
美 [oʊn]英 [əʊn]
  • v.拥有;承认
  • adj.本人的;自己做的;为自己的
  • pron.自己的东西[家属,责任,立场(等)];心爱的人
  • 网络所有;特有的;欧普拉电视网(Oprah Winfrey Network)

第三人称单数:owns 现在分词:owning 过去式:owned

own property,own share,own apartment,own farm,own paper
own chain,own unit,own everything,own manager,own utility
completely own,jointly own


1.(用于强调)自己的,本人的used to emphasize that sth belongs to or is connected with sb

2.自己做的;为自己的done or produced by and for yourself


come into your/its own

得到充分的发挥to have the opportunity to show how good or useful you are or sth is

get your own back (on sb)

报复to do sth to sb in return for harm they have done to you; to get revenge

hold your own (against sb/sth) (in sth)

坚守立场;(使自己)立于不败之地to remain in a strong position when sb is attacking you, competing with you, etc.

(all) on your own

独自;单独alone; without anyone else


虞啸卿_百度百科 ... Normal( 正规的) Own自己的) Pushy( 固执己见的) ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Free 使自由 Own 拥有 last 持续 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1847 neatly adv 整洁地 1848 own v 拥有,所有 1849 spirit n 精神 ...


人教版初中英语单词全部 - 豆丁网 ... outside 外面的;在外部的 own 自己的;特有的 palace 宫殿 ...

欧普拉电视网(Oprah Winfrey Network)

  2011年1月1日,真正属于奥普拉的电视频道OWNOprah Winfrey Network)宣告成立,一些小肚鸡肠的“奥黑”又开始揶揄:奥 …


Let's Learn English ... 238. owe 欠 239. own 拥有,占有 240. hope 希望 ...


英语泛读四vocabulary选择和填空 - 豆丁网 ... B. owe 欠应给予 C. own 拥有;承认 D. loan 借给 13. ...

You see, up to now, he's been king of his own room. 你知道,直到现在,他一直是家里的小皇帝;
None of you can personally and legitimately own the Earth, nor any part of it, nor any of its many kingdoms. 你们中没有任何人可以独自合法地拥有地球,或地球的任何部分,或地球众多王国中的任何一个。
May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. 可以让人变得健康。同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐。
In case of the Merchant's own Container, a set of emergency kit and an operation manual shall be supplied by the Merchant. 如属货方自己的集装箱,则应由货方提供紧急用具箱及操作手册。
I hope oneself be just a life in the sky of angel, own the thought and behavior, can from saw the life of the boundary in the sky. 我希望自己只是一个生活在天上的天使,拥有思想与行为,只能从天上看下界的生活。
He soon found he was more interested in teaching his own language to foreigners than in teaching foreign languages to English schoolboys. 很快他就发现,相比教英国学生外语,他更喜欢教外国人自己的母语。
"I totally agree with him that every manager needs to work with his own club, " said the Reds boss. 我完全同意他说的,每个教练应该好好专注在自己的球队上。
Earlier this year, she bought a sailing boat and is training to be proficient enough to sail the boat on her own. 今年早些时候,奥德丽买下了一艘帆船,并接受了驾驭帆船的训练。
Ametrine is said to possess all the metaphysical benefits of both Amethyst and Citrine, as well its own unique properties. 莹石蕴藏着紫水晶和黄晶两种宝石的一切超自然灵气,除此之外,她还有着属于自己的独特魅力。
It is unfortunately none too well understood that, just as the State has no money of its own, so it has no power of its own. 不幸的是很多人对此并没有清醒的认识,也就是国家并没有自己的钱,所以它也没有自己的力量。
In the interest of your own personal development, you need to be able to identify your sources of stress so you can control them. 鉴于你的个人发展,你必需具备鉴别你的压力来源的能力,以便你能控制他们。
While I'm glad to see how much she likes giving to others, I wonder if she would be as generous sharing her own money or treats or toys. 看到她那么乐于给予我很欣慰。可我好奇,如果是分享她自己的钱、零食或玩具,她是否还会一样的慷慨。
Therefore, The bank does not keep any information about electronic cash except for a pair of its own secret keys. 除自己的一对密钥外,银行不需要保留任何有关电子现金的其它信息,使系统更简单和实用。
They tend to have more control over their lives at work--why pay someone six figures if you're not going to ask her to use her own judgment? 这些富裕的人往往更希望通过工作掌控自己的生活——为什么你付某人6位数的薪水而不去要求她运用她自己的判断呢?
Let him have his own way. What's the point of forcing him to do what he is reluctant to? 让他走自己的路吧。强迫他做不愿意做的事情有什么意义呢?
the Treasury does not believe that the court will demand that Fiat put up any of its own cash, nor will it consider doing so. 财政部不认为法庭将要求菲亚特拿出它自己的资金,也不会考虑这样做。
But soon I discovered that the best way for you to have complete control of your time was to start a business. You had to be your own boss. 但不久我发现,完全掌握自己时间的最好方法就是创立一家公司。这样你就是自己的老板了。
With Germany about to enter its own election campaign, it may take a while to say yes to America. 随着德国即将开始自己的竞选活动,该国唯美国马首是瞻也许还要花上一段时间。
We use the word helpful carefully in that you should always try to design for minimal cleanup processing outside of your own program. 这里的“有助于”这个词加上引号是因为,您应该尽可能在自己的程序中完成清理过程,不要依靠系统机制。
You know, the will means that Dad wanted me to be my own man. 知道吗爸爸在遗嘱上让我做自己
The matter is pressing in its own right, but also because most of the advanced economies are either already in or on the verge of recession. 问题本身就已十分紧迫,但另一个原因是大多数发达经济体不是已经进入衰退,就是处在衰退的边缘。
Found to promote their own category for each article written, easy to stray from the point total. 发现自己每次写推广类的文章,总容易跑题。
As polls closed at 10 p. m. in London on Thursday, Mr. Brown received another rude shock, this one from a member of his own cabinet. 在伦敦的投票于周四晚10点截止之际,布朗又遭遇了另一个沉重打击,给他打击的是他的一名内阁成员。
He feared, however, that it would not be too long before the young man headed back to his native Uzbekistan to open his own bakery. 可是,他担心这位年轻的小伙子不久将回到自己的祖国乌兹别克斯坦开自己的面包房。
Especially as you begin to be known for your own expertise, most of them will be happy to be contacted by you. 尤其是随着你开始由于自己的专业而为人所熟知,他们大都会乐意你跟其联系的。
A helicopter will take her to Swiss Camp, a research station on the ice sheet with its own sauna. 她将乘坐直升飞机前往建于冰盖上配有桑拿浴室的研究基站SwissCamp。
Britain remembered 67 of its own sons and daughters who died in the New York attack at a memorial garden in London. 英国也在伦敦的纪念公园里悼念在纽约袭击中遇难的67位子女。
Microsoft recommends that you put MS DTC in its own group with its own physical disk resource, if it is possible. Microsoft建议尽可能将MSDTC放在自己的组和自己的物理磁盘资源中。
But in the long run, it's bad news as Coke will have to pay more to build out its own infrastructure in China, he said. 但他说,从长期来看,这是一个坏消息,因为可口可乐需要花费更多资金构建其在中国的基础设施。
He earned fame in his own country through the power of the Hallyu Wave, how can he not know that? 他赢得了声誉在自己的国家通过力量的韩流波,他怎么能不知道呢?。