
英 ['stiːlɪŋ]
  • v.偷;窃取;偷偷地(或悄悄地)移动;偷(垒)
  • n.偷垒
  • 网络偷窃;盗窃;盗垒



v. n.

1.[i][t]偷;窃取to take sth from a person, shop/store, etc. without permission and without intending to return it or pay for it

2.[i]+ adv./prep.偷偷地(或悄悄地)移动to move secretly and quietly so that other people do not notice you

3.[t]~ sth偷(垒)to run to the next base before another player from your team hits the ball, so that you are closer to scoring


steal a glance/look (at sb/sth)

偷偷看…一眼to look at sb/sth quickly so that nobody sees you doing it

steal sbs heart

博得某人的欢心to make sb fall in love with you

steal a kiss (from sb)

突然吻一下;偷吻to kiss sb suddenly or secretly

steal a march (on sb)

抢先(某人)一步;抢得先机to gain an advantage over sb by doing sth before them

steal the show

吸引更多的注意;抢风头to attract more attention and praise than other people in a particular situation

steal sbs thunder

抢了某人的风头(或功劳);抢先讲(或做)to get the attention, success, etc. that sb else was expecting, usually by saying or doing what they had intended to say or do


偷窃(stealing)不仅是一种品行障碍,也是少年违法的重要表现之一1~2 岁的幼儿由于不能完全分清我的',和别人的',东西,看见自己 …


英语运动类单词_爱问知识人 ... base running 跑垒 stealing 偷垒 sliding 滑垒 ...


UO技能训练 - 学习 - partery - 和讯博客 ... Spirit Speak 通灵 Stealing 盗窃 Stealth 潜行 ...




nba live 2003_百度百科 ... DEF.REBOUNDS: 防守篮板能力 STEALING抢断能力 BLOCKING: 盖帽能力 ...


