
美 [traɪ]英 [traɪ]
  • n.尝试;努力;试图;在对方球门线后带球触地
  • v.试;努力;设法;试图
  • 网络才子;才子男装;试验

过去式:tried 第三人称单数:tries 现在分词:trying

try best,try means,try method,try experiment,try case
probably try,apparently try,try hard,desperately try


v. n.

1.[i][t]试图;想要;设法;努力to make an attempt or effort to do or get sth

2.[t]试;试用;试做;试验to use, do or test sth in order to see if it is good, suitable, etc.

3.[t]审理;审讯;审判to examine evidence in court and decide whether sb is innocent or guilty


not for want/lack of trying

并非努力不够;已经尽力了used to say that although sb has not succeeded in sth, they have tried very hard

try your hand (at sth)

初试身手to do sth such as an activity or a sport for the first time

try it on (with sb)

对…粗野无礼;耍弄;向…行骗to behave badly towards sb or try to get sth from them, even though you know this will make them angry

try your luck (at sth)

碰运气to do sth that involves risk or luck, hoping to succeed

try sbs patience

使忍无可忍;使不耐烦to make sb feel impatient


夹克十大品牌_夹克品牌_夹克衫品牌 ... 金利来 Goldlion 才子 TRIES 班尼路 BALENO ...


请英语学者帮我分析一下,谢谢_爱问知识人 ... D. have tried 已经尝试了。 A. tries 尝试 B. will try 将要尝试 ...


才子男装TRIES)2013春装男士长袖蓝色衬衫商务正装衬衫 蓝色 44 下单满298立减50,满498立减100,特卖会专场3折起, …


try 什么意思_百度知道 ... try it on 做大胆的尝试来考验别人是否能忍受 tries 尝试;试验 ...


翻译并将音标标出来:... ... sick 有病的 tries 试图 sink 下沉 ...




...的球, 还取决于空间是否足够大, 或生成球过程中的尝试次数tries) 是否足够多等; c) BALL 命令一般用于生成规则排 …

The Code Editor always tries to keep your code formatted in a standard, easy-to-read layout. “代码编辑器”始终尝试将代码格式保持为标准的、易于阅读的布局。
A source close to the Prime Minister said he tries to spend as much time as possible with his 6-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son. 卡梅伦助手表示,首相总是花尽可能多的时间来陪伴其6岁的女儿和4岁的儿子。
A test might be developed to predict whether a woman is at high risk of miscarriage before she tries for a baby. 可能必须开发出一种测试项目,在妇女试图怀孕生子前预测其是否处于流产的高风险中。
But he gamely tries to widen his focus to include at least a bit of the British viewpoint. 不过,他大胆尝试拓宽视角,至少融入了一点英国人的视角。
The narrator, unable to stop himself, tries to track Ruiz-Tagle down, and sees signs of his activity over and over again. 叙述者,无法阻止自己,试图跟踪鲁伊斯-塔格莱下来,并认为对他的活动迹象,一遍又一遍。
In one, a young man gives his girlfriend a rose and tries to persuade her to have premarital sex. 一个年轻的小伙子送给他女朋友一朵玫瑰,并以此说服她和自己发生婚前性行为。
He tries to see a movie at least twice a week. 他试图每周看至少两次电影。
He even tries to involve himself in projects that will bring 'more of that contact. 他甚至试图让自己参与到开会更多的项目中去。
When a woman loves a man she feels responsible to assist him in growing and tries to help him improve the way he does things. 当女人爱上男人时,她觉得有责任帮助他成长,并帮他改善他的做事方式。
A child has many fantasy in his mind, when he tries to tell you his imaginary world, do not scold him. 孩子的心中有著许多的幻想,当他试著告诉你他的想像世界时,不要马上斥为无稽;
It strikes me that the author tries very hard to cover up the fact that she cannot read the Global Times in Chinese. 作者拼命掩饰自己其实并不能阅读中文版的《环球时报》,这令我吃惊。
But I am trying, as one tries for any reflection, I am trying to ask myself why I began. 但是,我正在尝试,如同有人尝试从事任何的沉思,我尝试询问我自己为什么我开始。
future is an opaque mirror. Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face. 未来是面晦暗的镜子。任何试图向里面窥视的人只能看见一张苍老而焦虑的脸的模糊轮廓。
Duncan said he's worried that as China tries to spend its way out of the problem, it's really just making things worse. 邓肯说,他担心中国试图通过加大支出来解决问题的办法实际上会让事情变得更糟。
If he tries to get fresh with you, tell him to keep his hands to himself. 如果他对你无理,告诉他手脚老实点。
The farmer had genuinely tries to be friendly to his new mother-in-law, hoping that it could be a cordial relationship. 农夫竭力的对他岳母表示友好,希望与她建立诚挚关系。
As he tries to get his lines just right, a production crew tries desperately to shape him into a star by advising him over a loudspeaker. 当他试图让他行得恰到好处,生产人员试图拼命塑造成明星,告诉他对他的扬声器。
After many tries, she was finally able to draw this shy girl out to talk. 经过多次的尝试,她终于让这位害羞的女孩开口说话。
when the surface of the skin gets too cold , skin receptors send signals to the brain , which tries to warm us up in different ways. 当我们的皮肤表面太冷,皮肤接受器就会发送信号给大脑,再试图以各种不同的方式使我们暖和起来。
Although he has no shoes he tries to click his heels and salutes one of the men in our column, clearly a commander among the guerrillas. 虽然他没有穿鞋,但仍是并拢脚跟向我们一行中的一人敬礼,这人显然是游击队的一个指挥官。
Look , Mom , Evey tries awfully hard , and anyway you know she can't work that way . Not that that ---I mean , she's a realist , too . 听我说,妈妈,埃维已经很努力了,而且你也知道她不能那样工作。并不是说——我的意思是,她也是一个很现实的人……
Over time and with a little trial and error, he might be able to qualify what his body tries to tell him. 经过时间推移和一些常识和错误,他可能了解他身体试图告诉他的含义。
But she tries not to think about what effects her various exposures during her pregnancies might have had on her children. 但是她没有考虑到在她怀孕期各种暴露可能对她的孩子产生的影响。
each person in each academy tries himself in many ways to do something for that area. 全院上下都积极行动起来,为灾区人民开展多种形式的募捐活动。
The company has come under fire from some U. S. lawmakers as it tries to find new ways to expand into the U. S. market. 在试图寻求新的扩张途径以进入美国市场时,华为遭到了一些美国国会议员的严厉抨击。
Every guy tries to get a Chinese woman out on a date and impress her with detailed "rap" or speech moves. 每一个男人都尝试去约中国的女人出来然后用一些详尽的聊天给她留下一个深刻的印象或者得到更快的进展。
When Harry tries to discover the truth about his past, Snape yells at him and throws him out of the door. 当哈里试图发现关于他的过去的真相,斯内普骂他,抛出他的门。
Or, at least, it tries to. Outstanding content has the audacity to try something big, even if it means risking failure. 或者,至少让你去尝试,出类拔萃的文章有尝试做大事的豪情勇气,甚至冒险不惜失败。
To understand a PTL translation algorithm or a complementation algorithm, one typically tries out a few examples. 所以通常是藉由演算一些例子的来了解PTL的转换和互补的演算法。
Who tries to shield and protect by showing courage. . . staying strong; trying to set a good example while her heart is breaking all along? 是谁以勇气和坚强去保护,去抵挡,去努力树立榜样,尽管她的心一直在受伤?