
美 [spreɪ]英 [spreɪ]
  • n.喷雾;喷剂;浪花;喷雾器
  • v.喷;喷洒;向…喷洒;向…扫射(或抛洒)
  • 网络喷射;溅散;喷雾剂

复数:sprays 现在分词:spraying 过去式:sprayed



n. v.

1.[u][c]浪花;水花;飞沫very small drops of a liquid that are sent through the air, for example by the wind

2.[u][c]喷剂;喷雾的液体a substance that is forced out of a container such as an aerosol , in very small drops

3.[c]喷雾器a device or container, for example an aerosol , that you use to apply liquid in fine drops

4.[c]喷雾;液体的喷洒an act of applying liquid to sth in very small drops

6.[c](戴在身上的)一簇花,枝状饰物an attractive arrangement of flowers or jewellery, that you wear


首页-屈臣氏官方旗舰店-- 天猫Tmall.com ... Essence Oil 精华油 Spray 喷雾 Mask 面膜 ...


3Dmax中英文对照 - 豆丁网 ... Background( 背景) Spray( 喷射) Global Lighting( 球形照明) ...


喷字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 喷泉〖 fountain〗 喷洒spray;sprinkle〗 喷撒〖 spray〗 ...


急求常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 236. neutral a. 中立的,中性的 238. spray v. 喷,(使)溅散 240. media n. 新闻传媒 ...


iGear变形金刚系列 ... PP05P Patrol Specialist 巡逻专家 Spray浪花) Rager( 鲁莽) ...


考博英语词汇 ... sprawl v. 伸开着手足躺(或坐);笨拙地爬行; spray n. 浪花,水花;喷雾;喷雾剂 sprout v. 发芽 n.新芽 ...


ZBRUSH功能详解 - derful的日志 - 网易博客 ... PlanarDots( 平面点) Spray( 飞沫) Colorized Spray( 彩色化飞沫) ...

