one step

  • n.一步舞;单步
  • 网络一步应用;一步法;一步到位之技术

复数:one-steps 过去分词:one-stepped 现在分词:one-stepping

one stepone step

one step


张佑赫《不落的太阳》专辑共录入几首歌曲_百度知道 ... 5、Scream 尖声喊叫 8、One step 一步 1、PUMP FLOW 舞动不息 ...


...相机应用程序可称为完整?我们有超过 20 种超酷的一步应用 (one Step) 过滤器!从 Grunge,70‘s style,Lomo 和 Cross Processi…


油压式的吹瓶机用「一步法(ONE STEP)」生产,将射瓶胚跟吹瓶机整合在同一台设备,生产很特别、很漂亮、更小的瓶子,偏 …


高纯度纯化设计: 新式纯化系统、一步到位之技术(ONE STEP)达成。液/气氮共存自动切换系统: 弹性分配(液氮):(气氮)之比例, …


一步法分析one step)几何生成器(geometry generator)冲压生成器(process generator)单双动拉延(single/double draw…


... ... like a little cat( 做小猫的动作) one step;two steps( 轻轻的迈出第一步,第二步) ...


one-step是什么意思_one-step怎么翻译及发音... ... watch one's step v. 走路小心,谨慎 one step 单步 one step method 单步法 ...


一步一个脚印:One step at a time ... 爱情傻瓜: Fool in love 一步一个脚印One step 清亮迷人: Something wo ...

Some people panic every time I mention options, as if it were one step from casino gambling. 每次我提到期权的时候有些人就会感到惊慌,似乎这是赌场里的某种赌局。
Now, with an outright infringement of sales to its biggest customer, resource-poor Japan, it appears to be going one step further. 如今,中国通过完全叫停对资源贫乏的最大客户日本的稀土销售,似乎又向前迈出了一步。
He goes a little bit like (countryman) Yao Ming; one step at a time. You never see him expecting so much from himself. 和他的同胞姚明有点像;一步一个脚印。现在他对自己有很高的期望。
A solvent was used as gold extractant and a sort of compound back extract reducer was used for reduction at one step in normal temperature. 用某溶剂作为金萃取剂,用某复合反萃还原剂在常温条件下进行一步还原;
He took one step, slipped on a wet spot, fell backward, and hit his back against the hard porcelain bathtub. 刚走一步,他踩在一块湿的地方,摔倒在地,他的背重重摔在陶瓷浴缸上。
Seven, you would like to break, but was one step ahead of his people - met this person, only one word: "depressed. " 你想提出分手,却被他抢先一步的人——遇到这种人,只有两个字:“郁闷”。
Dutch design always seems to be one step ahead of convention, setting new directions in design and architecture. 而荷兰建筑设计似乎总会领先于传统一步,为建筑设计制定新方向。
You know, "Think about what needs to be done, Lauren, one step at a time. " 想想什么事情是需要完成的,Lauren,一步一步来。
The man living on welfare began to set up his own market, one step at a time and his business is thriving. 这靠救济过日子的人开始慢慢的建立了自己的市场,生意日渐兴隆。
Any other source of programmer documentation is likely to be one step behind the actual code, unless the programmer has been very diligent. 任何其它来源的程序员文档往往落后于实际代码,除非程序员非常勤奋。
As long as you do not refuse one step at a time of extraordinary, brilliant attractive you would not refuse to have them. 只要你不拒绝一步一个脚印的平凡,诱人的光辉就不会拒绝你对他们的拥有。
Writing down each step of an action plan and attacking it one step at a time without looking to the next step is amazing. 把一个行动计划的每一步骤写下来,然后行动起来,一次只解决一个步骤,不去想第二个步骤。
You take it one step at a time, and the next step always seems to be inevitable. 你迈出了这一步,似乎就必然会迈出下一步。
Therefore, anticancer therapies that target RNAs seem to be one step closer to being a new class of anticancer drug. 因此,靶标RNA的抗癌治疗似乎让我们向寻找一类新的抗癌药物跨近了一步。
I do pretty well, but I'm trying to take it to the next level. One step at a time! 我做得还不错,但希望能上升到更高一层次,不过一次只能一个步骤。
After all, that is how the European Union was created, taking one step at a time, knowing full well that additional steps would be required. 毕竟,欧盟(EU)就是这样创造出来的:每次走一步,同时完全清楚要采取额外的步骤。
At this point, the one step that many fail at is often the easiest yet most important. 此时,在这个通常是最容易却是最重要的一步,很多人失败了。
For very complex maneuvers, the robots instead plan out a series of sub-shapes rather than trying to make a major change in one step. 由于运动控制非常复杂,机器人往往不是先计算出一系列分步动作,而是先尝试先完成一个主要的改变。
I knew it was stupid and I wouldn't get out of the sun with one step. 我知道这是愚蠢的,我走一步并逃不过太阳。
And then one step up the long tail of the article page make keywords baidu after come, be about to the corresponding maintenance. 紧接着上一步长尾百度关键词的文章页面做出来了之后,就要对其进行相应的维护。
But, this is not just a one step forward update. No, it's a giant leap to a new kind of Linux desktop thanks to its Unity desktop interface. 但这不仅仅是一次更新,由于使用了新的桌面环境Unity,这是Linux桌面的一次巨大飞跃。
I am following Jesus , one step at a time; I live for the moment in His love divine. Why think of tomorrow ? 我今跟从耶稣,步步紧相随,活在他圣爱中,刻刻我珍贵,何需挂虑明日?。
Even though it is not always the solution sometimes you just have to put your head down, take what comes, and plow ahead one-step at a time. 虽然这不总是有效的,但碰到困难时有时候你只需要低下头不管前方有多么艰难,脚踏实地的一步一步往前走就行了。
One step closer: Take a free career test to help you get a clearer idea of your interests and passions. 更接近梦想工作的方法:做一次免费的职业测试,借此来找到你的兴趣和热情之所在。
When you're planning a wedding, there's always one couple with similar taste that seems to be one step ahead of you. 当你计划结婚的时候,总会有一对跟你们品味相似的夫妻领先你们一步之遥。
For the purposes of the article, we'll alternate between male and female gender examples ( "him" in one step, "her" in the next). 为本文目的,我们将用男、女性别例子交替采用(一次用“他”,下一次用“她”)。
It's best to stay focussed and concentrate on your own work, trying to put together the perfect weekend, one step at a time. 保持精力、专心于你自己的工作是最好的办法,设法将这些结合在一起,一步一步的组成一个完美的周末。
The isolongifolanone was synthesized from the longifolene using a one-step method with a yield close to that of two-step method. 以长叶烯为原料,一步合成异长叶烷酮,产率接近分步合成法。
A good habits will not be easy to complete, he must establish a long-term goals, one step at a time of action. 一个好习惯的养成不会是轻而易举的,要想完成他,就得确立长远的目标,一步一个脚印的行动起来。
Or to take it one step further, why not let the delivery worker synchronize data with another delivery worker by using data collaboration. 或者进一步,使用数据协作将数据同步给另一个运送工。