derived from

  • 网络来源于;衍生;起源于

derived fromderived from

derived from


托福常用词组 - 豆丁网 ... deprive sb. of sth. 使... 丧 失;剥夺 derived from 来源于 descriptive statistics 描述统 计学 ...


7.3 典型例题(1-10) - 51CTO.COM ... C.segments: 段; A.derived from: 得自,由来,衍生; B.deviated from: 背 …


求外文论文《Vehicle chassis monitoring... ... defectives 缺陷产品 derived from 起源于 destructive inspection 有损检测 ...


...)、 apply()、scrub()、print()。由於 Detergent 衍生自derived from) Cleanser(透过关键字 extends),所以它会自动从 Cl…


GIS单词汇总 - lauer - 博客园 ... correspond to 相应的 derived from 来自 demonstrate 演示 ...


7.3 典型例题(1-10) - 51CTO.COM ... C.segments: 段; A.derived from得自,由来,衍生; B.deviated from: 背 …


Words and Expres... ... ·A raw material purchase quantity 原材料的采购量 ·Derived from 源自… ·Forecast 预测定 …


de的意思在线翻译,解释de中文英文... ... 4. Reduce;degrade: 减少;降低: 5. Derived from: 从…导出: decriminalize. 使…不 …

The name is derived from Brittania, which the Romans used for the portion of the island that they occupied. 名字来源于布列塔尼亚,罗马人用它来指他们占领的那部分岛屿。
Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is derived from public sources and is current to the best of our knowledge. 免责声明:此网站中的信息是转自于我们所了解的公共资源。涉及到的政府和国家的国家法律和政策的详细和权威的信息请核准。
Both Baxter and a consultant working with Scientific Protein said the substance appears to be derived from pig tissue. 百特及ScientificProteinLaboratoriesLLC的一位顾问都表示,此种物质似乎是从猪组织中提取出来的。
Young, educated consumers who are driving much of the organic market have no interest in eating crops derived from a laboratory, he said. 他表示年轻有学识的消费者对食用实验室里培育的食品并没有兴趣,他们是有机食品市场消费的主力军。
The name of its capital, Ashgabat, is derived from Persian as well, loosely translating as "the city of loveliness" . 的名称及其首都阿什哈巴德举行,来自波斯,以及,把松散的“城市魅力”。
Make sure that you use an encryption API that does not require the key to be stored somewhere and is not derived from the users password. 确保使用的加密API不需要在其他位置存储密钥,并且不是由用户的密码派生而来。
It is derived from the desire to adapt to the fact that the mental capacity to absorb new material does not always stay at the same level. 这是为了迁就以下事实,我们吸收新材料的智能不会维持在固定的水平。
It would have been impossible for me to have told anyone what I derived from these books, it was nothing less than a sense of life itself. 要是让我说出从这些书中得到了些什么是不可能的,因为我所获得的不过是对生活本身的感受而已。
Archimedean point is metaphor derived from Archimedes' alleged saying that if he had a fulcrum and a lever, he could move the earth. 阿基米德点是一个比喻,典出阿基米德宣称说:假如他有一个支点及槓杆,他能够移动地球。
Instead of using cells derived from embryos, researchers found a way to make adult cells behave as though they were embryonic. 科学家们不在使用来源于胚胎的细胞,而是发现了一种新方法,可使成熟细胞呈现出胚胎细胞的特征。
None of the records are derived from OCLC or other organizations that assert ownership or restrictions in terms of use. 而且数据库中没有一条数据来自于OCLC或者其他宣称拥有数据或者限制数据使用的组织。
From the demonstration of a principle to themarketingof products derived from that principle is often a long, involved series of steps. 从原理的演示到基于此项原理的产品的上市销售,往往要经过一系列漫长复杂的步骤。
Please read the following, derived from our Terms of Service agreement, for additional information regarding the matter. 请阅读下面,源自我们的服务条款协议,对其它相关信息的物质。
The lunisolar precession, derived from the general precession in longitude, is one of the important parameters in astronomy. 由岁差常数求得的日月岁差是天文学的重要参数之一,它和地球动力学扁率相联系。
While Genting has not disclosed how much of this is derived from gambling operations, analysts estimate this to be about 70% to 90%. 云顶新加坡没有披露这些利润有多少来自博彩业务,但分析人士估计这个比例在70%到90%之间。
The same kind of pleasure, though in a less intense form, is to be derived from a great deal of work of a humbler kind. 从大量层次较低的工作中也能得到同样的,只是在程度上没有那么强烈的快乐。
I heard one of my friends said the races in Burma Thailand were derived from Yunnan province. It appears there's really some relationship. 我听一位朋友说泰国缅甸一带的族群源自云南省。看来真有点关联。
These 5 secrets of Strategic Designers have been derived from some of my conclusions, and I would like to now share this with you. 这篇文章将要提到的战略设计师的5个秘密就是来源于我个人思考总结的一些结论,现在分享于你们。
Porosity is usually derived from the sonic or density, with the proper matrix and fluid parameters for the formations to be encountered. 如果遇到合适的岩层流体参数,孔隙度通常通过声波测井或密度测井计算。
And the certainty of the analyst himself concerning the unconscious cannot be derived from the concept of the transference. 关于无意识,从移情的观念那里,我们也无法得到精神分析师自己的确定性。
None of these measures would have been possible without the Fed's unparalleled authority derived from its role as bank supervisors. 作为银行监管机构,美联储拥有无与伦比的权威,若非如此,美联储不可能出台上述措施。
In that case, statistics derived from many vacua, rather than trying to make predictions from a single one, might be more useful. 在这种情况下,针对多个真空所做的统计结果,反而会比单看一个真空而做的预测来得更有用。
By trying to make sense of why he thinks that principles of justice are best derived from a hypothetical contract. 我们试图搞清为何他认为源自假想契约原则的合同才是最公正的。
Property governs the appearance of any text displayed in the footer item of a type derived from. 派生的类型的脚注项中显示的任何文本的外观。
A clone refers to one or more offspring derived from a single ancestor, whose genetic composition is identical to that of the ancestor. 克隆是指来自同一祖先的一个或多个后代,其基因构成与其祖先完全相同。
The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonality . 无调性缺少中心旋律及和谐性,由与此中心对应的全音阶得来;缺少音调。
One of the benefits the Company derived from its relations with the state was limited liability. 东印度公司与国家建立良好关系而获得的一大益处是有限责任。
in that case, only so much of the income as is derived from his activities performed in that other State may be taxed in that other State. 在这种情况下,该缔约国另一方可以仅对在该缔约国进行活动取得的所得征税。
There was no significant difference in CW of cochineal insects derived from different cultivation areas and harvest seasons. 不同气候类型、收虫季节的胭脂虫蜡无显著性差异;
For preliminary design, wind loads are usually derived from the wind pressures specified in the governing building codes. 初步设计中,风载是根据所使用的建筑规范规定的风压计算出来的。