
美 [dɪˈpend]英 [dɪ'pend]
  • v.依赖;取决于;信任 (on; upon);悬挂
  • 网络依靠;相信;依靠,指望

第三人称单数:depends 现在分词:depending 过去式:depended

mainly depend


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/wwwroot/ on line 152

depending on

视乎;决定于according to

that depends|it (all) depends

那得看情况used to say that you are not certain about sth because other things have to be considered


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... absolutely adv 绝对地;完全地 depend vi 依靠;依赖 image n 图象;肖像;形象 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... absolutely adv 绝对地;完全地 depend vi 依靠;依赖 image n 图象;肖像;形象 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... dentist n. 牙科医生 depend vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于 describe vt. 描写,叙述 ...


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... departure n. 离开,出发,起程 depend vi. 依靠,依赖;相信 dependent a. 依靠的…


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... dentist n. 牙科医生 depend vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于 describe vt. 描写,叙述 ...


新课标普通高中英语单词_百度知道 ... tailor n 裁缝 depend vi 依靠;相信;信赖 depend on 依靠; 相信; 信赖 ...


词根词缀_百度文库 ... 含义是“追逐” expel,impel 含义是“悬挂depend, 含义是“a)相同,对等 b)准备” compare,prepare 55 ...

Strikes over the last 2 months have been a wake-up call for many foreign companies that depend on China's low costs to compete overseas. 近两个月来的罢工事件为多家外企敲醒了警钟:不能再尽情享受中国低廉的人力成本带来的海外竞争优势。
But a person's inner quality, especially that of a woman, does not depend on whether she has an appearance of being educated or not. 而人的质地,尤其是女人的质地,却并不在于是不是有外表张显出的所谓文化和所受过的教育。
He said all depend on your luck, and then watched a woman - are in the horizontal direction of the wind Chuiguo. 他说全部都取决你的运气,然后看着女人--风在正横方向吹过。
To some extent, whether you can get a thing done or not does not depend on your ability, but on how much you want to do it. 从某种程度上说,能否完成一件事不是取决于你有多大的能力,而是你多想。
"If it was to be secret, " said Jane, "say not another word on the subject. You may depend upon my seeking no further. " “假如是秘密,”吉英说,“那么,就请你再也不要说下往了。你放心,我决不会再追问你。”
Much of that will depend on how much longer the leak continues. 这场劫难到底多大祸害,就看这油漏到什么时候了。
Ultimately, the Fed's moves will depend on how incoming data supports the bank's assertion that growth is about to bloom again. 但最终美联储的行动还要看未来经济数据如何支持经济成长将再度繁荣的联储观点。
Whether or not we decide to work on support for dedicated visual tools for JRuby may all depend on how much demand there is for such tools. 我们要不要专门做一个JRuby的可视化工具可能完全取决于人们对这个工具到底有多大的需求。
This effect did not depend on the age of the volunteers or their own perceived social support or life satisfaction. 而且,两者的相关性不受被调查者的年龄、社会支持感受度和生活满意度的影响。
He doesn't have to keep such trivia in his head, but can depend on the menu to keep it for him, available when he needs it. 他不必在脑海里记住这些琐事,可以在需要使用它时,依靠菜单回忆。
Also, how much I cost doesn't depend on me, it's the clubs who decide what they are willing to pay and it is they who come to an agreement. 同样的,花了多少钱在我身上也不取决于我,俱乐部决定他们愿意花多少钱,这是他们达成的协议。
He feels that the heart palpitates have to be very rapid, lip, was also favor one evil sort involuntarily of depend to go to her. 他感觉心跳得很快,唇,也像着了魔般不由自主的向她靠去。
The peculiar nature of Cistanche are very different from other plants, its growth and distribution depend on its host plant completely. 其特异性很强,它的生长发育及分布完全是由寄主植物所决定。
Nor did they depend on an excessive deference to financial markets or to derivatives, which had mercifully not been invented. 他们也没有过度依赖金融市场或衍生品——幸运的是,当时尚未发明。
The body's requirements for water vary, as it can depend largely on how much water is lost with normal daily activities. 身体对水的需求量取决于日常活动中水的流失情况。
How much do vertebrates depend on the innate immune system to fight infection? 脊椎动物有多麽依赖与生俱来的免疫系统去对抗感染呢?
Indeed, peace and prosperity may depend on the very sort of political reform the party has tried so hard to avoid. 实际上,和平与繁荣可能依靠的正是中国共产党竭力回避的政治改革。
Depending on how much money the person donates will depend on where there profile image sits on the homepage. 根据多少钱的人捐款将取决于那里剖面图像在网页上坐下。
When I stepped onto the train bound to Beijing, I knew I would have to depend on myself to deal with everything. 当我登上飞往北京的训练之余,我知道我会依赖于自己的处理一切。
So the union between you and Christ must be uninterrupted; your faith must accept Christ and depend on Him to sustain the new life. 所以你与基督之间必须毫无隔阂,你当凭信接受基督,并依靠祂来供应这新生命。
Everybody has authority to pursue style, the problem that how much is beautiful money, and depend on holding whether meticulously . 每个人都有权追求时尚,不是花钱多少的问题,而在于是否精心把握。
Such a design would have to depend heavily on inheritance, where persistence methods would be implemented in superclasses. 这种设计严重依赖于继承,因为持久化方法要在父类中实现。
How much will China's military modernization continue to depend on repurposing knowhow from the U. S. or elsewhere? 中国的军事现代化将会进行到何种程度,取决于对美国和其他国家情报的回收再利用。
Unfortunately, it often takes the loss of trees to remind us just how much we depend on them. 然而不幸的是,经常只有失去树木的时候才使我们想起,我们是多么离不开它们啊。
Oneself knows to put to depend to open of Be just a person, but don't know oneself drive oneself the lock entered an in the mind. 自己知道放靠开的只是一个人,但却不知自己却被自己锁进了心里。
The number of days you lift will depend on how much time you have to devote to exercise. 你举重的天数取决于你必须完成的练习时间。
That's at least twice for each iteration, and the exact number of iterations through the list will depend how ordered it was to begin with. 每次循环至少执行两次,遍历列表需要执行的精确循环次数取决于列表最初排序的情况。
The size of a woman 's stomach depend largely on her surroundings . 女性的胃口有多大,主要看她所处的环境而定。
The answer to the last two questions may depend on the kind of deal that Ford is prepared to do. 最后两个问题的回答或许取决于福特准备完成什么样的交易。
But the bigger military powers do not want to depend too much on others, so they try to keep a bit of everything. 但是强势的军事力量不希望过多的依赖其他国家,所以他们试图走大而全的道路。