
美 [spaɪt]英 [spaɪt]
  • n.怨恨;恶意
  • v.故意使烦恼;存心使苦恼
  • 网络遗恨;刁难;泄愤

第三人称单数:spites 现在分词:spiting 过去式:spited



n. v.

1.[u]恶意;怨恨a feeling of wanting to hurt or upset sb


in spite of sth

不管;尽管if you say that sb did sthin spite of a fact, you mean it is surprising that that fact did not prevent them from doing it

in spite of yourself

不由自主地if you do sthin spite of yourself , you do it although you did not intend or expect to


大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... spiral n. 螺旋,螺线 spite n. 怨恨,恶意 splash vi. 飞溅 ...


达克莱伊_百度百科 ... 打鼾 Snore 怨恨 Spite 最终保留 Last Resort ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... famous a. 著名的,极好的 spite n. 恶意,恨,遗恨 fan n. 戏迷,狂热爱好者 ...


Because Of You_3三3_新浪博客 ... hatred, 嫌恶,怨恨,憎恶 spite, 刁难,恶意,怨恨 remind, 提醒,使想起 ...


大学英语六级考试大纲词汇 - 豆丁网 ... spiral a. 螺旋(形)的,盘旋的 ? ? ? spite n. 恶意,怨恨 ? ? ? splash vt. 溅泼 ...


考研英语 - 抛砖引玉 - UNSV.COM英语学习频道 ... spectacle 眼镜 spite 泄愤 sport 炫耀 ...

Well, dear Marie , I will own to you that, in spite of his extreme youth, his departure for the army has been a great grief to me. 亲爱的玛丽,我向您坦白承认,虽说他十分年轻,但是他这次从军却使我感到极大的痛苦。
In spite of the loss, not a bad effort by the team. If they can take it a notch higher, they should have no trouble beating Houston at all. 这场失败对于这支球队并不是完全没有好的意义。如果他们能把自己的水平再度提高,他们应该能够毫无障碍的最终打败休斯敦。
"We're going to do that . . . in spite of the loud shrill voices (against it), " he said. Reid said a bill would be approved this year. “我们将那麽做…尽管有很大的反对声浪,”他说.里德称今年会批准一个相关法案。
After resting in Sydney for a few weeks , Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends, attempts to dissuade him. 在几个星期休息以后在悉尼,奇切斯特更加引起竟管他的朋友,尝试谏阻他。
she continued to talk to her and endeavor to raise her spirits , in spite of being out of spirits herself. 尽管她自己心情不佳,却继续有意地陪她说话,想使她快活起来。
It always surprised him that she could laugh in spite of the constant pain from her hip that the doctors had never been able to fix. 他一直觉得惊奇:她的髋骨总是疼,医生对此也束手无策,而她却能笑得出来。(宾语转换为主语)
In spite of the sometimes technical nature of the topics, they manage to make their shows very accessible and easy to listen to. 尽管有时候,这些话题在本质上是专业的,但他们仍尽力将节目做得十分易懂易听。
In spite of our best efforts, we weren't able to locate the name of the author of these photographs. 尽管我们做了最大的努力,我们仍然没能找出这些摄影图片的作者。
Fortunately, by this time, I had regained my presence of mind and was able to hold tightly to the rope in spite of my pain. 幸运的是,此时我已回过神来,尽管很痛,但还是能够紧紧抓住绳子。
and if I were you, I would not give him up to my younger sister, in spite of all this tumbling down hills. 假若我是你的话,决不把他让给妹妹,尽管他们一起滚下了山。
In spite of the experts trying to decipher and record the content is still not complete, an important basis for the cause of lack of crash. 虽经专家竭力破译,记录内容仍然不完整,空难原因的重要依据不足。
And I answered with the first thing that came into my head: "The thorns are of no use at all. Flowers have thorns just for spite! " 而我不假思索的回答:“刺没什么用。花上的刺只是因为恶意。”
In spite of his difficulties, Little Critter falls asleep happily on the train going home, exhausted from the big outing with his mother. 由于和妈妈这趟远足实在太累了,小怪物在回家的火车上愉快地睡着了。
The uncle continued to bear his spite but Milarepa out his great regret for killing so many people had forsaken his spite against his uncle. 而密勒日巴在杀死如此多人之后,出于悔恨和愧疚,他放弃了对伯父的仇恨。
Now, she's shocked (shocked! ) that everyone in town hates her for her spite, and is afraid she may have to move. 现在,她的震惊(震惊!),在每个城市,尽管她恨她,害怕她可能移动。
In spite of torture by the enemy, she faced death with a strong sense of righteousness. 她在敌人的严刑拷打下宁死不屈,大义凛然。
The very next day she listened to me with a smile, in spite of her confusion. 到第二天,虽说她心慌意乱,还是带着微笑听我说话了。
In spite of the weak performance, Mr Li said he did not regret buying Thomson. 尽管公司业绩欠佳,但李东生称,对收购汤姆逊,他并不感到后悔。
It is possible to divorce without taking away spite and bile with your part of the shared assets, if both parties are willing to co-operate. 如果双方愿意协商,彼此没有怨恨和愤怒地离婚,均分资产后得到自己应得的那一份,这不是不可能。
It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions. 它似乎是大自然的规律我们的一般例外,尽管个人。
At last I sat down, and ate some of my food, and, in spite of my fears, fell asleep, for I had not closed my eyes during the night. 最后我坐下来吃了些食物,吃完之后就再也顾不得恐惧的睡着了,因为昨晚我简直没有闭上过眼睛。
Hard pressed by his father, John told the truth in spite of his wife's warnings. 约翰被他老子追急了,也就不顾不得老婆的叮嘱,说出了真情实事。
In spite of her relative inexperience of less than two years, she is well prepared for her job. 尽管周培华在旅行社工作时间还不到两年,但她已为此做好了充分的准备。
In spite of the fact that he was a small man Mr. Johnson irradiated this feeling of well-being as he came down the steps. 尽管约翰逊先生个子不大,从楼梯上走下来时却浑身洋溢着健康的气息。
In spite of his grief, Twain continued to amuse the American public with a seemingly inexhaustible store of wit and humor. 尽管他非常悲痛,马克·吐温仍以他那似乎永不枯竭的机智和幽默,使美国公众笑逐颜开。
Society turned against him, as lavish now with calumny and spite as it had been with praise and flattery. 整个社会转而对他采取敌对态度,对他进行恶意的诽谤和诬蔑,其过分的程度就如当初对他进行赞美和吹捧那样。
He was so angry that he took his spite out on the chair by kicking it. 他非常生气,拿椅子当出气筒。
In spite of all this, they kept on sinning; in spite of his wonders, they did not believe. 虽是这样,他们仍旧犯罪,不信他奇妙的作为。
He saw that she was very beautiful, but in spite of this he did not like her, and he could not look at her without secretly shuddering. 国王觉得她长得的确美丽非凡,可是并不喜欢她,一看见她就不由得心惊胆战。
This made for very poor sleep, in spite of the hotel supplying a fan. Complaints about this to the front desk accomplished nothing. 这使我们度过了一个难熬的夜晚,尽管宾馆提供了一个风扇,抱怨这些也没有完成什么事。