
美 [ˈdipli]英 [ˈdiːpli]
  • adv.非常;很;极其;强烈地

deeply concerned,deeply interested,deeply disappointed,deeply worried,root deeply
feel deeply,deeply love,deeply think


1.很;非常;极其very; very much

2.(与某些动词连用)深刻地,强烈地,深沉地used with some verbs to show that sth is done in a very complete way

3.至深处to a depth that is quite a long way from the surface of sth

Tom was deeply interested in the telegraph which had been invented just before he was born. 电报技术是在汤姆出生前不久问世的。汤姆对它深感兴趣。
" Usually have to think deeply, failing to ask more " why ", " what ", " how. 平时要深入思考,遇事多问问“为什么”、“是什么”、“怎么样”。
In a statement, the president said he 'was shocked and deeply saddened' by the incident. 奥巴马发表声明称,他对这起事件感到震惊和深切悲痛。
An affection, would rather take out to tidy up than cover up deeply, throw to still stay, give it a parlance, hand over to treat for own 1. 一段感情,与其深埋,不如拿出来清理,丢还是留,给它一个说法,给自己一个交待。
Today, the concept of a learning society has been deeply rooted among the building of a learning society to new heights under gestation. 如今,学习型社会的理念已经深入人心,一个建设学习型社会的新高潮正在孕育之中。
Others argue that the firm, Japan's biggest brokerage, will miss out on any rebound in the markets if it cuts too deeply. 其他人则说,如果削减幅度过大,该公司将在市场反弹中错失机会。野村是日本最大的经纪商。
Deeply upsetting It seems so much worse when you know this will likely be just one of many species to become extinct over the coming decade. 当知道白鱀豚将可能只是在未来几十年内灭绝的一物种之一时,情况真的很糟糕,很令人伤感。
Go on and argue - you will understand more about what you believe. You will begin to understand the subject more deeply. 继续辩论,你会更好地理解你所相信的,也会更深该理解事物。
I prefer to sit quietly together with you, and know deeply that everything is OK behind the quiet. 好喜欢,同你一起,安静的坐着,并且深知安静的背后,一切都好。
All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence. 所有我护理过的男人都深深地悔恨于浪费了那么多的生命在枯燥无味的工作上。
I run a high fever last week. I might have slept deeply for at least three days if I hadn't an urgent thing to do. 上周发起了高烧,如果没有什么急事要做的话,我可能会沉睡至少三天。
The feeling of this was like a thousand fingers vibrating, and deeply massaging, the whole top of my head above the hairline. 这种感觉就像上千只手指在振动,在深深地按摩,整个头脑在膨胀。
Overloading a small boat can be dangerous, because if the boat sinks too deeply into the water, water may enter the boat over the sides. 超载小船可能非常危险,因为如果船吃水太深,水可能漫过船弦,进入船内。
Simply: by the age and the deeply conservative (in the sense of preserving) nature of the system. 简单:因为这个上了年纪的体系不可救药的保守天性(从存活意义上说)。
Do not smoke, he did not know leave for their own deeply guilty. 不抽烟,他不知道离开自己深深有罪。
She said she hoped people forgive her and announced that she was retiring from track and field which she called a sport she deeply loved. 她表示希望人们能够原谅她,并宣布要从自己深爱的田径赛场退休。
A bloodied man next to her was hanging by his hands, his right shoulder severed so deeply the bone was visible. 在她旁边的是一个浑身是血的男子,双手吊挂在桥上,他的右肩膀被刀切得很深,可以看到骨头。
The love and its force rooted deeply in the bottom of the heart grow support in itself for those who are suffering. 这种从内心生发出来的爱与力量,本身亦能对受灾者带来支持。
I look about me with wonder, the light is so silver and bright it burns deeply into my soul and I can feel its healing touch within me. 我惊讶地朝四周望去,光芒是如此银光闪闪、亮,它深深地烧灼着我的灵魂,我感到它的触摸具有治愈力量。
Ms Li is understood to have been "deeply upset" by coverage of her role in the dying days of MG Rover, as revealed by the inspectors. 调查人员揭示出了李曲在MG罗孚破产前夕所扮演的角色,相关报道据信令李曲“深受困扰”。
Mrs Huber stood in the kitchen for a while, she felt deeply sorrow for this tragedy. . . but , it was for only a little. Huber太太呆呆地在厨房里站了一阵子,为这个悲剧感到极度悲伤…但是,只有那么一小会儿。
Of a deeply religious temperament, there was inevitably a tinge of the devotional in His mind. 他是一个深具宗教气质的人,因此他的情绪上便必然会染上虔敬的色调。
I had become deeply immersed in the details of budgeting, determined to understand the human impact of our decisions. 我全力以赴地加入制定财政预算的细节,决心要了解我们的决定对国人造成的影响。
After a bow of his head, which was returned much more deeply by the two ocher-robed residents, he took his leave. 他低头向他们鞠了一躬,两个穿着赫色僧衣的人又深深地回了礼,然后他就离开了。
I do not know if I can bring home to you how deeply that action touched me. 我不知道我是否能够使你明白他的这一举动是多么深深地打动了我。
Han Fei-tzu set Qing-jay on her feet; she had not been deeply asleep, and so she woke at once and stood there, blinking slowly. 韩非子把清照放下,她没有睡沉,立刻清醒过来站在了那里,慢慢的眨着眼睛。
Deeply frustrated at what amounted to failure, he took another path to a useful cloaking device. 他因失败的程度而深感沮丧,并选择通过其他途径来制造一种可用的隐形设备。
After five days of training, I got to understand deeply what a minor act could mean to us and what meaning a minor act could tell. 训练的每一个动作,都让我深深地体会到了团结的力量,合作的力量,以及团队精神的重要。
Let the wind for me to tell you: "I love you, love you deeply. " 让温温柔柔的风替我告诉你:“我爱你,深深的爱着你。”
Jesus' answer also reminds us of a truth that very few of us explore deeply enough: All that we have and all that we are belong to God. 耶稣的回答,也提醒我们一个很少人会细心思考的真理:我们拥有的一切和我们自己,都是属于神的。