
美 [stænd]英 [stænd]
  • n.站;立场;台;架
  • v.忍受;站立;起立;承受
  • 网络看台;支架;标准

过去式:stood 第三人称单数:stands 现在分词:standing

take stand,make stand,stand heat,stand side,stand pain
stand firm,strong stand
patiently stand


v. n.

站立;直立on feet/be vertical

1.[i]站立;立;直立to be on your feet; to be in a vertical position

2.[i]站起来;起立to get up onto your feet from another position

使直立put upright

3.[t]~ sth/sb + adv./prep.使直立;竖放;使站立to put sth/sb in a vertical position somewhere

位置;状态be in place/condition

4.[i]+ adv./prep.位于(某处)to be in a particular place

5.[i](+ adj.)处于(某种状态或情形)to be in a particular condition or situation

高度;水平be at height/level

6.[i]+ noun高度为;高达to be a particular height

7.[i]~ at sth达特定水平(或数量、高度等)to be at a particular level, amount, height, etc.

汽车、火车等of car/train, etc.

8.[i]+ adv./prep.停;停靠to be in a particular place, especially while waiting to go somewhere

液体;混合物of liquid/mixture

9.[i]停滞;不流动;搁置to remain still, without moving or being moved


10.[i]保持有效;维持不变if an offer, a decision, etc. made earlierstands , it is still valid

很可能be likely to do sth

11.[i]~ to do sth很可能做某事to be in a situation where you are likely to do sth

观点have opinion

12.[i]~ (on sth)(对某事)持某种态度,有某一观点,采取某种立场to have a particular attitude or opinion about sth or towards sb


13.[t][nopass]~ sb/sth(尤用于否定句和疑问句,强调不喜欢)容忍,忍受used especially in negative sentences and questions to emphasize that you do not like sb/sth

承受survive treatment

14.[t]~ sth(尤与 can 或 could 连用)经受,承受,经得起used especially withcan/could to say that sb/sth can survive sth or can tolerate sth without being hurt or damaged

买饮料╱餐点buy drink/meal

15.[t][nopass]花钱请(某人喝饮料或吃饭);买…请客to buy a drink or meal for sb

选举in election

16.[i]~ (for/as sth)做候选人;参选to be a candidate in an election


体育词汇(1) - zrtyc - zrtyc - 和讯博客 ... 入口 entrance 看台 stands;grandstand 看台(带顶篷) bleachers ...

英语首字母填空~_百度知道 ... (eat 吃) (stands ) (away 离开). ...


托宁非洲鼓 ... 刮鱼( Guiro) 支架( Stands) 支架配件( Mounting Accessory) ...


浙江晨光电缆股份有限公司 ... - 认证证书 / CERTIFICAGE 标准 Stands 特性与用途 Propety and Function ...


关于09秋《大学英语》第二次作业 - 大学英语 -... ... B、 represents 代表 C、 stands 代表 D、 presents 代表 ...


公放与音箱的配接及科学摆放.doc - 豆丁网 ... Standby 准备 Stands 机架 Stop 停机 ...



参考编号 - 豆丁网 ... Bar-code equipment 电子条码仪器 □ Stands 展台 □ Bags 袋 □ ...

