
美 [spɪl]英 [spɪl]
  • v.溢出;涌出;蜂拥而出
  • n.跌落;洒出(量);泼出(量);溢出(量)
  • 网络泄漏;流;木片

过去式:spilled 过去式:spilt 第三人称单数:spills 现在分词:spilling

spill water,spill blood


v. n.

1.[i][t](使)洒出,泼出,溢出to flow over the edge of a container by accident; to make liquid do this

2.[i]+ adv./prep.涌出;蜂拥而出to come out of a place in large numbers and spread out


spill the beans

泄露秘密;说漏嘴to tell sb sth that should be kept secret or private

spill (sbs) blood

使流血;伤害;杀死to kill or wound people

spill your guts (to sb)

(向某人)倾诉心里话to tell sb everything you know or feel about sth, because you are upset


: 80%的课量溢出 (Spills) 是由下列 5 课重大失效模式造 成: 33% - 课课 装卡 26% - 工 磨课 装 / 课 坏 17% - 课 配 装 13% - 课...


然而在1990年到1997年期间,由于输油管线生锈腐蚀(corrosion),频频发生石油泄漏spills)事故,特别是在偏远乡村地区 …



《Frie... ... suspected n. 嫌疑犯 spills n. 溢出, 溅出, 摔下, 木片, 小塞子, 暴跌, 溢出量 installing vt. 安装, 安置, 使就职 ...


《Frie... ... suspected n. 嫌疑犯 spills n. 溢出, 溅出, 摔下, 木片, 小塞子, 暴跌, 溢出量 installing vt. 安装, 安置, 使就职 ...


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(S) ... spillover 溢出 spills 漏损 spillway 溢洪道 ...


《Frie... ... suspected n. 嫌疑犯 spills n. 溢出, 溅出, 摔下, 木片, 小塞子, 暴跌, 溢出量 installing vt. 安装, 安置, 使就职 ...


《Frie... ... suspected n. 嫌疑犯 spills n. 溢出, 溅出, 摔下, 木片, 小塞子, 暴跌, 溢出量 installing vt. 安装, 安置, 使就职 ...

