
美 [kjub]英 [kjuːb]
  • n.立方体;立方形;立方形的东西(尤指食物);三次幂
  • v.求…的立方;把(食物)切成小方块
  • 网络异次元杀阵;正方体;酷比魔方

复数:cubes 现在分词:cubing 过去式:cubed



n. v.

2.立方形的东西(尤指食物)a piece of sth, especially food, with six sides

3.立方;三次幂the number that you get when you multiply a number by itself twice


数学常用英文词汇_百度文库 ... segment of a circle 弧形 5、有关立体图形 cube 立方体,立方数 rectangular solid 长方体 ...


...级立方体1997年,一部来自加拿大的科学幻想惊悚片异次元杀阵Cube)以其胆量大的假想力和诡奇的风格引动一般的人注 …


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Crowd 群体;群集 Cube 正方体;立方体 Cubic 立方 ...


酷比魔方CUBE) U30GT四核豌豆II 32GB RK3188 A9四核28纳米工艺 1920*1200超高清显示屏幕 主频1.8GH 纯白您好!


高二英语词汇表 ... brainstorm vt. 献计献策 n.头脑风暴;突然想到的好主意 cube n. 块;立方形 sailor n. 海员;水手 ...


【资料方块(Cube) - OLAP资料储存体】Data Cube(资料方块)是OLAP中最基本的建构单元,也是提供快速回应查询资料的机制…


不是有一个立方块( cube ),手机还是电话亭,碰到了就会成为变形金刚?每一个机械体,都有自己的低限能,cube提供足够的 …

I can cover the rest of the cube up. and if I cover the rest of the cube you can see that they are identical. 我可以把方块的其他部分盖住,如果我把方块其他部分盖住,你可以看见它们其实是一样的。
But for the writer who sits in his cube all day and rarely sees the sun, let alone another person, does it really matter what he's wearing? 但对于整天都坐在办公隔间连阳光都很少见更别说人的一位作家来说,穿什么难道真有关系吗?
The thickness of ice cube and the capacity of ice storage room are both adjustable and easy to be installed. 冰块厚度可调,储冰室冰量可调,底脚高度可调且易安装。
But like a melting ice cube, the bank's franchise value would rapidly shrink as depositors, counter parties and staff all left. 但等储户、合约方和员工纷纷逃离之时,银行原有的特许经营权价值就会就像冰块融化一样迅速缩减。
The cube self-assembles from pieces of DNA designed to adhere to one another, but the ends of each piece do not join up . 立方体是由设计成会互黏在一起的DNA片段自行组合而成的,但每个片段的两端并不会连在一起。
But like a melting ice cube, the bank's franchise value would rapidly shrink as depositors, counterparties and staff all left. 但如同冰块融化般,银行的特许价值会随着储户、订约方和工作人员的离去急速收缩。
Cube jockey is an office worker who sits in a cubicle all day and is most likely destined to spend the rest of their career in one. Cubejockey(隔间老大)指工作时间整天坐在办公室小隔间里的职员,他们余下的职业生涯或许也要在隔间里度过了。
There's not even time or space. Imagine the darkest, emptiest thing you can and cube it a gazillion times and that's where we are. 尽你的可能想象那最黑暗,最空无的情况然后这种情况放大无数无数倍那就是现在我们处在的时间点。
Their house was a great cube of old brick with a dormered roof, a fine specimen of the prosperous early farmhouses of the region. RudtadUrdie。)他们的房子是一个方方的开着顶窗的老式砖屋,是这一带早期曾经繁盛过的农舍的极好的标本。
These cube shelves are easy to install in a few minutes, come with all hardware. 这些立方体的货架上,便于安装在数分钟后,来与所有的硬件产品。
Dealmaking in Dubai centres around The Gate, a cube-shaped structure at the heart of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). 迪拜的金融交易集中于迪拜国际金融中心的TheGate(一个立方体的建筑)大厦的总部中。
As you fall through space, tilt the screen to add crystals to yourself (you are a cube) and bulk up into a larger mass. 你通过倾斜屏幕在迷宫里去吃水晶来使自己变大(自己是一个正方体)并积累到一定程度进入更大的迷宫。
Now it isn't hard to see that this cube can be divided into eight smaller cubes , hence the name octree . Take a look at this picture. 现在不难看出这个立方体可以被八等分为八个小些的立方体,所以才叫八叉树。看看这张图。
Predicates can be applied to any attribute of a dimension in a cube model. 谓词可以应用于多维数据集模型中维的任何属性。
How many of you see that sort of boundary , with the Necker cube floating in front of the circles ? 多少人看到了那种边界,通过把内克尔方块放在圆圈的前面?。
It will be necessary to define one of the other dimensions in the cube as a Timescale to be able to use the BiF. 在数据集中定义另一种维度是很有必要的,便于Timescale能够使用BiF。
It also fails if the surface is a member of a mipmap or cube map, and any other mipmap or cube map member is locked. 如果图面是mipmap或立方体图的一个成员,并且已锁定了任何其他mipmap或立方体图成员,则此方法也将失败。
A cube-shaped rock plucked out of his sifters turned out to be a 4. 38-carat, tea-colored diamond. 一块从筛子上拔出的方形石头原来是一块重4.38克拉(0.876克)的茶色钻石。
It is often not feasible to compute a complete data cube due to the huge storage requirement. 但是,由于数据量太大,要计算一个完整的数据立方体代价总是非常昂贵。
This is often the best if your image doesn't fit the size of the cube or if it's transparent. 如果你的图像与立方体大小不匹配或者是透明的,这通常是最佳选择。
In order to have at least one red edge on every face of the cube, find the minimum number of edges that must be colored red. 至少有一个红边对每一个面对立方体,找到颜色为红色的边的最少数量。
The expressive and colorful cube-shaped houses on concrete pillars are located right in the heart of the city, near the 'Old Harbour'. 这座令人印象深刻的彩色方形屋由混凝土柱子支撑,就坐落在该城市的中心,靠近老港口。
I spent the next half hour with an ice cube and a plastic knife, scraping tar off the bottom of my shoes. 接下来我花了半个小时用一块近似立方体的冰块和一把塑料刀把柏油从我的鞋底擦去。
Bring out each item at a time, very ceremoniously, even if it is only an old stock cube or a rubbery carrot or such. 慎重其事地一次取出一样食材,即使它只是一个不新鲜的汤块或者一颗像橡胶般的红萝卜。
Think of it this way. Suppose the earth were a cube. Then some points on its surface would be farther away from the center than others. 这样来想,假设地球是方形,那么地表的一些部分离地中心就会比其他部分远。
The two cubes that are merged can belong to different cube models, so they might have completely different internal structures. 合并的两个数据集可以属于不同的数据集模型,所以它们的内部结构可能完全不同。
A simple solution, then, was to melt down the crown, cast it into a cube and weigh it. 于是,最简单的办法是:将王冠熔化,铸成一个方块,称出它的重量。
The building, which will be the National Aquatics Center, is indeed in the shape of a cube, but its appearance is far from run-of-the-mill. 这座建筑物将会成为国家游泳中心,它的外型正如其名成立方体状,但外观却非常与众不同。
The Server Name refers to the name of the cube being served by an IBM Cognos TM1 server on the administration host machine. ServerName是指由管理主机上的一台IBMCognosTM1服务器服务的多维数据集的名称。
He invented the original Rubik's cube, only as a space to help students enhance the thinking ability of a teaching tool. 当初他发明魔方,仅仅是作为一种帮助学生增强空间思维能力的教学工具。