
美 [drɪŋk]英 [drɪŋk]
  • v.喝;喝酒;饮;(尤指)酗酒
  • n.饮料;酒;一口(饮料);酒精饮料
  • 网络饮品;喝水;饮用

过去式:drank 过去分词:drunk 过去分词:drunken 第三人称单数:drinks 现在分词:drinking

drink water,drink tea,drink coffee,drink beer,drink milk


n. v.

1.[c][u]饮料;一杯,一份,一口(饮料)a liquid for drinking; an amount of a liquid that you drink

2.[c][u]酒;酒精饮料alcohol or an alcoholic drink; sth that you drink on a social occasion

3.[pl]酒宴;酒会a social occasion where you have alcoholic drinks

初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... food 食物 482 drink 饮料 483 hungry 饥饿的 484 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... special 特色菜 drink 饮料 large 大的;宽广的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... drill n. 钻头;(反复的)训练 drink n. 饮料;喝酒 driver n. 司机,驾驶员 ...


美食与厨具 - yankitchen.com ... 靓汤( Soup) 饮品( Drink) 调料( Seasoning) ...


动词过去式不规则不规则大全_百度知道 ... draw 画画 drink 喝水 drive 开车 ...


小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... chess 象棋 drink 喝,饮用 hungry 饥饿的 ...

How much water should you drink each day? 每天您得喝多少水呢?
She untied the small boy from her back, held him to her breast so he could drink, and then laid him in a beautiful made-up bed. 她将孩子从王后背上解下来,抱到她怀里让孩子吃奶,随后将孩子放到一张做得极其精致的小床上。
Grant began to drink too much alcohol. He began to be a problem. 格兰特开始酗酒,他开始制造麻烦。
John still had his hangover at lunchtime but agreed to have another drink just to see if the hair of the dog would make him feel better. 约翰午餐时间宿醉了,但他决定再喝点儿,看看是否以毒攻毒可以好些。
The uncle is still can think, send messages to let him drink, and invited me to dinner of the outlet: nothing. 还能想到的就是大叔了,发信息让他请我吃饭喝酒解愁,结果等来的什么都没有。
The drink has always been linked with riches, romance and nobleness. Yet the French think of it in more ordinary terms. 通常,法兰西的红酒意味着财富、浪漫和高贵。然而,对法国人来说,它们却十分平常。
He fixed a drink, quietly put on the tea and let him "on behalf of wine to tea" , not embarrassed because drinks do not drink. 看他喝不动了,就悄悄换上茶,让他“以茶代酒”,不至于因喝不下酒难堪。
In addition, experts remind you not expectant mother a year, pregnant women should began to drink milk powder. 另外,专家提醒各位未准妈妈,孕前一年就应该开始喝孕妇奶粉。
And you don't even have to hold it up to the light and the system will let you know whether there are drugs dissolved in your drink. 并且你甚至都不用把它对着光线看半天,它本身自带的系统就能告诉你是否有药物溶解在了你地饮料里。
I thought it a detestable custom; but it was necessary, he supposed, to drink strong beer, that he might be strong to labor. 我想这是个不好的习惯,但是他以为这是必需的,喝强烈的啤酒,工作起来也比较有劲。
The air we take in and the water we drink are not as fresh and clean as they used to be. 我们呼吸的空气和我们喝的水不像以前一样干净。
While I was busy clearing up the books, Father came in with a glass of milk in his hand, "Drink it up, boy . " Father said to me gently. 正当我忙于清理书的时候,爸爸端着一杯牛奶进来了。“喝了它,孩子。”
It used to be common for someone to try to kill an enemy by offering him a poisoned drink. 它曾经是共同的为了某人能设法通过提供他一份被毒害的饮料杀害敌人。
And if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: For thou wilt heap coals of fire upon his head, And Jehovah will reward thee. 如果渴了,就给他水喝,因为你这样作,就是把炭火堆在他的头上,耶和华必还报你。
Evening party, drink, everybody accompanied, only a person have no, I be also wait her to please me, can she have no. 晚上聚会,喝酒,每个人都陪了,只有一个人没有,我也在等她来请我,可她没有。
didn ' t he send me to the men sitting on the wall who will have to eat their own excrement and drink their own urine with you ? 不也是对这些坐在城上、要和你们一同吃自己粪喝自己尿的人说的么?
For I tell you, I shall by no means drink from now on of the product of the vine until the kingdom of God comes. 我告诉你们,从今以后,我绝不喝这葡萄树的产品,直等神的国来到。
The ingredients of the drink, founded by John Pemberton, a medicinal pharmacist in 1886, have always been a mystery. 药剂师约翰彭柏顿于1886年创立了可口可乐的配方,一直以来,这种饮料的成分都是一个谜。
Then he did what I had hoped for . He took another long drink of wine and said , 'Let's double the stakes . 然后,正如我所期望的那样,他又足足地灌了一大口酒,说道:“咱们把赌注加倍吧。”
Studies show that even just a drink or two can accumulate over the years and cause liver problems eventually. 研究表明,即使只喝了一两瓶也会经年累积,最后导致肝脏问题。
My father was watching me but saying nothing. Late in the evening, he invited me to his study. We sat down and he poured us a drink. 父亲看着我,什么也没说。夜深时,他叫我去他的书房。我们坐了下来,他给我们俩各倒了杯饮料。
By forcing her to drink the honey ale, it was hoped that she could remain docile during her captivity. (新郎)逼着她喝蜂蜜浆,希望她在囚禁期间能温顺。
The reality of life is always so grim, Laksa sleep eat and drink, fuel, which do not want you to worry about the same? 而现实的人生总是那么严峻,吃喝拉撒睡,油盐酱醋柴,哪一样不要你操心?
He concluded that swill milk was just as good for children as ordinary milk, and anyone who refused to drink it simply had a "prejudice. " 他作出结论说垃圾奶和普通奶一样对儿童有好处,任何人拒绝喝的只是有“偏见”。
Lots of empty bottles were found under the old man's bed. He must have done nothing but drink. 老人床下发现了一大堆空瓶子。他一定是什么也没做,只是喝酒。
I address you directly Antony. Please listen, as if you were sober and intelligent, and not a drink-sodden, sex- addled wreck. 恕我直言,安东尼,请听好了,以你的冷静与智慧,似乎不是一个嗜酒成性,纵欲无度的痴呆。
I'm thinking of greeting people outside on the front porch with a pot of hot spiced cider and giving them that for a drink. 我想先在门外拿一壶热乎乎的香苹果汁作为饮料来招待他们。
She cast her eyes down, toward the cup of hot tea she had ordered, though he had pressed her to have, like him, a real drink. 她的眼睛向下瞥,看着她点的一杯热茶,尽管他要她象自己一样喝点酒。
and if she says to me, "Drink, and I'll draw water for your camels too, " let her be the one the Lord has chosen for my master's son. ' 她若说:你只管喝,我也为你的骆驼打水;愿那女子就作耶和华给我主人儿子所预定的妻。
If he took one more drink, he would pass out. 如果他再喝一杯酒,他就会昏倒。