
美 [spreɪn]英 [spreɪn]
  • n.扭伤
  • v.扭伤
  • 网络扭伤的

复数:sprains 现在分词:spraining 过去式:sprained

ankle sprain



人教版高中英语必修5单词表_百度知道 ... &sprain v. 扭伤 &sprained adj. 扭伤的 &essential adj. 最重要的 ...

I am writing to let you know how much I appreciate your helping my son Robert last Thursday when he sprained his ankle. 我写信是想告诉您,我是多么感激您在我的儿子Robert上周四扭伤脚腕时帮助他。
Now that Gasol is out with a sprained ankle and not expected to play Tuesday, Bryant said he'll have to carry even more of the offense. 现在加索尔右脚踝扭伤,有可能无法在周二的比赛中出场,科比说他将会在进攻端承担更大的责任。
Gasol was out with a sprained ankle when the teams met in March, so the Jazz haven't experienced his impact on the triangle offense yet. 加索尔在3月份因脚踝扭伤缺席两队交手,所以爵士并没有机会体会到加索尔对三角进攻的影响。
After sending one of her recent pictures with a mean caption to a few of my friends, I tripped and sprained my wrist falling up the stairs. 当我将她最近的照片加上恶毒的注解发给我的几个朋友之后,我就绊倒了,从楼梯上摔下来还扭伤了手腕。
Sasha Vujacic (sprained ankle) and Luke Walton (off-season ankle surgery) did not suit up for Sunday's game. 武贾西奇(脚踝扭伤)和沃顿(休赛期脚踝手术)不适合参加周日的比赛。
Gasol still has swelling and soreness in his sprained ankle, but Coach Phil Jackson stopped short of calling it a setback. 加索尔扭伤的脚踝依然很痛,但杰克逊并不急着让加索尔回归。
The Lakers remain uncertain when forward Luke Walton, out a week because of a sprained right ankle, will be back. 卢克·沃顿一周前扭伤了右脚踝,目前湖人对于他的归期仍然不确定。
You turn off your brain for a night, and all your left with the next day is a bad hangover, a sprained ankle, and a pineapple. 你只是放纵大脑一个晚上,第二天早上伴随而来的就是强烈的宿醉,扭伤的脚踝还有一个菠萝。
I'm very happy to have won Singapore's Most Popular Artiste (Thanks to you! ). If I didn't sprained my toe, I would be. 我非常高兴能够赢得新加坡最受欢迎艺人这个奖(谢谢你们!)。如果我没有扭伤脚指头,我现在应该在。
Mac: And sprained the anterior tendon connecting your radius to your humerus. I gave it a wee bit of a tweak, Jimmy, and wrapped him up. 麦克:还扭伤了连接你肱部的前腱。吉米,我稍微拧动了一下,然后给他做了包扎。
'I felt it immediately, ' says the New York ad-sales manager, referring to the pain that shot up from her just-sprained ankle. 贝茨说:“我马上就感觉到了。”她是说她感觉到了脚踝扭伤后突如其来的疼痛。
eg: Your "broken arm " was only a sprained wrist. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. 你只是扭了一下手腕,哪有摔断胳膊。别小题大做了。
Brown continues to be listed with a "sprained right thumb" on L. A. 's injury report, but is not expected to miss any time. 布朗仍然以“拇指拉伤”呆在伤病名单,但是他不希望缺席任何比赛。
Mischievous rumours that he has sprained his wrist in the process and will be out for a month appear to be unfounded. 有恶作剧传言说,他已经在签约过程中扭伤了脚腕,一个月之内都无法出现在球场上。
Luke Walton (offseason ankle surgery) was in street clothes and Sasha Vujacic (sprained ankle) did not make the trip. 沃顿在夏天进行了脚踝手术,仍然穿着便服,武贾西奇脚踝扭伤没有随队伍前往比赛场地。
Yes. I have this sharp pain between my shoulders, and I think I might have sprained my ankle. 是的。我两个肩膀之间疼得这么厉害,而且我想我还可能扭了脚脖子了。
I sprained my ankle on that play, too. I think if I hadn't gotten hurt, they would've brought me up to the Sharks before the season ended. 我想,要不是受伤的话,那个赛季结束前我就会进大鲨鱼队了。
Ginobili has been hampered by an injured finger and a sprained ankle. 手指受伤和脚踝扭伤制约了吉诺比利(发挥)。
Sasha Vujacic did not practice after an MRI exam confirmed a sprained left ankle. 核磁共振检查证实了武贾西奇的左脚踝扭伤了,他没有参加训练。
I sprained my ankle yesterday, so I can't go with you for morning exercises. 我昨天把脚脖子崴了,今天不能陪你晨练了。
I shall apply a cold compress to his sprained ankle . 我要给扭伤的脚脖子冷敷。
I have been climbing for 27 years. Except for a sprained ankle or two and the usual overuse injuries, I had never gotten hurt. 我已经有27年的爬岩经验,除了有一、两次扭伤脚踝的经验以及过度使用的运动伤害之外,我从来没有受到如此严重的伤害过。
Carter, 34, has missed the last three games with a sprained left knee. He injured the knee against the Spurs last Monday. 34岁的老将卡特由于膝盖扭伤已经错过了之前的三场比赛,他的膝盖是在上个礼拜一对阵马刺队的比赛的时候受伤的。
Nick: You don't have to believe me, but it's the truth. I sat out the first round qualifying match because I had a sprained ankle. 尼克:你未必要相信我,但那就是事实。我在第一轮资格赛上没上场是因为我扭伤了脚踝。
When I missed my step, I seem to have sprained my ankle. 当我踩错步子时好像扭伤足踝了。
Reserve point guard Chris Duhon watched the game in a suit from the Magic bench. Team officials said Duhon had a sprained left ankle. 替补组织后卫克里斯·杜宏身着正装坐在我魔板凳上围观了整场比赛。球队官员说杜宏的左脚踝扭伤了。
Mom took a few steps around to show them that she wasn't hiding a broken leg or a sprained ankle. 妈妈在他们面前走了几步,向大家证明,她既没有藏着一条摔伤的腿,也没有扭伤脚踝。
After a scan on Thursday, the team said in a statement that Beckham had suffered a sprained medial collateral ligament in his right knee. 在经过周四的扫描后,英格兰队对外发出声明:贝克汉姆遭受扭伤导致右膝韧带拉伤。
New Orleans has played its last five games without Chris Paul, who remains sidelined indefinitely with a sprained left ankle. 新奥尔良没有发挥克里斯保罗,其最近5场比赛缺阵谁仍因左脚踝扭伤下去。
I sprained my ankle yesterday when I was playing basketball. It was hurt badly, the doctor advised me to have a rest. 如果你知道更多关于英语翻译:我昨天下午打篮球时扭伤了脚,伤很严重,医生建议我静养休息。