sign up

  • na.同“sign”
  • 网络注册;报名;签约

第三人称单数:signs up 现在分词:signing up 过去式:signed up

sign upsign up

sign up


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This would benefit gyms, too, because members who attend more regularly are more likely to sign up for another year, she said. 她说,这种做法也将使健身房受益,因为经常健身的会员更可能续办年卡。
Singletons, whether unmarried or divorced, are able to sign up for the roughest, toughest unaccompanied positions. 单身者,无论未婚或离异,都能够签约获得那些最难熬、最艰苦的无伴从职位。
New users must be able to sign up for accounts and input all their information and have account created instantly after email verification. 新用户必须能够注册的帐户,输入所有的信息,并立即核实后创建的电子邮件帐户。
A bus company refused to issue him with a pass because they didn't believe he was telling them the truth when he tried to sign up. 波特在申请办理公交月票证时,公交公司拒绝为他办理,因为他们不信他所说的是事实。
But he had over 5000 people sign up to go with him as a result of that ad. 但最后有5000人报了名,因为这个广告打算和他一同探险。
I'm glad I was young; the hours would have killed me if I had to sign up for a starting career as a game programmer now. 我很高兴那个时候还很年轻,要是现在让我为了开始游戏程序员的生涯而到处奔走,我恐怕会在那段艰难的日子里倒下。
And don't worry; you don't have to run five miles to reach the "happy place. " Instead, sign up for a Yoga class to relieve stress. 不用担心,不是非得跑个五英里才能产生这种令人愉快的物质,通过上瑜伽课就可以达到缓解压力的目的了。
The company may introduce a sign-up, limiting the total number of dogs to the current two to three per floor. 公司也许用引入一种签订合同的方式,把狗的总数限定在目前的每层楼两到三只。
Students could sign up to implant electrodes into a rat's skull to show thatelectrical stimulation of the brain can affect behavior. 学生可以报名参加实验,将电极植入到老鼠的头盖骨,证明大脑的电刺激可以影响行为。
I just put up the book sign-up list here temporarily, but I'll eventually offload the book stuff to its own site. 我只是把书的报名名单暂放在网站里,之后还是要把和这书相关的东西转放到专门的网站。
Sign up for a free account, and you can develop and publish your application for the world to see, at no charge and with no obligation. 注册一个免费帐户,您可以开发和雄布您的应用步骤让全世界都瞧到,不与任何权利。
But Mr Bush made no pledge on the size of emissions cuts that the US would be prepared to sign up to and gave no indication of a timeframe. 然而,布什没有就美国准备承担的减排规模做出承诺,也没有提及时间表。
If anger management is difficult for you, sign up for a course to help you deal with it. 如果对你来说管理愤怒很困难,那么报名参加一个帮助你解决的课程。
He said Raila Odina could not sign up to a cabinet that he did not agree too. 表示R总统将不会与一个他不同意的内阁签定协议。
Wang Fei: No, I think I will sign up for an online account. Give it a go. 不去了,我想申请网上银行。试一下。
The tea-party movement has been pushing conservative candidates to sign up to its goal of repealing the president's bill. 茶党运动已经推举出了保守派候选人来完成他们推翻总统法案的目标。
I didn't sign up for some creepy love triangle with you and someone's mom. She's giving me money. 但是我可没有说要加入你,和一个妈妈级别人的三角恋中。她给我钱。
Wrongheaded though Mr Obama's action may be, it is still probably legal: China did, after all, sign up to the safeguards. 奥巴马的行动尽管不可取,但仍可能是合法的:毕竟,中国确实签署了特保相关条款。
Our school is going to hold a sing contest. And I'll sign up for it. It's a good chance to show my sing talent. 我们学校即将举行一场歌唱比赛。我要报名参加。这是展示我的歌唱才能的好机会。
If it's complicated to delete their account, they may never sign up for another one, not wanting to go through the process again. 如果删除的程序非常复杂,他们也许永远也不想重蹈覆辙地去注册第二个帐号。
It looks now, Stern said, as if the European Union is the only party willing to sign up for a second period. 斯特恩说,现在看来,只有欧盟愿意签署第二期协议。
If you've got to convince visitors to sign up for your killer app, giving away FREE accounts surely can't hurt. 如果你已吸引访问者注册了你的终极程序,送给他们免费的账户而不要心疼。
He urged her to sign up for Mandarin because he sees it as a way to get an edge in a global economy increasingly dominated by China. 他认为,中国在全球经济中的份量日益增强,因此学好中文会使女儿在未来的竞争中占有先机。
Take a few minutes and sign up for email newsletters from competitors - choose a few on your favorite hobby or interest too. 花几分钟注册竞争对手的newsletter——选择你符合你兴趣爱好的类别。
When you sign up for a particular service that requires registration, we ask you to provide personal information. 在您注册使用某项要求注册的服务时,我们会要求您提供个人信息。
Unless Washington is prepared to sign up to a tough new international agreement, there will be little chance of China getting involved. 除非华盛顿准备在一项严格的新国际协议上签字,否则让中国参与进来的机会微乎其微。
Sign Up for Prescription Savings Programs: Just about every store out there right now offers some sort of prescription program. 注册处方储蓄计划:几乎所有的商店那里现在提供了一些处方程序排序。
It's very easy to sign up with 103bees and you only have to copy one line of Javascript code into the template file for your web site. 这是很容易去签字与103bees和你只需要拷贝一条线的javascript代码到模板文件,为你的网站。
You know, if you can get a couple of the popular kids to sign up, the rest will fall right in line. 如果你能找几个风云人物加入乐团,其他的人立马紧随其后。
The plan faces its first big test this month: uninsured residents must sign up for a health plan by the end of the year or be fined. 本月,全民健康保险方案面临首次大规模的检验:未参保的居民在年末必须报名参与医保方案,否则将面临罚款。