
美 [kɑrt]英 [kɑː(r)t]
  • n.手推车;(两轮或四轮)运货马车;手拉车
  • v.用马车运送;用车装运;用手提(笨重物品);强行带走
  • 网络购物车;大车;二轮运货马车

复数:carts 现在分词:carting 过去式:carted

pull cart,push cart
wooden cart


n. v.

1.(两轮或四轮)运货马车a vehicle with two or four wheels that is pulled by a horse and used for carrying loads

3.手推车;手拉车a small vehicle with wheels that can be pushed or pulled along and is used for carrying things

4.(常指无顶无门的)专用小汽车a small car, often without a roof or doors, used for a particular purpose


put the cart before the horse

本末倒置;因果倒置to put or do things in the wrong order


大学英语四级听力技巧 - 豆丁网 ... wholesale price 批发价格 4. cart 手推车 5. checkout counter 收银台 6. ...


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考博词汇下载(10000词汇完整版) - 豆丁网 ... carrot n. 胡萝卜 cart n. 大车, 手推车 cartilage n. 软骨 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... carry vt. 携带;运载;传送 cart n. 二轮运货马车 carve vt. 刻,雕刻;切开 ...


高尔夫 - 搜搜百科 ... Card 记分卡 Cart 球车 Casual Water 临时积水区 ...


关于交通工具的英文单词 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... motorcycle / 摩托车 cart / 二轮马车 carriage / 四轮马车 ...

However, if she had seen her own dad pushing the heavy dung-cart in the shabby clothes as they were , how would that have made her feel? 但如果她看见自己的父亲,衣衫褴褛,推着沉重的粪车,她又作何感想?我噙着眼里的泪水往回走。
The man sitting in the cart, angry at the young man in the way, whipped him on the face with an oath . 该名男子在车上坐着,在路上的年轻人愤怒,掀起的脸与他的誓言。
The event handler determines which button was clicked, and if it was the shopping cart button, performs appropriate logic. 事件处理程序确定所单击的是哪个按钮,如果是购物车按钮,则执行相应的逻辑。
Luggage cart, also known as wagon, cart, a variety of specifications and design for you to choose from. 行李车又名旅行车、购物车等,有多种规格和式样可供您选择。
Many years since I used to go there to collect the sand by cart loads , to make sandpaper with, and I have continued to visit it ever since. 许多年前,我常到那里去,一车车地运口沙子来制成沙纸,后来我还一直前去游玩。
The utility model relates to a suspended track hand cart used for a track transit system in textile industry. 本实用新型涉及一种纺织服装业中的轨道输送系统用的悬挂式轨道推车。
Alternatively, you could sidestep the issue by asking if it's really necessary to cart the whole board across the Atlantic. 或者,你可以避开这个问题,转而想想是否确实有必要让整个董事会跨洋过海。
Some of the other cart pullers began chuckling , as if to say, Serves you right. 其他一些车夫开始吃吃发笑,好像在说:“去为你的权利干吧!”
It had a sign outside it, and there was a picture of a horse and cart on it. 它外面有一个招牌,在招牌上有一辆马车。
My husband, out of breath and patience, could only shake his head when we found him near the baling area, still searching for a cart. 我的丈夫,上气不接下气和耐心,才能动摇他的头当我们发现他巴陵附近的地区,仍在寻找车。
Oedipus had not gone far on his way to Thebes when he saw a cart coming towards him. 俄狄浦斯没走多远的途中,当他看到一底比斯车朝他走来。
In many cases the colors used in the logo then are also used for the shopping cart icon throughout the online-store. 在许多情况下,用在logo中的颜色也会用在整个在线店铺的购物车图标中。
In a way, not much has changed since Walter Scott sold food out of a cart in Providence, Rhode Island, more than a hundred thirty years ago. 从某种程度上来说,从一百三十多年前沃尔特·斯科特使用马车在普罗维登斯的罗德岛州卖食物到现在,餐车并没有多大的改变。
At the beginning, someone accidentally fell into the water field with the cart and was muddied all over. 开始时,不时有人连人带车栽进水田里去,弄得浑身上下泥人一般。
The client that calls the service for the use case is now assumed to be a Web-based store application that displays the cart to a user. 现在假设调用用例服务的客户端是一个基于Web的商店应用程序,它向用户显示购物车。
Any solution must be able to be easily reinstalled if I upgrade my shopping cart software or move it to a different web server. 任何解决办法必须能够很容易地重新安装,如果我升级我的购物车软件或将其移动到一个不同的Web服务器。
He took off his motorcycle helmet, signed out his yellow miner's hat and boarded a rail cart ferrying workers underground. 他来到矿井后摘下摩托车头盔,签名领取了黄色安全帽,然后乘上一辆运送矿工下井的缆车。
He thought he would black out in anger, and turned around in his cart and began talking aloud to calm his nerves. 转念想到他不应该生气,于是转过身去,并且大声地说着话,来使他自己平静。
The word "carried" in the Definition should not be taken so literally as to exclude the pulling of a cart by a caddie. “携带”一词在定义里不应该只按字面意思理解而排除由球童拉着的球车。
The coach helped her design a rolling cart to hold her files, supplies and out-baskets, enabling her to work anywhere in her house. 教练帮她设计了一个平板推车,上面放着档案、文具和滑出式内置篮,让她可以在家里的任何地方工作。
The smallest mouse suddenly had a good idea and shouted: "Why not roll it as a pumpkin cart. It must be very interesting! " 最小的老鼠突然有了一个好主意便叫道:“为什么不把它滚起来就像南瓜车一样,这肯定非常有趣!”
The tall young man put my box on his cart and drove off at such a speed, that I had to run to keep up with him. 这个高个子的年轻人把我的箱子放在他的马车上赶车就跑开,其速度之快,我只有紧跑才能赶上他。
she visited the local Sephora for her fix of new eye shadows, as well as the jewelry cart for a pair of new cute earrings. 她去当地的仙佛家商店买了新的眼影,又跑到珠宝摊那里买下了一对可爱的新耳环。
Up to me came one and a rickshaw puller, a husky and suntanned middle-aged man. He lowered his cart and asked, " Where'd ya go? " 有一辆洋车跑过来了,车夫是一个膀大腰圆,脸面很黑的中年人,他放下车把,问我:“你要上哪儿呀”?
He has completely upset the apple-cart by taking his holiday three days earlier than he said he would. 他比他说的提前了三天去休假,因此,完全打乱了计划。
The rusty iron chain that double-locked the cart to the front wheels of the cycle began to squeal as he rode. 三轮车前面轮胎上双重锁上的铁链生了锈,在骑动的时候发出刺耳的声音。
Pashing may cart up a supermarket aisle, I came upon a woman chatting away on her cell phone. 我推着购物车在超级市场的过道里走,前面遇到一个妇女正在用手机海聊。
Mrs. Yao shouted to the maids to let down the bamboo screen at the front of their covered cart, and not to peep out too much. 似乎每个人都已坐好,姚太太向丫鬟们喊说她们要放下车前的竹帘子,不要老是向外探头张望。
If you want to go all out on your website, you can put together shopping cart technology, but that be pricey to start out with. 如果你想全力以赴把站点做好,你可以利用一下购物车技术,但开始时费用会有点儿搞。
However, for the purposes of the shopping cart UI, all the user needs to see is the name and quantity of each item in the cart. 但是,对于购物车用户界面来说,用户需要查看的只是每个商品的名称和数量。