
美 [ˈspɑtəd]英 [ˈspɒtɪd]
  • adj.有花点的;有斑点的
  • v.“spot”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络发现;有污点的;玷污的



1.有花点的having a regular pattern of round dots on it

2.有斑点的having marks on it, sometimes in a pattern


九年级英语单词表 ... gary 灰色 spotted 有斑点的 kangaroo 袋鼠 ...


Valentine's Day 情人节-英语点津 ... Croatia 克罗地亚 spotted 发现 desert island 荒岛 ...


考博英语词汇 ... spot n. 地点;点;斑点;污点 v.认出;弄脏;用点 spotted a. 有斑点的;玷污的;有污点的 spouse n. 配偶 ...


考博英语词汇 ... spot n. 地点;点;斑点;污点 v.认出;弄脏;用点 spotted a. 有斑点的;玷污的;有污点的 spouse n. 配偶 ...


Chinese Mortgages in the UK... ... old-fashioned 传统的,老套的 spotted 发现了 prevailed 盛行,普遍 ...


英语单选_百度知道 ... spotted 认出 发现 spot a friend 认出一个朋友 ...

On a winding dirt road dotted with potholes the size of small animals, I spotted what looked like an old tool shed. 在一条蜿蜒曲折布满小动物大小的坑洼的泥路上,我看到了样子像旧工具棚的屋子。
When a good talent was spotted, the manager will map out a strategy with the rest of his team to draw him in. 每当发现一个人才时,公司的经理会与他的团队筹划一个“挖人”计划;
And there was a roust of the pyjama-clad as the first polar bear was spotted, after hours, by Johan up in the crow's nest. 几小时后,乔纳在瞭望台上看见了第一头北极熊,唤起了身穿睡衣的大家。
Hagrid suddenly pulled out a very dirty, spotted handkerchief and blew his nose with a sound like a foghorn. 哈格力突然掏出一块又脏又大的手帕来提鼻涕,他提鼻子的声音好像吹号角一般。
But so far, only one other system like ours has been spotted: In 2006 astronomers found a star with its own versions of Jupiter and Saturn. 但是至今为止,在我们发现的其他星系中我们只找到了一个与太阳系相似的:2006年天文学家发现了一个恒星,它拥有自己的“木星”和“土星”。
It so happened that Master had spotted a ragged vagabond squatting by the roadside and wanted to offer him some food and a pair of trousers. 原来师父看见路旁有一位流浪汉蹲着,衣服破烂,师父要送他食物和裤子。
Just as the men clear the bridge, they're spotted by the SUV. The officer at the wheel demands that they stop, but the men run on. 团伙刚跨过大桥就被警方发现了。车上的警察叫他们停住,但他们继续跑着。
Since then, Titan has spotted dozens of lakes on Titan's surface, thought to be made of a mixture of liquid ethane and methane. 自那时起,泰坦上已经发现了数十个充满了液态乙烷和甲烷混合物的湖。
The first flakes of snow, on a planet that until fairly recently was believed to be waterless, were spotted just a few months ago. 最近这个还被认定不含水的行星上,几个月前下了第一场雪。
Looking out of the train window, I spotted a pair of camels feeding on the sparse vegetation amongst the salt flats. 从火车窗外看去,我看见两只骆驼在植被稀少的盐碱平地上觅食。
She was spotted out in London on Tuesday and purchased clothing from Warehouse on King's Road. 星期二凯特出现在伦敦的英皇道商场大采购。
Ale said he was very excited when he spotted the leopards , but kept calm enough to focus his camera and get some photographs. 艾尔说他发现雪豹的时候很兴奋,但是仍保持冷静聚焦相机拍下了几张照片。
As they watch the childish behaviour of Edgar and Isabella Linton, the children of the Grange, they are spotted and try to escape. 埃德加和伊莎贝拉是画眉山庄的孩子,当他们窥探这两个人孩子气的举动的时候,被发现了,他们试图逃走。
When this worker spotted a mark on an apartment window, he just had to pop out to give the glass a quick wipe with a squeegee. 当这个工人发现公寓的窗户上有个斑点,他只能探身用橡皮滚子将玻璃快速擦拭一番。
The pilot's story was that he took off from Vegas, got lost, and spotted the Base just as he was about to run out of fuel. 飞行员说他从维加斯出发后迷路了,油耗光了他只得在基地着陆。
Still, by the time Crichton spotted Earth at the far end of a new wormhole, he hesitated before diving in, sorry to leave his shipmates. 尽管如此,当克莱顿在一个新的虫洞的另一端发现地球时,他在驶进虫洞前犹豫了,为离开他的同伴而感到难过。
Cyrus was spotted in Madrid this week casually drinking what appeared to be a Corona while out on the town with friends. 赛勒斯被发现本周在马德里随便喝,而似乎是在与朋友出城电晕。
Meteorite hunters are on the look-out for space rock in Ireland, after a fireball was spotted blazing across the sky on Wednesday night. 在周三晚上发现一个燃烧的火球横过天空中后,陨石猎人都在爱尔兰瞭望寻找太空石。
While he was at it, the Obama team spotted irregularities on the rest of his opponents' forms too. 而当他也参与进来之后,Obama的团队还发现了他的其他对手表格中存在的谬误。
Suddenly Sakamoto spotted the ship, she was like a sitting duck at dockside. 突然间坂本发现了那条船。那条船在码头边像个死靶子。
At this event, she was spotted by a designer of exotic lingerie and was recruited as a model for his extravagant jeweled brassieres. 在婚礼上,她被一位情趣内衣设计师看中,后者把她选为奢侈珠宝胸罩的模特。
Perry on a mountain. A few years earlier, the sales executive was skiing on an expert-level hill at a Quebec resort when he spotted Mr. 几年前,身为销售高管的卡拉瑟斯在魁北克一个度假村的专业级坡道上滑雪,忽然瞅见业余水准的佩里。
Suddenly, I caught a satisfying look on his face, for he spotted a small bottle at the bottom and grasped (pounced on) it out with delight. 突然,我看到官员脸上露出了得意的神色。他在我的箱底发现了一只小瓶,高兴地一把抓了起来。
A diesel can be spotted in one of the tree series, although it takes a while to make it out. 花点力气,就会发现一系列树画的其中一幅画有一部柴油机。
They were spotted by the police as they were entering the bank. 他们进入银行时就被警察发现了。
A girl in care, Nina, is spotted by a French woman who believes her to be her baby, stolen years before from a supermarket trolley. 被收养所收容的女孩尼娜被一个法国女人所认出,她坚信尼娜就是她多年前在超市手推车里被人拐走的女儿。
Shortcomings of others can be spotted at once as if stains on white paper, but those of our own can be barely found by ourselves. 他人身上的缺点就像白纸上的黑点,一眼就能看出来;而自己身上的缺点却很难发现。
One incident that hurt the most was one night when I was out with my friends at a club and a group of guys spotted us from across the club. 一个事件伤害最大的一个晚上,当我跟朋友们在俱乐部和一群家伙发现我们来自不同俱乐部。
He is said to have left late the following night and was spotted by the police while he was swimming back across the lake. 据称他在第二天晚上离开翁山苏姬的住地,在游水过湖的时候被警察看见。
By the time I spotted him he was far up ahead, walking away through the crowd, hands in his pockets and his head hanging down. 我发现他时,他已经走的很远了,他穿过人群,双手插在兜里,耷拉着脑袋。