i can do it

  • 网络我能做;我能行;我做得到

i can do iti can do it

i can do it


我能 英文怎么说_百度知道 ... I can 我能 I can do it 我能做 I can make it 我能搞定 ...


丛林的鱼2 - 电视原声 丛林的鱼2插曲MP3下载 ... 敲开Ø天堂之门 Knockin' O Heaven' Door 我能行 I Can Do It 明天 Tomorrow ...


第三步是我做得到I can do it !)!教导孩子把负面想法(红灯,停止)改变成正面想法(绿灯,尽力而为)。


作文:实用... ... 30,i am wasting my time. 我在浪费时间。 31,i can do it. 我能做的。 32,i can't believe it. 我简直不敢相信。 ...


有效发挥班会的作用_杏坛鄙者_新浪博客 ... Heart and soul! 全心全意! I can do it! 我能做到! I believe myself! 相信自己! ...


视听英语 - 爱思英语学习网 ... 04-26·Red Fruit Benefits 红色水果好处多 01-30·I Can Do It 我可以做到 11-08·永远 Forever ...


Desperate Housewives绝望主妇 第五季... ... take off: 脱掉 I can do it: 我办得到 feel for: 同情 ...


... (lav 冲洗) 1、我能独立做这件事I can do it . 2、我期待着北京奥运会的到来。 I the coming of Beijing Olympic Games. ...

Customer is always right while there is no loss to the company, smile is the best way for solution, I believe myself I can do it. 在不影响公司利益的情况下,顾客永远是对的,微笑为顾客解决,我有信心,我可以处理好。
When I was an assistant manager and I was feeling the qualities I would need to be a manager myself, I was thinking I can do it. 当我还是个助理教练时就感到,我有自己作教练的潜质,那时我已经在想了。
"Umm, " I stammered trying desperately to think of a way out, "I am really out of practice. I'm not sure if I can do it. " “呃,那个……我疏于练习很久了。实在不确定是否能够胜任。”我结结巴巴地做垂死挣扎,希望能够想出一个脱身之法。
I find it easier to pick something up if I can do it at my own speed. 我发现我比较喜欢能按照自己速度来的运动。
It was cold now in the time before daylight and he pushed against the wood to be warm. I can do it as long as he can, he thought. 天亮以前的空气凉飕飕的,他紧靠着木头取暖,心里想着,只要它能,我也能。
It seems to be very difficult and hard, but I believe I can do it, and I will try my best, no matter how hard it will be. 资讯科技似乎非常困难的和难,但是我相信,我能做它,而且我将会尽全力,无论它将会是地多努力。
I just buy a stock. You just saw me buy a stock. No big deal. I mean, you know, if I can do it, you can do. 我买了只股票。你刚看到了,我买了只股票,没什么大不了的。我的意思是說,你知道的,如果我做得到,那你也可以。
"Regardless of if I'm out there hobbling around, I make guys better, " he said. "There are other things I can do. It's a proven fact. " “如果除去我在场上的步履蹒跚,我还是能让队友变得更好”他说到“我还可以做到其他事情,这也是被证实过的”
Yes. I can do it at home. but how much you will pay me. (行,我可以在家里做,但是你要付我多少钱一件)我笑了说。
Power of company I wouldn't choose to be a ordinary person, If I can do it, I have the right to be a extraordinary people. 我是不会选择做一个普通人的,如果我能够做到的话,我有权成为一位不寻常的人。
And now I should build up confidence, try to believe in myself. I can handle, I can do it well, and I can do it better than anyone. 而现在,我应该建立起信心,尝试相信自己,我可以,我能做好,我能比任何人都做得好。
I can do it better than they can, and I can do it in a week. 我可以做得比他们更好,而且我可以在一周内完成。
No, I know I can do it, but I just want you to see Dan's face. 我知道我会做,但我只想让你看到Dan的表情。
My mother work My mother tired Give her a cup of tea Kiss my mother Love my family Love motherland Study hard for my life I can do it. 妈妈工作,妈妈辛苦了给她一杯茶亲亲我妈妈爱我的家,爱祖国努力学习为生活我一定会做。
As a third-year middle graduate, I fully rational use of every minute, my motto is: believe in yourself, I can do it! 作为一名初三的毕业生,我充分合理利用每一分每一秒,我的座佑铭是:相信自己,我能行!
It is not good enough to say I believe I can do it but give up when faced with some hiccups and hindrances. 如果只是说说“我相信!我能做!”,但碰到障碍和坎坷时就放弃的话,是远远不够的。
But because he was a bit "good luck" , it motivated me to just do it and show him and everyone else that I can do it. 但是因为他有那么点“好运气”,促使我就要这么干,告诉他和其他人,我可以办得到。
Mabe that's why i've chosen the subject of human science with no turning back, and i believe i can do it well. 或许正是这些因素使我义无反顾的选择了运动人体科学这个学科,我相信我能学好它。
I know I said I wanna get in shape, but I don't think I can do it! 我知道我说过想健身,减肥,但是我觉得可能做不到!
Yes. You can create some fairly sophisticated sites without having to do any complex programming. If I can do it, anyone can. 是的,你能够创建一些相当复杂的站点而不要做任何复杂的编程。如果我能做到它,任何人都能。
I'm feeling really good and I believe I can do it. Last season was really good for me. I played 13 games and learned so much. 我现在的感觉非常良好,我也相信我有能力做到,上个赛季我上场了13次,也学得了许多东西。
It's very kind of you to offer, but I can do it myself. 谢谢您的好意,但我自己能做。
Let me help you to take your suitcase. I can do it by myself, thank you! 让我帮你提你的包吧。我可以自己提,谢谢!
'Oh Miss Havisham, 'I said, 'I can do it now. We have all made mistakes. I can't be bitter with anyone. ' “噢,郝薇香小姐”,我说,“我现在就能这样做,我们都有错儿,我不能怨恨别人”。
"But remember this, " he added. "I never suggested that change would be easy, or that I can do it alone. " “但请记住,”奥那马补充说道,“我从未说过变革是件很容易的事,也没说过我可以单枪匹马完成变革。”
I focus on my work at the office so that I can do it fast, and then I can have my own time outside working hours. 我工作的时候专注于工作,这样我就能做得很快,然后下班以后我就能自己的时间了。
President George Washington used to wear a wig and makeup. I mean, c'mon. If he could do, I can do it. 乔治华盛顿曾经戴着假发化了妆,我是说,是啊,如果他可以这样,我也可以。
A: I know it is a crucial position, but I can do it well. So I'm asking for 200, 000Yuan a year as a starting salary. 这是一个非常重要的职位,但我能做好,所以我要求一开始的年薪为20万元。
Andy: Korean food, especially soup and curry. I can do it all. Actually I cook from what I can find from my fridge. 韩食,特别是汤和咖喱。我都会做。事实上我会用能从我的冰箱里找到的东西做菜。
If the company can give me a chance, I believe I can do it. 如果公司可以给我一个机会的话,我相信我可以胜任它。