
美 [tæb]英 [tæb]
  • n.标签;签条;突耳;凸舌
  • v.说(某人)适合于(某工作或角色);把(某人)视为…;使用制表键
  • abbr.(=Technical Assistance Board (of the United Nations))(联合国)技术援助委员会
  • 网络选项卡;制表符;分页

复数:tabs 过去式:tabbed 现在分词:tabbing



n. v.

1.标签;签条;突耳;凸舌a small piece of paper, cloth, metal, etc. that sticks out from the edge of sth, and that is used to give information about it, or to hold it, fasten it, etc.

2.(待付的)账单,账款;(尤指)餐饮账单;费用a bill for goods you receive but pay for later, especially for food or drinks in a restaurant or bar; the price or cost of sth

3.(informal)药片,药丸(指毒品)a small solid piece of an illegal drug


keep (close) tabs on sb/sth

监视;密切注视to watch sb/sth carefully in order to know what is happening so that you can control a particular situation


标签页界面中,多个文档再次被放到一个单个的框架中,但每个都是以完整大小显示的,并且可以通过标签tabs)来选择。这 …




  注意在圆括号中允许制表符(tabs)和空格(spaces) ,因此下面的语句是等价的:  $foo = (int) $bar;   $foo = ( int ) $bar;   字符串...


使用分页tabs)功能 此功能可让 Vim 同时打开多个文档进行编辑。其命令如下: :set spell-开启拼写检查功能 :set nospell…


设置标签页(tabs)集合属于此 TabView 实例 创建 TabView 元素时为其添加的类名(className) Default Value: "navset" 此类名(cl…


计算机术语中英文对照 - 小生物语 -... ... Columns 栏 分栏 Tabs 定位点 制表位 Drop Cap 首字放大 首字下沉 ...


【精品】软件汉化词汇二44 - 豆丁网 ... tabs to spaces tab 转为空格 tabs 页签 tag list 标签列表 ...

These included dressing up nicely for a partner, keeping tabs of his movements and telling off other women who look at him. 这些手段包括为了伴侣好好打扮,留意他的行踪,和斥责那些对自己伴侣“心怀叵测”的女人。
When I pointed this out on Twitter, the reaction was one of astonished disbelief that I might ever not want to be viewing multiple tabs. 当我在Twitter指出这点时,大家的反应是惊讶的怀疑我竟然不想用多个标签浏览。
Write down your worries in a journal on a weekly basis. Try to keep tabs of how much time you spend being anxious, too. 每周写一篇日志记下你的忧愁,也试着注意你每次都忧虑了多长时间。
Command tabs change automatically, depending upon the task that you are trying to complete. 可根据您试图要完成的任务自动进行更改的命令选项卡。
The name of the applicable contextual tools appears in an accent color, and the contextual tabs appear next to the standard set of tabs. 适用的上下文工具的名称将以强调文字颜色出现,上下文选项卡将出现在标准选项卡集旁边。
In the general scheme of life, parents are the ones who keep tabs on the children. 生活中,通常情况下是父母监护孩子。
Don't fret though -- even if I seem to go AWOL, I'm still here keeping tabs on everything. 不要烦恼,但-即使我似乎去擅离职守,我还在这里的一切都保持标签。
We'll make it a little more user-friendly, with a background on the hovered tabs. 我们将把它变得看起来舒服一些,给鼠标经过的项加一个背景。
WordPress stresses that code and style files should validate and be laid out with a lot of tabs so they are easy to read. WordPress强调代码和样式文件应该有效,使用大量标签设计,这样它们容易阅读。
VNC was designed to help people link their own computers. But it also worked as a cheap and easy way for me to keep tabs on Joel. vnc是为了帮助人们联接自己的多台计算机而设计的,但对我来说,它也是用来监视乔尔的一种方便又便宜的工具。
Among the other coding standards of the framework, indentation is always done by two blank spaces; tabs are not used. 在其他编码的框架标准,压痕总是由两个空格,制表符不使用。
Crane Hall itself has no bizarre history and if it does nobody bothered to keep tabs. 克兰公寓本身并没有什么怪异的历史,如果有,大家也不会关注的。
The indentation at the beginning of each paragraph should be five spaces, or the equivalent of the TABS key, in MLA research paper formats. 压痕每一段的开头是五个空格,或相当于标签的关键,在重点研究的论文格式。
A second category of services includes those that cut out the middleman, or at least keep tabs on him. 第二类业务包括那些帮助省略了中间商或者至少对他们密切监督的业务。
After working with this new interface for some time, I found myself going back and forth constantly between the tabs to get things done. 使用这个新界面工作一段时间以后,我发现为了做到我想做的事情,自己经常会在这些标签里来回寻找。
The gaiters were very easy to attach to the shoes - slip the tabs through the webbing and secure. 鞋罩非常容易装到鞋子上--将魔术贴穿过织带粘牢即可。
The purpose of these wrappers is to give jQuery UI Tabs hooks so it knows which chunks of markup to turn into tabbed content. 这些包装器的作用是为jQueryUITabs提供钩子,让它知道把哪些标记转换为选项卡的内容。
The place_tab_buttons function creates anchor tags that have the name of the tab and that switch tabs when clicked. place_tab_buttons函数创建有着选项卡名称的锚定标记,单击锚定标记时,将切换选项卡。
Maybe I should go around with little paper tabs to pull off with my phone number ready to give to every suitable guy I see. 也许我应该随身携带小本子,这样一旦遇到我心仪的男子,就可以撕下一张写有我电话号码的纸递给他。
Each action will be shown in the user interface, usually in the form of tabs at the top of the content or the top of site. 每个动作会被显示在用户界面上,通常会以动作签的形式显示在内容的顶部,或在站点的顶部。
The gaiters have seven velcro tabs which are used to secure the bottom edge of the gaiters to the shoe via the webbing on the outside. 鞋罩有七块魔术贴,它们的作用是,通过帮面外围的织带将鞋罩的底边固定到鞋子上。
Tabs at the bottom of the editor allow you to select different sets of information about the plug-in. 编辑器底部的选项卡让您可以选择关于插件的不同信息集合。
Very low leakage current , compact , easy to use power entry filter with fast on tabs or solder terminals . 低漏电流,小巧,端子嵌入或焊锡,方便安装和使用。
Though Kashi's brother lived nearby and had kept tabs on her, it was ten days before he found her. 虽然卡希的哥哥就住在母亲附近,也经常留心她的近况,但等他发现时老人已经去世十天了。
A list separated by spaces, semicolons, tabs, carriage returns, or any other identifiable character can be processed. 也可处理以空格、分号、制表符、回车或任何其他可识别字符分隔的列表。
We also pass it a list of Panel configuration objects to display as tabs. 还要将一系列的tab配置项对象参数传入到面板中。
The preview section enables you to quickly see the template details, as well as view the template by selecting any of the template tabs. 预览部分允许您快速查看模板详情,以及通过选择任何一个模板选项卡来查看模板。
The browser does have unique touches, like a button beside the address bar that immediately opens recently closed tabs, one at a time. 百度这款浏览器确实有着独特的感觉,比如点击地址栏旁边一个按钮,就可以立即打开最近关闭的标签页,每点一次就打开一个。
Chrome, Firefox and Safari all allow closing of tabs by just mousing over a tab to see an 'x' to click to close the website. 火狐和Safari都可以把鼠标移动到一个标签上,点击上面的x按钮来关闭该标签页。
By using privacy settings on sites, you can affect who will be able to see the site tabs and documents on the Documents Web Part. 通过使用这些网站上的隐私设置,可以影响能够在文档Web部件上查看网站选项卡和文档的用户。