建议修炼技能:匕首(Dagger)、皮甲(Leather)、陷阱拆除术(Disarm Trap)、偷窃术(Stealing)、长剑、武器使用术、洞察术(P…

routine might have worked when you were stealing gumballs, but our asses are on the line now, okay? 小偷小摸的时候莽撞行事大概还有点小用,不过咱现在都火烧眉毛了,行吧?
It turned out there had been a lot of petty thefts in the area, particularly that of stealing milk bottles from doorsteps. 事情原来是这样的,在这一地区多次发生小的扒窃案,特别是从门前台阶上偷走牛奶瓶。
And the fire it had started was sure to destroy all evidence of his stealing valuable stock from the accountants' office. 爆炸引起的火灾肯定会毁灭他从会计室窃取有价证券的所有证据。
The man shook his head slowly. ' Oh dear, oh dear, 'he said. 'Stealing, and then telling stories about it. 那人慢慢地摇摇头。“天啊,天啊,”他说,“偷东西,然后又编故事。”
"It might be unusual for a child to go through childhood without ever stealing anything, though the parent may not know, " Dr. Stein said. “小时候根本没有偷过什么东西才奇怪呢,只是可能家长不知道罢了。”斯坦博士说道。
what Chinese students consider perfectly acceptable imitation, however, is often defined by Western teachers as stealing. 中国学生以为无可指责的模仿手法,西方教师往往视作剽窃行为。
One day they caught her with her hand in the cookie jar; she was stealing stamps for personal use and she was fired on the spot. 有一天,正当她在偷邮票给她自己用的时候被人当场抓着。她立即就被解雇了。
Squatted in a hurry as nervous as stealing, he ladled the rainwater-mixed residual soup from the bottom of dish basin to his bowl. 他很快蹲下来,慌得如同偷窃一般,用勺子把盆底上混合着雨水的剩菜汤往自己的碗里舀。
By stealing someone's identity, I grabbed hold of my wimpy-self & replaced it with a braver, bolder model for a few hours. 通过这次偷取别人的身份,我战胜了懦弱的自己,取而代之的是接下来数小时一个勇敢的自我。
And I caught the guys, and they turned out to be working for what was then the Soviet KGB, and stealing information and selling it. 我抓到了那些黑客,并且发现他们当时正在为前苏联克格勃工作,他们想要窃取我们的信息并且倒卖出去。
It might be another cub stealing up behind, or just a butterfly passing by on the breeze. 这可能是隐藏在身后的其它狮子,或只是随风飞过的一只蝴蝶。
She thought of Tara and it was as if a gentle cool hand were stealing over her heart. 她一想塔拉就觉得它就像一双轻柔冰凉的手来抚慰她的心。
My friends warned me not to leave my car unlocked as there had been a lot of stealing from cars. 我的朋友警告我不要忘了锁车门,因为已发生了许多起车内物品被盗事件了。
Stealing is no sham e in the case of him. 偷窃对他来说不是一件可耻的事。
the salesman told me that this type of car was stealing the show in Europe. 推销员告诉我这款小车在欧洲正出尽风头。
She quitted it again, stealing away through the winding shrubberies, now just beginning to be in beauty, to gain a distant eminence. 她又悄悄地溜出前门,穿过初现新绿的灌木围绕的小径。走上远处一块隆起的高地。
You may argue that handling the ball and taking steroids have no more in common than stealing a chocolate bar and robbing a bank. 你也许会说手球和吃药都比不上从酒吧偷巧克力或者抢银行。
Daphna Nachminovitch, director of PETA's domestic animal department, said the group would not endorse stealing a pet bunny. 时速nachminovitch主任绵羊的畜禽署表示,该集团将不会赞成偷一只宠物兔宝宝。
Stealing is no shame in the case of him. 偷窃对于他来说不羞耻。
But it does not say that people were so rich and there was no stealing around -- hence, locks were not used. 但那并不是说,人们如此富裕,周围没有偷盗存在——因此,才不用锁。
Tsukada initially sent money from her own bank account or through borrowing but eventually started stealing from the company, it said. 报导指出,冢田最初从她银行帐户或透过借款将钱汇给他,不过最后开始偷公司的钱。
Modern technology, in the form of miniature cameras, smartphones and the internet, means stealing and sharing answers has never been easier. 微型摄像头,智能电话和互联网等高科技手段让抄袭和分享别人的答案变得愈发容易。
Oh! . . . Yeah, they were gross. Oh, you know what I loved? Her Sweet 'n' Los. How she was always stealing them from from restaurants. 哦!……对,真恶心。哦,你知道我喜欢什么吗?她的代糖。她怎么总是从从餐厅里偷些出来。
Her lawyer said the department store sent an insincere apology and they insisted that she may have been stealing. 书店做了一个虚假的道歉,他们仍然坚持她可能偷了东西。
Some human confess simple sins, like this as stealing a clam or starting at the cleft of a woman's bosom. 有些人忏悔一般的小过错,比如偷了一只蛤蜊或者偷看女刚出生的孩子的乳沟。
For a start, Mr Najib, prime minister since April, has said the NEP must adapt, stealing some of his opponent's thunder. 首先,4月上台的首相纳吉布已经放出话来,NEP需要改良,从对手那儿抢些风头。
Chinese notebooks record the case of a scholar who was refused new off shoots from a plant and was sentenced to jail for stealing it. 中国古书中有一段记载说,一位学者因为朋友不愿把一种植物的新枝送给他,便实行偷窃,结果被捕入狱。
And it doesn't seem to me that there is grass-roots, broad support for the behavior of diplomats, say, stealing [inaudible] DNA. 而且这不会在我看来,有基层,广泛支持的外交官的行为,例如偷窃[无声]的DNA。
Follow Glad I wasn the only one who equated the word "funneling­ " with "stealing" ­ . 很高兴我不是唯一一个把“漏斗”一词等同“偷窃”使用的人。
While walking up two blocks to a gas station, I turn around only to see a woman stealing things from inside my car in broad daylight. 我走了两条街找到一个加油站,回来发现一个女人正在光天化日之下偷我车里的东西。