
美 [dʌst]英 [dʌst]
  • n.粉尘;尘埃;尘土;粉末
  • v.擦去…的灰尘;擦灰;掸去;刷去
  • 网络掸掉灰尘;粉剂

第三人称单数:dusts 现在分词:dusting 过去式:dusted

gather dust,raise dust,collect dust


n. v.

1.[u]沙土;尘土a fine powder that consists of very small pieces of sand, earth, etc.

2.(建筑物内、家具或地板等上的)灰尘,尘埃the fine powder of dirt that forms in buildings, on furniture, floors, etc.

3.粉尘;粉末a fine powder that consists of very small pieces of a particular substance


leave sb in the dust

把某人远远抛在后面;使望尘莫及to leave sb far behind

let the dust settle|wait for the dust to settle

待形势明朗;待情况清楚to wait for a situation to become clear or certain


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... during prep. 在...的期间 dust n. 灰尘,尘土 duty n. 义务,责任 ...


音乐疗法的全部歌曲 - 一听音乐网 ... 复兴( Revitalized) 尘埃( Dust) 领悟( Awakening) ...


不可数名词_百度百科 ... cream 奶油 dust 尘土 experience 经验 ...


工业企业设计卫生标准 ... 3.9 夏季主导风向 summer prevailing wind direction 3.10 粉尘 dust 3.11 生产性粉尘 industrial dust ...


高中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... dustbin n. 垃圾箱 .. dust n. 尘土;粉末 during prep. 在...的整个期间,在..期间的 某个时候 .. ...


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... wardrobe( 大衣柜) 10、 dust( 掸掉灰尘) 11、 sweep( 扫) 12、 ...


英汉农业词典-D开头-草业百科知识-中国百科网 ... durilignosa 硬叶木本群落 dust 粉, 粉剂 dust gun 手摇喷粉器 ...

