
美 [dɔn]英 [dɔːn]
  • n.黎明;曙光;拂晓;破晓
  • v.开始;变得明朗;开始清楚
  • 网络道恩;晨曦;开端

复数:dawns 现在分词:dawning 过去式:dawned



n. v.

1.[u][c]黎明;拂晓;破晓the time of day when light first appears

2.[sing]~ (of sth)开端;曙光;萌芽the beginning or first signs of sth


英文名字含义 - Cc的日志 - 网易博客 ... David 戴维,含义:挚爱 Dawn 道恩,含义:黎明 Debra 戴博拉,含义:蜜蜂 ...


吴邪_百度百科 ... Care 在意 Dawn 破晓 Experience 经历 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... daughtern. 女儿 dawn n. 黎明,拂晓 day n. (一)天,(一)日;白天 ...


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和平之月_百度百科 ... 05 北京之夜 Night Of Beijing 06 晨曦 Dawn 07 河畔 Riverside ...


【范子登画集】-画家范子登个人网站 ... 34云散/ ScatteredClouds 36曙光/ Dawn 37光芒/ Ray ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... darkness n. 黑暗 dawn n. 黎明, 开端 deadline n. 最终期限 ...


男女英文名大全_百度文库 ... Darlene 达莲娜 Dawn 潼恩 Debby 黛碧 ...

