
美 [ˈklʌstər]英 [ˈklʌstə(r)]
  • n.群集;簇;组;挂
  • v.集中;簇拥;(使)成群;(使)群集
  • 网络集群;丛集;串

复数:clusters 过去分词:clustered 现在分词:clustering



n. v.

1.(同类物丛生或聚集的)簇,团,束,串a group of things of the same type that grow or appear close together

2.(人或动物的)群,团,组;(物品的)堆,批a group of people, animals or things close together

3.辅音丛;辅音连缀a group of consonants which come together in a word or phrase, for examplestr at the beginning ofstring


集群和负载均衡的概念集群(Cluster)所谓集群是指一组独立的计算机系统构成的一个松耦合的多处理器系统,它们之间通过网络 …

cluster),我们知道磁盘是由一个一个扇区组成的,若干个扇区合为一个簇,文件存取是以簇为单位的,哪怕这个文件只 …


群集抽样法即将母体按某种标准分为若干群集(cluster) ; 其次,以群集为抽样单位。然后,由这些群集中用简单随机抽样法抽出 …


丛集(cluster),则以丛集配置方式复制M次之后,可以代表一个蜂巢系统的频道总數C,其实就是系统的通讯容量 C = MkN = …

量词英文 ... litter 一窝 cluster ;束;群;组 brood 窝;群;组 ...


所谓星团(cluster) 是指恒星聚集成群,具有共同的起源,并沿著相同方向运动。 所谓星云(nebula)是指银河系内太阳系外一切非 …

Preliminary findings show that this cluster is not similar to Amoy Gardens in terms of magnitude and case pattern. 初步调查结果显示,这个群组的范围和个案模式与淘大花园的并不相似。
When migrating a cluster, it is sensible to carry out a staged migration and migrate queue managers one at a time. 迁移一个集群时,最好进行分步迁移,即每次只迁移一个队列管理器。
For instance, you might have a cluster of clients inside of a servlet container talking to a single server, in classic client-server style. 例如,在典型的客户机-服务器风格中,将有多个客户机而不是一个servlet容器与单个服务器会话。
The best way to understand how a secure proxy can be used to route requests across a super cluster is to look at a simple example. 要理解如何使用安全代理在超级集群之间路由请求,最好的办法是查看一个简单的示例。
In London many small hedge funds cluster in Mayfair, far west of the City and Canary Wharf where the big banks camp out. 在伦敦很多小的对冲基金在西部偏远的Mayfair聚集,而那些大银行在坐落在CanaryWharf。
Although it was ready to discuss many of the proposals contained in Cluster B, some of the proposals required further considerations. 虽然它准备讨论提案集B中所载的许多提案,但是,其中一些提案需要进一步澄清。
Keep in mind that this kind of cache will not be cluster aware in case of a fail over; this is sometimes an acceptable trade-off. 请注意,此类缓存在呈现故障转移时不支持集群;而这有时是可以接受的折衷。
Only cluster networks that are configured for both cluster and client use (referred to as mixed networks) can be enabled for log shipping. 只有为群集使用和客户端使用配置的群集网络(称为混合网络)可以启用日志传送。
Cluster analysis is one of the means of multivate analysis and is widely used in pattern recognition, data mining and decision analysis etc. 聚类分析是多元统计分析的方法之一,广泛的应用在模式识别,数据挖掘和决策分析等领域。
Cluster Breakers are typically welded to the bottom of a slope-sided infeed hopper, and positioned over a second discharge hopper. 聚料分散机通常焊接在进料漏斗坡面底部,位于第二出料漏斗上。
Red giant stars on the outskirts of the cluster are easy to pick out as yellowish stars in this sharp telescopic portrait. 在这张清晰的特写中,我们可以清楚地看到星团边远的红巨星,即那些黄色的星星。
The products of this gene cluster are probably used for synthesis of a new polyketide antibiotics. 该基因簇编码的产物可能用来合成一种新的聚酮类抗生素。
At this point, the cluster is ready to run jobs. 至此,这个集群应该准备好可以运行作业了。
The synchronous method involves tight integration of the database software with specialized HA software to produce a HA cluster. 同步方法要求数据库软件与专门化的HA软件紧密集成,以产生一个HA集群。
The Chair stated that as cluster A was first to be dealt with, it was not surprising that the work on cluster A had proceeded so quickly. 主席说,由于将首先处理提案集A,因此有关这个提案集的工作进展得如此迅速是并不令人惊奇的。
Alcohol is often a very potent trigger for cluster headache, as well. 此外,酒精还是集束性头痛的强力诱因之一。
The IP address is not the same as the IP address of the Windows cluster, but it must be in the same subnet as the Windows cluster. 此IP地址与Windows群集的IP地址不同,但必须与Windows群集位于同一子网内。
Assuming that there is at least one functioning traffic manager in a cluster, all traffic IP addresses remain reachable. 假设集群中至少有一个正常工作的流量管理器,则可以访问所有流量IP地址。
If one of the nodes in a cluster fails (known as a failover event), the Cluster service takes control of the cluster. 如果群集中的一个节点发生故障(称为故障转移事件),则群集服务将取得群集的控制权。
You'll test both an intentional and an unclean shutdown of a cluster to determine if the state of our cluster can be safely preserved. 您还会测试一次有意识的和一次不干净的集群宕机情况,以判断集群的状态能否得到安全保持。
Allow one failover cluster node to fail over to any other node in the failover cluster configuration. 允许一台虚拟服务器故障转移到虚拟服务器故障转移群集配置中的任何其他节点。
Overall, there was a two-way interaction between them and contribution of cluster on economic growth was to be improved. 总体而言,二者存在双向互动关系且集群对经济增长的贡献有待提高。
A failover cluster is a combination of one or more nodes (servers) with two or more shared disks, known as a resource group. 故障转移群集是一个或多个节点(服务器)与两个或多个共享磁盘的组合,即资源组。
There's no town here, just a cluster of shops, cabins and motels at the side of the highway. 这儿没有城镇,只在公路边上有一片商店、小木屋和汽车旅馆。
A cluster of tea sellers in one of Juba's main markets voiced the desire of many to hold onto the geographical reference as well. 一些在朱巴主要集市的茶商聚集处,许多人呼吁名字还应保留“南部”的地理特征。
Given large data sets, whether they are text or numeric, it is often useful to group together, or cluster, similar items automatically. 对于大型数据集来说,无论它们是文本还是数值,一般都可以将类似的项目自动组织,或集群,到一起。
Down Products. Any product with at least 75% down cluster may be labeled "DOWN. " The minimum down cluster % must be listed. 羽绒产品。任何产品至少达到75%羽绒朵绒含量才可以使用“羽绒”标签。羽绒朵绒最小百分比必须列出。
The Virgo Cluster distance has been used to give an important determination of the Hubble Constant and the scale of the Universe. 室女座星系群的距离被用作哈勃常数和宇宙尺度的一个重要定位。
Cluster of enterprises, as a new form of regional economic development, is promoting the economy development all over the world. 企业集群作为一种新型的区域经济发展模式,正推动着世界各地的经济增长。
The way it understood it was that the proposal was to list the different proposals under each cluster and asked whether that was correct. 该代表团的理解是,把不同的提案列入不同类别,问这样的理解是否正确。