Text stands for something of your choice that you type in--usually a command or filename. Text代表你键入的内容——通常是一个命令或文件名。
China stands ready to work with all parties concerned to achieve the long-term peace and stability in the Middle East. 中国愿与各方一道,继续为实现中东地区的长治久安而努力。
It will be interesting to see what direction the new DSM is going in, and whether it stands up to analysis. 观察这新的DSM往哪个方向走将变得非常有趣,无论他能否经得起分析。
In the corner stands the coal box, just as I left it. The fire is out. A silence so intense that it sounds like Niagara Falls in my ears. 装煤的箱子像我离开时一样仍摆在角落里,炉火熄了,这极度的寂静倒叫我觉得像是听到了尼亚加拉大瀑布的水声似的。
I'll leave that to you, as that seems to be your opinion. My opinion still stands whether you wish to put your own words in my mouth or not. 我得对你们说,那些似乎是你们的观点,但我还是会坚持我自己的观点,不管你是不是想把你的意愿强加给我。
And in his mind you are the only thing that stands in the way of You-Know-who returning to power. 在他心里,只有你有能力阻止神秘人恢复力量。
As it stands, up to 20 cities and states are considering imposing such a levy on soda. 按照现在的情况,多达20个城市和州正在考虑强制实行对碳酸饮料征税。
Too bad the only thing Monday stands for in most people' s minds is the beginning of a week full of toil and drudgery. 可是在大多数人的头脑里,星期一只代表充满辛劳和乏味的一周的开始,这糟糕极了。
Of that amount, Williams stands to be paid $58m, with the rest going to a fund for crime victims in the family's home state of Oregon. 其中,威廉姆斯将得到了5800万美元,其余的将捐给他们一家所在的俄勒冈州犯罪受害者基金。
stands not a hundred yards away, Luz shook my hand had--and it wasn't a fake "smile with a broken heart" sort of grip, either. 尽管希特勒就在不足一百码以外的看台上瞪着我们,卢茨紧紧握着我的手--而且还不是“内心沮丧、强额为笑”的那种虚情假意的握手。
Terrace, portrayed as a sort of heartless Dr Doolittle in the film, still largely stands by his ghastly experiment. 泰瑞斯在电影中被演绎成无情的怪医杜立特,他如今依然只关注自己那可怕的实验。
In his eyes this constant change and destruction is something that really stands for the state of our society. 在迈克尔的严重,这种不断的变化和破坏才真正代表了我们的社会状态。
The United States stands ready to help in any way possible. 他表示,“美国随时准备以任何可能的方式提供帮助。”
Jane smiles, stands up, and shakes hands again with Mr. Keating as she gets ready to leave his office. 简微笑的站了起来,离开办公室之前再次与基廷先生握手。
Next a brilliant throw from Reina set Suarez on his way. The centre came to Maxi, whose volley winged into the stands. 下一个美妙时刻是雷纳以其方式将球做给苏亚雷斯,马克西在中路接应,随后一记爆射直中大门。
To a child, a stepmother is the personification of the end of that dream. The stepmother stands in the way of their happiness. 对一个孩子来说,一个继母是这个梦想的终结者,她站在幸福之路的中间,挡住了道路。
As the war in Iraq winds down and America begins to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan, the United States stands at a pivot point. 随着伊拉克战争接近尾声以及美国开始从阿富汗撤军,美国现在处于一个转折点。
As the matter stands, a class half hour unconsciously has passed by, unconsciously is all tired including seven year-old children. 这样一来,一节课一个半小时不知不觉就过去了,连七岁的孩子都不觉累。
Premier Costas Caramanlis jumped up and down in the stands after Angelos Charisteas scored in the 57th minute, heading in a corner kick. 当安格洛斯·查里斯蒂亚斯在第57分钟时接开出的角球,以一记头球得分后,希腊总理科斯塔斯·卡拉曼尼斯在看台上跳跃不已。
Previously agreed upon, leaving a certain number of Dominoes FACE DOWNWARDS as stock to drow from. and stands them up in front of him. 此前商定,留下了一定数量的多米诺脸向下的股票从卓尔。并且他们在他的前面。
For an astronaut in space, the suit is all that stands between you and the deadly airless vacuum outside. 但是,对于宇航员来说,宇航服是将其与外界致命真空隔离开来的唯一物体。
He stands by the accuracy of his work and does not often use the easy excuse of "it's just a movie. " 他坚持其作品遵循的精确性,而很少轻松地以“那不过是一部电影”来作借口搪塞。
This little orange sticker is all that stands between us and anarchy. 我们和烂摊子之间可就这小黄贴纸之隔啊
For the good of Japanese democracy, not to mention its own future, the DPJ must reject Mr Ozawa and all that he stands for. 为了日本的民主,更为了他们自己的未来,民主党必须阻止小泽和他所代表的一切。
John answered them saying , I baptize in water; but among you stands One whom you do not know. 约翰回答说,我是在水里施浸,但有一位站在你们中间,是你们不认识的。
I carried him over the sea to the wood where the temple stands: I sat beneath the foam, and watched till the human beings came to help him. 我把他从海里托出来,送到神庙所在的一个树林里。我坐在泡沫后面,窥望是不是有人会来。
Next time someone stands so close to you that they're fogging up your eyeglasses, try one of these evasive maneuvers. 下次当有人说话时离你非常近以致于贴在你的眼睛上,可以尝试下下面的逃避方式。
In the world of mortals, he stands straight holding his head high, with his talent as profound as the sea casting into a new pen- point. 滚滚红尘中,昂首挺立,且让海洋般深浩的才华,冶铸崭新的笔锋。
But, a Jew stands by his word and the word of his agent. 但是犹太人是坚守自己的以及他的代表的承诺的。
All over the word, the name Liebherr stands for a technically advanced, benefit-oriented range of products and services. 在全世界范围内,利勃海尔这一名词代表着先进的技术、高性能的产品和优质的服务。