Unfortunately, the material that spills from apoptotic cells of those with lupus, especially the chromosomal fragments, is often abnormal. 不幸的是,狼疮患者凋亡细胞排出的物质,特别是染色体碎片,经常是不正常的。
He almost spills his drink, is sort of tongue tied, but does manage to say his name is Frank. 他几乎喷出了他的饮料,像是舌头打结了,结结巴巴的说出他的名字叫弗兰克。
How much oil has spilled out? How does this compare with other big spills? 已有多少原油泄漏?与其它漏油事件相比如何?
If liquid oxygen spills on asphalt or other surfaces contaminated with combustibles, do not walk on or roll equipment over the spill area. 如果液氧溅到沥青或者其它被可燃物污染的表面,不要在上面行走或辗轧设备。
He is such a pig. All day he drinks beer and spills food on the floor and he never washes his clothes, brusher his teeth, or takes a shower. 他是个猪猡.他整天喝酒,吃的东西掉的满地都是.从来不洗衣服,不刷牙,也不洗澡。
Mr. Obama said he wants his commission to report to him in six months with recommendations on preventing similar spills. 奥巴马先生表示,他希望他的委员会报告在六个月内就防止类似泄漏个月向他提出建议。
"When I fall to the ground in the video, the word groupthink spills out of my head because I was assassinated by groupthink" , she said. “MV中当我当地的一霎那,集体思维一词蹦入我的脑中,因为是集体思维谋杀了我,”她表示说。
Some people have so much inner chatter that it spills out of them in the form of useless speech. 有些人内心独白太多了以致它们以无用的话语外在表现出来。
She stared down at the old braided rug, with its frayed threads and little spills, and might have been looking into the past. 她盯着地上有些磨损和污渍的旧编织毯,但她的思绪可能已经回到了过去。
Ms. Norma has since left the company for another job. Her departure wasn't related to any lunch-time spills, of course. 诺玛已经离开这家公司另谋高就了,当然她的离职与这次午饭事故没有任何瓜葛。
Presently, someone from a neighbouring table offered me a can of beer, an act of spontaneous generosity with which Osaka spills over. 不久,邻桌的一个人递过一听啤酒,请我喝。在大阪,这种很自然的大方举动简直随处可见。
performance that spills off the flank of a pre-existing palace into a low, irregular piazza. 性能泄漏了进入低,不规则广场一个预先存在的宫殿侧翼。
And I was the only one in the United States writing on oil spills. 当时我是全美国唯一一个写原油泄露的论文的人。
Oil spills occur in the North Sea at the rate of about one a week, but most are not serious. 原油泄漏在北海发生的频率为大约一周一次,但大多数并不严重。
Environmental groups said the bird at a time when breeding season, when oil spills would they have a devastating impact. 环保组织称,此时正值鸟类繁衍季节,此时发生漏油事故将给它们带来灾难性的影响。
Spills would also be a health risk, since carbon dioxide is heavier than air, and so can build up in low-lying or poorly ventilated spots. 二氧化碳泄漏会带来健康风险。由于二氧化碳比空气重,因此可以在低洼地区和通风差的地区累积。
A U. S. official in Beijing told me that he always 'accidentally' spills most of the baijiu in his glass at banquets. 一位驻北京的美国政府官员跟我说,他在这类宴会上总是“不小心”把自己杯子里的酒洒出一大半。
For vinyl or wood floors, take a damp cloth with cleaner and spot wash getting rid of any particularly nasty spills or spots. 如果是乙烯地板或木地板,就用一块沾有清洁剂的是抹布,只擦洗有污渍污点的地方。
This is common practice for oil spills on the surface; using them in bulk at depth, as in the Gulf, is an ecological experiment. 对于海洋表面的石油泄漏是惯例,但大量用于深海领域,比如墨西哥湾,还只能算是一种生态实验。
The Natural Resource Damage Assessment, a process mandated for oil spills, is still in its injury-assessment and restoration-planning phase. “自然资源损失评估协会”对井喷带来的损失,仍停留在伤亡估量和恢复计划的阶段。
Before cleaning any mercury spills, be sure to read and follow the precautions found in the general mercury spill fact sheet. 在清理泄漏的水银前,务必先阅读水银泄漏通用事实表中的预防措施
It is a well known fact that the number of large scale oil and chemical spills has declined during the last decades. 众所周知,在过去的十年中大规模的石油及化学物泄露事件已经减少。
Without delay, she spills her heart, and some tears, about everything. Emotions pour out of her for nearly 30 minutes. 没有一刻耽搁,她开始倾吐她的所有心事,眼泪也夺眶而出,所有的情绪在半小时内全部倾倒了出来,而我只是听着。
Sulfur in the event of spills, leakage of contaminated areas should be isolated, restricted access, and cut off the fire source. 在发生硫磺泄漏事故时,应隔离泄漏污染区,限制出入,同时切断火源。
One key thing to look at while reading the histogram is whether or not it "spills" off the edges of the graph. 在解读直方图中最重要一点是看,是否存在“溢出”现象。
It said the spills occurred during the drilling process, when water is forced into the earth's crust. 据称是在钻探过程中,因水流涌入地壳内部导致原油泄漏。
However when attempting to break back out he spills over a magazine stand and unwittingly switches his magazines for Farmer's weekly! 当他试图从后门逃走的时候却发现自己溜进了一家书报亭,无意之中为农业周报当了一回送报人。
The increase in volume of the air bubble displaces water that spills out of the Well tube. 气泡体积增加后会排开水,这部分水会从油井管中溢出。
In the Gulf of Mexico, oil spills like the one run wild, wanton bolted, the event is a nightmare from a development to all aspects. 在墨西哥湾,漏油就像一匹脱缰的野马,肆意狂奔,事件正从各个方面向一场噩梦发展。
Notice that it spills off the left end, indicating that areas are under exposed (where the red arrow is pointing). 可以看到在左侧溢出的现象,说明这个区域曝光不足(红色箭头所指)。