in the beginning

  • na.当初
  • 网络起初;开始;一开始

in the beginningin the beginning

in the beginning


人教版高一英语词组_百度百科 ... give one’s opinion 发表意见,看法 in the beginning 起初 get married 结婚 ...


冠词_百度百科 ... the same as... 同..一样 at/in the beginning 开始 in/at the front of... 在某物的前部 ...


九年级上册英语单词表 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... behavior 行为,举止 in the beginning 一开始;初期 day by day 一天天;逐日 ...


2011职称英语考试卫生类核心... ... at the beginning of/ 在……初 in the beginning/ 当初,开始时 beautiful adj. 美丽的;很好的; ...


高一英语短语总汇-高一-飞翔英语网 ... make money 赚钱 in the beginning 最初;开始 play roles in 扮演角色 ...


太初(In The Beginning)5:5406 月光之舞(Moondance)4:44 07 雷霆低鸣(Howling Thunder)6:10 08 神奇旅程(Journey T…


胡夏第二张专辑都有什么歌_百度知道 ... 06 让我爱你 Let Me Love You 07 当初 In the Beginning 08 小宝贝 Little Baby ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... in that 因为、在……方面说 in the beginning 在开始 in the dark 在暗处(光线弱,用于指地点) ...

But in the beginning they were all mixed up together in a great mass. 但起初它们都混合在一起结成一个巨块。
I really will need just a suitcase and toothbrush in the beginning, but soon enough I imagine I'll be wanting things like furniture. 在一开始我的确可能只需要一个旅行箱和牙刷,但我想很快就会需要家具之类的东西。
To put it more bluntly: the United States is in the beginning of a period of relative decline. 更加直截了当地说就是:美国正在开始进入相对衰退期。
They were the only police that dared go so far north , but they had a special job in the beginning. 他们是唯一敢于冲到最北部的警察,可是他们最初的工作非常特殊。
And yet, we seem to struggle with our goals more than we should, or more than we expect in the beginning. 但是,我们好像做太多了,超出了实现目标所应做的,超出了我们开始时的预期。
But in the beginning, his knowledge was as poor as his thoughts were shallow, so he ran into snags and was foiled everywhere. 他志向远大,可是开始的时候由于学识有限,思想浅薄,所以他遭遇到了许多因难和挫折。
As I landed in Austria, having left Bosnia in the beginning of the war in Ex Yugoslavia, I felt very alien and alone there. 在前南斯拉夫战争开始的时候,我离开波斯尼亚,来到了奥地利,在那里,我感到了侨居的孤独。
While many times it's easier - in the beginning - to do things yourself, resist the urge. 很多时候开头容易—自己一人搞定,经得住驱策。
They will like the fact that you don't really care about the money in the beginning. 他们将喜欢你在开始时你不怎么计较钱。
With economic strength and quality of life of both raised, yearning for Villa life in a growing number of buyers in the beginning to show. 随着经济实力和生活质量都提高,渴望别墅生活在越来越多的买家开始显示。
Like any real-world project, the X-Trapolate application ended up a bit different than what we mapped out in the beginning stages. 与真实世界中的项目一样,X-Trapolate应用程序的最终版本与我们在开始阶段所制订的方案稍微有些出入。
In the beginning, there was no paper nor pen, nor ink. People recorded information by carving. 起初,没有纸、笔、墨水,人们用雕刻的方法记载信息。
In the beginning, nine live special price is more expensive also is not easy to get, people do more "wall flowers. " 刚开始时,中九直播专用价格较贵也不容易搞到,人们多做“壁上观”。
As you know, agile development uses iterative methods in all phases, including defining requirements in the beginning with stakeholders. 正如您所知道的那样,敏捷开发用户会在软件开发的所有阶段中使用迭代方法,这些阶段包括在开始阶段中与涉众一起定义需求。
Serena i swear to you In the beginning you were just a mark - And your mom--bart bass' widow -- Was gonna be our big score. But then my. 瑟琳娜,我发誓,一开始,你只是个目标,而你的母亲,巴特·拜斯的遗孀-,才是我们的最终目标。但后来。
In the beginning of her mirror-free lifestyle, Gruys admits there were a few maintenance mishaps. 格鲁伊斯承认,这种没有镜子的生活方式刚开始的时候,她在日常形象维护上会出一些差错。
It had been a sufficiently rash act to buy the book in the beginning. 当初买那本日记,本来是件够冒失的事。
In the beginning we thought that on the wrong car, and like clockwork, like the heart of the tension. 一开始我们以为上错车了,心像发条一样绷紧了。
Development and testing is still ongoing and the current plan is start the roll-out in the beginning of August. 开发和测试仍在进行中,目前的计划是开始在八月初推出。
In the beginning, the workgroup tried to understand XML's role in this leading edge of information technology. 一开始,工作组就试图了解在前沿信息技术中XML的角色。
In the beginning, Zeus refused, but he was soon deeply attracted to Europa's beauty when he met her and fell in love with her immediately. 起初宙斯兴致不大,但当他见到欧罗巴时,不禁为她的美色深深吸引,宙斯无可自拔的爱上了这个欧陆公主。
I'm only in the beginning of my career, and to have achieved so much already, it's a dream come true. 我的职业生涯才刚刚起步却已经取得了这么多成绩,简直是梦想成真。
In general, they were thought to be only present in animal-based foods, in the beginning at least. 通常,人们认为它只存在于动物性食物中,至少在一开始时是这样。
My speech was extremely difficult and slow in the beginning, but at least it was a beginning. 说话我非常地艰难并且开始的时候说得很慢,总算是开头了。
"In the beginning, I thought I'll do whatever it takes, " Ms. Moss said with a laugh. "Anything to get out of Croydon. " “最开始的时候,我想我会不惜一切代价做任何事,”摩斯笑着说,“只要能走出克罗伊登就行。”
Then in the beginning of October it begins to fall, leaving the land saturated with water and covered with a layer of rich, Black soil. 到十月初,河水开始减退,剩下饱含大量水分的土地,还覆盖着一层肥沃的黑土。
Finally, in the beginning of the _handle function, we check to see if the headers have the name key. 最后,在_handle函数的开头,我们将检查头中是否有name键。
In the beginning, I had no intention of making a book, but then I felt that I wanted to do something out of it. 最开始的时候,我并没有想编一本书,后来我就感觉想做点什么出来。
In the beginning, climb down the first set of ladders and wait on the lowest section until the enemies have settled in their positions. 一开始先往下爬,在梯子的底部等所有的敌人都就位。
The creation of Chinese modern drama in the beginning period was shrouded in a strong tragedy consciousness. 中国话剧初期创作笼罩着一种浓厚的悲剧意识。