of course

  • na.当然
  • 网络自然;当然可以;当然了

of courseof course

of course


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 32 habit n. 习惯 34 of course 当然 35 look after 照顾;照看 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... in the course of 在 …… 过程中,在 …… 期间 of course 当然,自然,无疑 in danger 在危险中,垂危 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 27.a department store 百货商店 28.of course 当然可以 29.try on 试穿 ...


和老外交流最常用1000句口语-搜狐教育 ... 33. I decline! 我拒绝! 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! ...


41~80_阿久_新浪博客 ... 5.You have clear eyes. 你的眼睛很清澈。 1.Of course! 那当然! 2.Of course I know! 我当然知道! ...


本_互动百科 ... [at first] 原先;先前 [of course] 理所当然 [home base] 棒球比赛中队员前进所指向的目标 ...


Prison Brea k越狱 第一季... ... four days from now, 四天以后 -Michael:Of course 当然行 -Burrows:What's up? 怎么了? ...


英语复习题_快乐的六二班_新浪博客 ... 8、 Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 9、 Of course. 当然啦。 10、 See you later. 再 …

Of course it would be nice to win every game, but on a wider scale there's nothing for me to be unhappy about ". " 能赢下每场比赛当然会更加美妙,但总得来说没什么让我感到不快。
Perry: "I wanted this. And you know, of course it wasn't what I expected it to be. And that was weird, too. " 这角色是我想要的的。你们也知道那这当然不是我所希望的角色。而且这也有些怪异。
Of course, the best way to explore a program is to do something with it, so this series gets into the code to make a few changes. 当然,研究程序的最佳方法就是使用这个程序来做些事情,因此本系列文章将研究一些有所不同的代码。
Of course, Sure, me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah? 当然,硕儿,我也是。我敢说,我从来没有这么开心,能在我的生活。我打赌你这么做了,是吗?
That of course doesn't answer your question of light, but it does say something about the ritual of looking. 这当然没有回答你关于光的问题,但是它指涉到了观看的仪式。
She was, of course, aware of her mother's quiet disapproval, so she made sure that they parted as soon as the waltz was over. 当然,她也察觉到了她母亲的不满,华尔兹一结束,她就决定和他分开了。
Between them they have Indian blood, of course, and Italian, French, Scottish, English and Irish blood as well. 他们当然都有印度血统,此外还有意大利、法国、苏格兰、英格兰和爱尔兰血统。
Of course, as you are putting on television, people have called in and said, My life has changed. 电视播出后,很多观众一定会打电话来说:我的生命从此改变了。
Of course, I did not know at the time who this man was. But I learned later that it was the Golden-faced Buddha, Miao Renfeng, Master Miao. 我当时自然不知道他是谁,到后来才知是金面佛苗人凤苗大侠。
Since we have "healthy paranoia" as one of our core values, we would not, of course, be so blind. 由于我们的核心价值观中具备“健康的偏执狂”症状因子,我们当然不会如此盲目。
Then, of course, trying to, you know, work on things where the content is actually important for me. 还有就是,当然,试着设计一些东西,他们的内容是非常重要的。
Of course, that means life might be uncomfortable or very tough for a while, but the payoff can be huge. 当然,那意味着在一段时间内你的生活可能会不尽如人意或者过得非常辛苦,但是回报也可能是非常丰厚的。
'Of course, the face-saving way is to say 'postpone, ' he said, but Internet users 'are declaring their victory. 他说,当然,避免丢脸的做法就是宣布“推迟”实施,不过互联网用户却在宣布自己获得了胜利。
Follow this guide and you will always be able to say, "Of course I saw the moment when . . . " 跟随这个指南,你将总可以说:“当然,我看了……的时刻。”
And of course the footprints are of different sizes, so it was easy to tell. 而且脚印当然有大小不同之分,所以很容易告诉人们真相。
Of course everybody coming to China wants to see the Great Wall, so it must be a tourist place. 当然,每个到中国来的人都想看看长城,因此长城肯定是旅游景点。
answer, of course, is to have fun. As I was doing the research for this series, I visited a few bars on my own. 由于我在做关于这个系列的调查,我自己也参观了一些酒吧。
H: of course. I spent so much time at my old workplace that I got to know them all very well. They were like family to me. 当然了。我在原来的工作岗位上工作了那么长时间,非常了解她们每一个人。对我来说他们就像家人一样。
And, of course I had no way to verify his story or to try to raise my truck from the dead on my own. 当然我也没有办法核实他的“故事”并且也不能让我的卡车晚点退休。
Of course, the alleged rapist has no protection. His name is printed. And if he is a Kennedy, he is dragged through the mud. 当然,强奸嫌犯不受保护。他的名字被登出来。如果他是肯尼迪家的人,他就会更遭殃。
So it was not so difficult, but of course we needed to be careful that if something did go wrong, we at least had some margin. 比赛不是很困难,但是我们必须小心翼翼,以防万一出什么问题的时候至少我们还留有余地。
Of course, I have had to give up a good deal of my own life, on that account. 当然,我因此不得不放弃了很多自己的生活。
The discovery of this formula and of the general principles upon which it is based has, of course, no emotive value. 当然,这个(新发现的)公式和其背后的那些普遍规律并不包含研究者的政治态度。
I cannot, of course, speak for every other individual on this earth, but I do not believe that I am a very difficult person to understand. 当然我不能对这个世界上的其他人说,我不相信我是一个难理解的人。
Southerners, of course, continued to be cotton exporters interested in having cheaper access to imported manufactures. 当然南方人仍然是棉花出口者,他们对于可以获得更廉价的进口工业品很关心。
And that, of course, had been a question I wanted to know. 当然了,那也是我一直都在探求的一个问题。
But of course, as a parent, all you really want is for her to be able to pursue her dream. That's really all you want. 但当然,作为家长,你真的希望她能追寻自己的梦想。那就是你真正想要的。
I, of course, am delighted to see that, and will always raise the grade of a student who can put up a good fight, even if he is wrong. 当然,我很高兴看到这些,而且经常会给那些挑起激烈争论的学生加分,即使他是错的。
Of course, solar power, the most available technology right now, was a huge part of every vision a given for the future. 当然现在最可行的技术太阳能,占了相当大的部分,人们都将其视为将来的必备之物。
Three months later, I telephoned him, in Mandarin of course, and he could not believe that it was me. 3个月后,我给他打了电话,说的当然是中文,而他无法相信是我打的电话。