Simply spray them on your clothes and smooth the surface with your hands. 简单地喷在你的衣服上并用手弄平衣服的表面。
She was spattered all over with water from the spray hose on the grass, when she passed through the garden. 经过花园时,她被草地上的灌溉喷管喷了一身水。
Spray irrigation Sprinkling water over land to be used for crops. Often used to dispose of wastewater from sewage treatment plants. 喷洒灌溉,喷灌把水喷洒于准备种植作物的土地上。常常使用经过污水厂处理过的废水。
With a strong poison spray aimed at a bunch of flying insects, it's easy to imagine several of them falling together at the same time. 用一种强力喷雾杀虫剂来对付那些一群群的飞行小昆虫,我们很容易联想到那些小昆虫从空中同时落下来。
Sophorae shade of a grand opening, which looks like the turnover of the spray, near look like a powder snow Yingying, gratifying! 绿荫中的槐花开得轰轰烈烈,远看像翻卷的浪花,近看像粉莹莹的雪团,煞是喜人!
Mold spray life, with some of the formulas mentioned above, should be at least several hours with some touched up with the spray gun. 用上述配方配制的脱模剂,用喷枪喷涂,其有效期至少可达几小时。
There the waves were, boiling up in snowy spouts of spray, smiting and gnashing their crests together like the gleaming teeth of hell. 翻腾着的波浪就象一锅喷着雪白水泡的沸水,而簇拥在一起的浪尖,简直就是地狱里白森森的獠牙了。
Dampen the fabric completely if it has heavy wrinkles. Soak it in a tub and wring it out or spray with a spray bottle. 如果丝绸衣服上出现很多严重的褶皱,将衣物完全浸湿。将衣服在盆里浸泡,然后拧干,或者用喷瓶喷水。
Some of the techniques under consideration include sending ships out to sea with equipment to spray fine droplets of seawater into the air. 正在考虑的一些技术包括,派船到海上,用设备将细小的海水滴洒向空气中。
Moisturizing spray easy to carry, can meet the needs of water at any time, immediately relieve tiredness full face. 保湿喷雾携带方便,随时能满足补水的需求,立刻舒缓满脸倦意。
The next time you see fruit flies hovering in the kitchen, get out a fine-misting spray bottle and fill it with rubbing alcohol. 当你下次看到果蝇在你的厨房里徘徊的时候。拿出一个比较好的喷雾瓶,倒好酒精。
would now unpin the drawing from his board, take it into the hall and spray it with fixative, then roll it up and put it in a mailing tube. 传统画家这时要将图画从图板上取下,拿进大厅,喷定色剂。然后将它卷起来,放进邮寄用的纸筒。
If you were to spray shellac, the layers will be very thin and would not amalgamate. 如果你要喷虫胶漆,每层都会非常薄而且不会很好融合。
If I ever catch any of y'all spray-paintin' on anybody's wall, I'll stick my foot so far up your behind that you'll have toes for teeth! 如果让我抓住你们任何一个人用喷漆在别人的墙上乱画,我就会从你们背后远远地伸出脚方在你们嘴里。
It is possible to programme how much liquid you want to spray onto the mat and adjust this automatically, for example, to line speed. 可以设定程序例如根据生产速度自动调节喷射多少液体在板坯表面。
The fine print to spurt the code machine is mainly used for smaller characters, Numbers, and graphics on her cheek products spray. 小字喷码机主要用于将较小文字、数字和图形等喷印子产品上。
A young girl sat beneath a fountain, drenched in spray, and stared at her with Melara Hetherspoon's accusing eyes. 一个年轻姑娘坐在喷泉之下,浑身淋得湿透,用梅拉雅·赫斯班一样责备的眼神盯着她。
It hit soggy. It didn't smash. There was no spray of white and yolk. It just lay where it fell, with the bottom caved in. 蛋重重地掉在地上,却没有摔破,蛋白和蛋黄也没有流出来。它只是躺在落下去的地方,底部陷进地里。
Spray some of the specialized chemical (that turns into a make-shift writing surface) on the palm of your hand and doodle with the pen-end. 喷雾专门化学一些(即曲折的转变成为一个使书写表面)在你的手和涂鸦的笔底手掌。
If your foot on it, it will instinctively immediately back a bit of your feet, spray poison, make you down. 如果你的脚踩上了它的时候,它会本能地马上回头咬你脚一口,喷洒毒液,令你倒下。
A thin plank fastened to the side of a boat or to the sill of a port to keep out the sea and the spray. 挡水板,防浪板缚于船边或港基的薄木板。用来阻挡海水及其喷溅。
The nasal spray . Sleepy , when fatigue can be used per each nostril two press spray made after a deep breath and looked up a moment . 鼻腔喷雾。困乏、疲劳时即可使用,每次每鼻孔两揿,喷后作深呼吸,仰头片刻。
If aphids, thrips or other insects invade your rose bushes, you may be able to force them off with just a strong spray of water. 如蚜虫,蓟马或其他昆虫入侵你的玫瑰花丛,你可以强制只一水之强喷它们赶走。
Good job! Some of you will get a vaccination that looks like this. There's no needle - it's a spray that goes into your nose. 好样的!你们还有人会像这样接种疫苗。没有针头——它是一种喷雾剂,通过你的鼻子进入。
The brook Huan Zhu Prefecture, bridges cross Bi quicksand. The wind is not the door wall, long and cold spray. 溪上还珠太守家,小桥斜跨碧流沙。清风不共门墙改,长与寒泉起浪花。
Fill the top bowl with ice and place the bottom bowl in a sink of hot water. Spray WD-40 in between them the best that you can. 在玻璃杯的顶部放满冰块而在其底部盛满热水,可能地话最好是在它们之间喷进WD-40万能防锈润滑剂。
A fine spray skims from the water right across the esplanade. They are covered with drops; the inside of her mouth tastes wet and cold. 一团浪花飞过海滩,溅了他们一身水珠,她的嘴里感觉又湿又冷。
Used with a spray lubricant, three to four light passes over the paint is all that's needed to make it perfectly smooth. 与喷雾润滑剂一同使用,擦拭三到四次就可以使油漆光滑清洁。
However, when spraying for the leather lining of the corner site is not a good spray, easy to pollution lining. 但是,当为街角地盘皮革衬里喷洒不是一个好喷,易污染的衬里。
Then spray with an insecticide like Malathion after the flower petals are at full bloom, and about a week later, as they are falling. 然后花花瓣喷洒杀虫剂马拉硫磷后,都喜欢在盛开,大约一个星期后,因为他们正在下降。