She immediately recognised the highly sought-after brooch, which had been gathering dust at the bottom of her jewellery box for 40 years. 她立刻认出了这枚专家们正在寻找的珍宝,就是她珠宝盒中蒙尘40余年的别针。
Who are the heart of Acacia, species into the red beans. Wait for me to grind beans into dust, Acacia did not see there? 是谁把心里相思,种成红豆。待我来碾豆成尘,看还有相思没有?
Computer keyboard keys aperture stains and dust to clean up, these seem to have to carefully place, often let our cleaning job not start. 电脑键盘的按键缝隙容易留下污渍和灰尘,这些清洁起来似乎不得不小心翼翼的地方,往往让我们的清洁工作无从下手。
All of, you know. . . the dust that may be an issue, coming off the Gobi Desert. All of those things that BOCOG is trying to address. 所有的,你们知道…可能带来问题的尘埃,来自戈壁沙漠。所有那些是北京奥组委尝试解决的东西。
Besides the dark dust, NGC 7049appears similar to a smooth elliptical galaxy, although featuring surprisingly few globular star clusters. 除了暗黑尘埃,NGC7049则与平滑的椭圆形星系相似,尽管其具有令人吃惊的几个球状星团。
the only car visible was the dust-covered wreck of a Ford which crouched in a dim corner. 只看见一辆汽车,一部盖满灰尘、破旧不堪的福特车,蹲在阴暗的角落里。
Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah. 就任凭仇敌追赶我,直到追上。将我的性命踏在地下,使我的荣耀归于灰尘。(细拉)
The aging PC gathering dust in the guest room? Ready to catch the next quake. 老化的个人电脑采集客厅里的灰尘,这是在准备捕获下一次地震的信息。
Hate him she did not quite; but he was dust and ashes to her, and even for her name's sake she scarcely wished to marry him. 她也并不十分恨他;不过在她看来,他不过是一撮尘土,即使为了自己的名声打算,她也几乎没有想过要嫁给他。
Once my eyes got used to the dim, I gazed around, hoping to see shimmery rocks littering the floor, but dust was all I saw. 当眼睛逐渐适应了周围的黑暗环境,我环视四周希望能在地上发现一些闪光的石头,入目却是满眼的灰尘。
Perhaps he had not found any more candidates, but the statuettes were still there, glimmering and gathering dust on top of the cupboard. 也许是因为他没有找到更多的侯选者,那些雕像还在老地方,在那橱柜顶上白晃晃的落满尘埃。
If she was just as rain, he will think of him, deep eyes, like that had a field if light dust dream. 她若雨飘飘,只为他之意,想起他深深的眼眸,似曾经的那一场如若轻尘的梦。
If your daughter volunteers to clean you house, you can't point out to her, the way you could when she was a teenager, the dust she missed. 如果女儿主动帮你打扫房间,你不能指出她有些地方打扫得干净,落下了灰尘,而在她十几岁的时候你完全可以这么做。
Surface must be completely cleam. dry and free of dust and oil. If applied on plastic, polish the surface with sand paper to make it rough. 接合面必须清洁,干燥,无灰尘或油污,若是塑料物件,应先用砂纸打磨其表面,使之粗糙。
Convection within the red giant dredges the new proto-dust atoms from the core up to the surface. 红巨星内部的对流碰撞出新的原始尘埃原子会从其核心撞到表面。
General Use: Use of a respirator* with a dust filter is recommended when exposure to metal fluorides is possible. 一般的使用:当有可能暴露于金属氟化物时,推荐使用带滤尘器的呼吸器。
I felt that the dust -- I had an intermittent cough, you know, but that all came to a head when I chased a suspect later on. 我能感觉到那些灰尘——那时我已经患上间歇性的咳嗽,你知道,后来当我追捕一个犯罪嫌疑人时,所有的症状才表现出来。
In order to do his scientific experiment, Edison had to be out for dust at the age of his teens. 为做科学实验,爱迪生在十多岁的年纪时就得出去挣钱。
It will become fine dust over the whole land of Egypt, and festering boils will break out on men and animals throughout the land. 这灰要在埃及全地变作尘土,在人身上和牲畜身上,成了起泡的疮。
Among them lay collar and tie, as if they had just been removed, which, lifted, left upon the surface a pale crescent in the dust. 杂物中有一条硬领和领带,仿佛刚从身上取下来似的,把它们拿起来时,在台面上堆积的尘埃中留下淡淡的月牙痕。
a gentle wind was caressing his hairs while the quantity of dust in the air was not allowing him to see what was happening. . . 当在空气中的灰尘量没有在允许他见到正在发生的东西时候,温和的风正在爱抚他的头发…
The packages of the current products are easy to be leaky and produce dust, affecting the appearence and sales. 现有的产品包装容易泄漏和产生灰尘,影响外观和销售。
The intention was to get close, fire a projectile into the surface and grab some of the ensuing dust. 它原定目标是接近这颗小行星,发射一抛射物(探测器)进入小行星表面,从而捕获扬起的尘埃。
I had to put a hand on her stomach and dust in my message down his arms and hands in the hands of my neck. 我只好把手放到了她肚子上,烟尘顺势倒在我的怀里,用手勾住了我的脖子。
Earthly things may be worthy of a dash of earth-shattering, is not to like dust, all of these look back on the case. 尘世有几许事可堪惊天动地,还不是去似微尘,所有种种回头再看,就那么回事。
Not so the wicked, not so: but like the dust, which the wind drived from the face of the earth. 恶人却不如此,绝不如此!他们像被风吹散的糠秕。
When the boy left school for the last time, he was very glad to shake the dust of that place off his feet. 那男孩最后一次放学的时候,他非常高兴可以永远离开那地方了。
Chastened by the experience, I keep looking up the switch backs to see if I can spot other dust clouds ahead, but I see none. 有了这段经历,后面每到一个回转口,我就往前看有没有车掀起的大片尘土,好在没有。
She unconsciously closed her hand, as if upon a solid object, and slowly opened it as though she were releasing dust or ash. 她不自觉地紧握着拳头,好象抓住一个实物似的,又慢慢松开手来,就象在抛弃什么灰尘和泥土。
The dusting with red dust should be considered a warning to take cover, under metal or sod roof structures, out of the wind. 红色尘埃的沙尘暴应被认为是一个应该立即隐蔽在金属屋顶或草皮屋顶的避风的建筑里的警告。