The pale pink light of dawn found her still out on her terrace asleep upon the grass beneath a blanket of fine dew. 淡粉色的晨曦捕获到她依旧在她的露台上,睡在草地上,覆盖着一层嫌隙的露珠。
Since the dawn of human existence on earth, campfires have been a favorite place to gather and communicate. 自从人类在地球上存在以来,人们便喜欢聚在篝火边,互相交流。
Their experiments solved one of the great mysteries of biology, one scientists had wrestled with since the dawn of genetics. 他们的实验解决了生物学的一大谜团,这个谜团是科学家们自遗传学诞生以来一直竭力寻求解答的。
It remains unclear who commissioned "Project Cyber Dawn" and how much of a role the U. 目前尚不清楚是由谁授权启动了这项“赛格黎明工程”,也不知道美政府在其中究竟是什么样的角色。
At dawn the Totenkopf Division launched multiple attacks from its small bridgeheads to overwhelm all the British defences in its sector. 拂晓时分,“骷髅”师从桥头堡四面出击,压制了战区内的英国守军。
Waves of sand, firmed by an overnight rain, flow along the route of a fisherman pedaling his catch at dawn to trade it for supplies. 一夜的雨水使流动的沙浪变得坚固。拂晓,一名渔民骑车驼着捕获物前去换取日常用品。
Too slow to be a meteor, too bright when seen at dawn or dusk to be considered contrails, and with a signature flare of two tails. 流星的话太过缓慢,认为是飞机凝结尾气的话在破晓或黄昏时候看去太过明亮,而且还有明显的两条尾巴。
His brother was clumsy since the birth, he was at work from the first dawn of day, singing at the top of his lungs. 相反,他的兄弟虽然天生笨拙,但是他每天天一亮就起来,一边高唱着歌,一边干活。
Since the dawn of humanity in Africa, drums have provided the pulse of our history. They continue to help us celebrate our common humanity. 自人类在非洲起步以来,鼓就成了我们历史的脉搏,至今仍在协助我们欢庆共同的人类。
The gray dawn began to dim the light of the rushcandle, before Mary thought it possible that day was already trembling on the horizon. 玛丽还没有想到天光会从地平线上透露的时候,鱼肚色的早晨已使烛火变得暗淡了。
Just a quick note on the subject of the Breaking Dawn film: there is no drama over whether the book should be one movie or two. 关于“破晓”电影:目前还没有剧本表明电影会拍成一部还是两部。
Dawn may be something of a newcomer to the public eye, but actually has been around for awhile; it was first launched in 2007. “黎明”号探测器对公众来说可能是一个新来者,但它其实已经存在一段时间了,是在2007年发射的。
At this time of my parting, wish me good luck, my friends! The sky is flushed with the dawn and my path lies beautiful. 在我动身的时光,祝我一路福星罢,我的朋友们!天空里晨光辉煌,我的前途是美丽的。
Ears as if funneled streams, as if the leaves of her complaisant, immigrant moist Dawn was turned into my mind space Lane CHARMS sunshine. 耳畔仿佛有溪流涓涓,仿佛有笛声婉娩,笑靥在潮湿的晨曦瞬间变成了我心空里的妩媚阳光。
when i got to the top the dawn was come , there was no sign of the brig. 当我爬上山顶时,晨曦已经降临了,然而却没有那二桅船的影子。
But as the dawn brightened, I could see that it was too far out to sea for its size, and too still to belong to a fish. 等天色亮了,我能看清它在很远的海上,鲨鱼不可能有那么大,直挺挺的也不可能是一条鱼。
The day the paleo-Socialists of the Mitterrand generation allow such figures to emerge would be the dawn of a real revolution. 老一辈密特朗那代的社会党人允许这样的人物出现,意味着真正的革命黄昏可能来临。
The question was never end. Until the thought began to dawn on Susanne that perhaps our cast had so much fun, it never would. 问题永远也没有结束。直到那个想法在Susanne的脑海中浮现。或许我们的演员群是这门的高兴,它永远也不会结束。
He said the Pentagon had not yet assessed the damage that the missiles had caused and would not be able to do so until dawn broke in Libya. 五角大楼尚未评估这些导弹的破坏,也无法这样做,直到利比亚天亮再说。
But aren't you going to say that I sound exactly like every other infatuated teenager since the dawn of time? 但你不打算说我跟从古至今那些傻里傻气的少女一样只会说傻话吗?
and my love will be of the company. If I bring her a red rose she will dance with me till dawn. 我所爱的人将要前往。假如我送她一朵红玫瑰,她就会同我跳舞到天明;
The more cold late at night, you do not know whether or not the home, or on the road with smoke dawn. 夜深越冷,不知道你是否回到家了,还是在路上伴烟天明。
"Take your time, " the villager said, waving a hand as the door slid open. "We've decided to kill them at dawn. " “慢慢话别吧,”村民说着挥手打开牢门,“我们已经决定明早就处死他们。”
I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I'll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen. 我希望这是许多中的其中一次,在我们开始着手把《破晓》搬上大荧幕时,我能向你们汇报。
And in the light of the early dawn, my heart came to a stop as I watched a single majestic eagle soaring in the sky. 破晓时分,当我看见一只雄鹰在天空中展翅翱翔,我的心跳都快停止了。
Dandelion determine the whereabouts of the wind, and you decide to me, dawn, I'll start, whereabouts you said forever inaccessible. 风决定了蒲公英的去向,而你决定了我的,天亮了,我这就出发,去向你说过的无法抵达的永恒。
It would be the dawn of a new era of regenerative medicine, one of the holy grails of modern biology . 如果梦想能得以实现,重建医学的时代将迎来一个崭新的黎明,将成为现代生物学的圣杯。
In all three cases the new era turned out, at least in the short run, to be a false dawn, and an asset-price crash ensued . 在这三种情形下,“新时代”,最少在短期内,结果都变成了一个误判了的曙光,紧接着的都是资产价格的崩溃。
Michael is about to say something, but doesn't even bother to open his mouth, sighs and lies down again quietly, eyes wide open till dawn. 迈克尔想说点什么,但连开嘴巴的心情都没有了,叹了一口气,又躺下,睁眼到天明。
I promise you, if God get gifted me dawn wealth or beauty, I be to do it as exert to you to leave me here as it is to me to leave you. 告诉你吧,假如上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就想我目前难以离开您。