spring. NET should not be a blind port of Spring's code base. Mark:我与Aleks首先达成共识的一点就是Spring.NET不能盲目地对Spring的代码进行移植。
Each child must be set according to the provisions of the father gathered at the hall spring to the body of the father she did not die. 每位子女必须按父亲定下的规定齐集阴寒的大厅内,向未入土的父亲尸体上香。
What had been a really mild spring turned into a miserably hot summer. 从一个非常温和的春天变到一个极其炎热的夏天会怎样呢。
Wide spread let cairns spring up in every land - That in the Light of the World mankind may trust! 让凯恩斯在每块土地广泛传播-世界的人类是可以信任的!
The young spiders hatch out in spring. None of the British spiders is harmful, so you need't be afraid of them. 这些新生的蜘蛛会在春天被孵化出来。没有一种英国蜘蛛是有害的,所以你不用怕他们!
What are you waiting for? It seems to me that all of your computer problems would be solved if you spring for a new one. 干嘛不换?在我看来,只要您换台新电脑,您的一切问题都迎刃而解了。
He said he did not expect to get a permit before next spring: "People are very, very sceptical. " 他认为不可能在明年春季得到许可,因为人们的怀疑态度相当浓厚。
When Leng Jingyi was a small girl, she had to wait for the annual Chinese Spring Festival to indulge in her favourite dishes. 当冷静宜(音译)还是个小女孩的时候,每年她都要等到过春节才能尽情享用她最喜欢的菜肴。
If I take a spring and I extend the spring over a certain distance, then there is a certain force that I feel. 如果我拿一根绳子,把它拉伸,至一定的长度,我就会感觉到,有一股力的存在。
So in the young played several times after the fire, spring and the teenager lying on a few pieces seem to be clean carton sheet. 于是在那个少年连续打了几次火后,山泉方和这个少年躺在了几片看起来还算干净的纸箱片上。
The major task in Spring 2008 was to carry out a more comprehensive survey via drilling to investigate the distribution of the site. 2008年春季的主要工作重点是对已知的遗址范围内进行详细的钻探,以了解遗址地下遗迹的分布情况;
So if somebody is going to fly, put him in a pod, spring-load it, and fling him across the city. 如此如果某人飞行,投入他在荚,春天装载它,并且全市扔他。
We wish you were a swallow carrying the tinges of spring here; we wish you were an eagle soaring high into the sky. . . 愿你是一只燕,衔着春光飞来;愿你是一只鹰,一展翅,箭一般射向蓝天…
"Almost finished, " he said cheerfully. And then his voice dropped into a lower key. "My dad made good on his promise last spring. " “快完工了,”他兴奋地说着。之后他的声音突然降了八度音。“这个春天那个承诺,我爸没有食言。”
Her big hope that spring of 2010 was that her father would take her to the Oscars. 2010年的春天的时候,她很渴望父亲能带她去看奥斯卡颁奖典礼。
I was assigned to teach Criminal Procedure and Admiralty in the spring term and had already done quite a bit of the preparation work. 我被安排在春季学期讲授“刑事诉讼”和“海事法”,我已经做了不少的准备工作。
"My name is Spring. " she said to Cheng beside her, but her eyes stared at unknown place in the darkness. 我叫春天。她对身边的城说话,可是眼睛却望着前面夜色中不可知的地方。
Spring set in fine-heart, even if broken would not fall would be difficult to anyone noticing and is often overlooked. 撑簧套在粗铁杆上,即使不续了也不会落下来,不便当被人感觉而不常被忽视。
A similar approach is to use one of Spring's abstract EJB implementation support classes as a base class for your EJB implementation. 一种类似的方法是使用Spring的抽象EJB实现支持类之一作为EJB实现的基类。
The sister, accustomed as she was to austerities , felt a tear spring to her eyes. 那个一贯严肃的姆姆也觉得要流泪了。
As the man on the gate said, winter, spring, autumn or summer, you never get out of Wycombe less than 45 minutes after the final whistle. 就像门旁那个男子所说的:冬天、春天、秋天或者夏天,在终场哨后你永远休想在45分钟之内离开威科姆球场。
"There's always a time lag, " he adds, noting that the company is now preoccupied with shipping retail clients' spring orders. 他还表示:“总是存在时滞。”他指出,公司目前正全神贯注地发送零售客户的春季订单。