
美 [ˈʌpˌloʊd]英 [ˈʌpˌləʊd]
  • n.上载(或上传)的数据
  • v.【计】上传

第三人称单数:uploads 现在分词:uploading 过去式:uploaded



v. n.
Rather than a cell phone needing a minute to upload a compressed megapixel-size image, it might be able to handle 10 such images a second. 行动电话传送压缩过的百万画素相片将不再需要一分钟,一秒钟就可能传送10张。
The system administrator needs to be able to run a batch process to upload new users as well as download users that are already signed up. 系统管理员需要能够运行批处理来上传新用户以及下载已经签约的用户。
Below are a few examples I found, the interface of the first like is extremely easy to use and easy to upload pictures. 下面是几个例子,我发现,喜欢的第一个接口是非常易于使用,便于上传照片。
Some net pals have ever asked me if I could upload these songs as a commemoration, or just as a re-collection of memories. 也有一些网友曾经问我可否把这些歌放上来做纪念,或者让大家回味一下。
Whatever you see on your screen will be displayed to all of the other participants in the meeting. You do not need to upload anything. 您在自己屏幕上看到的任何东西都会显示给其他所有的与会人员,而您不需要上传任何东西。
Id like media upload so sort of id like them to be compressed as much as possible without quality loss. 我上传想媒体等图像和视频排序。本人想他们被压缩无质量损失尽可能。
Imagine this same capability allowing you to upload a model of your own home to your computer to aid in construction or decorating. 想象一下,同样的能力使你可以把自己的房子的一个模型上传到计算机来辅助建造或装修;
The plug-in automatically creates a static Web site (such as a bunch of HTML pages) that are ready to upload to any server. 该插件自动创建一个静态网站(例如一些HTML页面),这些页面可上载到任何服务器。
I should be able to get the result of my score before next Tuesday. and I will upload a copy to you once I receive it. 我在下周二之前应该能够拿到我的成绩单,我会立即上传一份给你们。
Easy to use, hi-performance pure asp include - multiple files upload script with HTML progress bar indicator, without external components. 这是一个易于使用,具有高度可执行性的纯asp程序,包括了-具有HTML进度条指示器的多文件上传脚本,而不需使用外部的插件。
It needs to be easy to install, no technical stuff, pretty much a simple upload to my server will do nicely. 它需要易于安装,没有技术的东西,几乎一个简单的上传到我的服务器会很好。
He took some photos, upload to the Internet, the results of a number of experts told him that these objects are breathtaking treasures. 他拍摄了一些照片,上传至互联网,结果一些行家告诉他,这些物件属于叹为观止的珍贵文物。
After you open a collection, to upload documents, click the icon that looks like a bent piece of paper with a plus sign next to it. 打开一个集合后,要上载文档,可单击看起来有点像一张弯曲的纸、旁边有一个加号的图标。
easy to use, just need to type the word, browse and upload for picture and videos. 容易使用,只需要输入文字,浏览和上传图像和视频。
Unable to upload photos at the moment. You can see photos by clicking on the word document. 又不能上传照片了,奇怪。传了一个word文档,大家打开也可以看。先将就一下吧。
If you set the state of your room as being open, and upload your photo in such a state, this photo will serve as your own photo show. 当你设置你房间状态为对外开放后,若在此处上传照片,则该照片将作为你的个人照片展示。
The staff observed fairly quickly that users became bored and frustrated when they were only able to upload one photo at a time. 运营团队相对较快的发现了当用户只能每次上传一张图片的时候,他们很快就会变得无聊和沮丧。
She had a little too much free time on a Sunday afternoon, and clicked "upload" without thinking through the consequences. 周日的下午有太多的闲暇时光,想都没想就按下了“上传”键。
The Nike + iPod lets you upload your workout details to see how you stack up against others or to compete against friends. Nike+iPod可以上传锻炼具体情况,看看你和其他人的对比情况或是朋友间进行竞赛。
It's easy to get started: upload some family photos to your site and then try out the tagging system on your photos. 人们很容易开始:一些家庭照片上传到您的网站,然后尝试标记系统在您的照片。
Once again, we seem to be having a rash of uploads that are not in compliance with upload rules of this site. 再一次,我们正在有一轻率的在符合这一个位置的上传规则的作法中是不的上传。
Similiar to Amazon, sellers should be able to upload a book if it has not already been listed. 类似亚马逊,销售者都应该能够上传一本书如果它还没有被列入。
These freebies allow you to upload and store a large file for a pre-determined length of time up to a week. 这些免费赠品让你在预先确定的一周时间里,上传和存储大量文件。
Users of the Amazon and Google services have to upload their collections first, which can be a time-consuming process. 而使用亚马逊和谷歌服务的用户必须首先上传他们收藏的曲目,这个过程可能比较耗时。
Wherever I go, I would automatically take pictures of what I have seen and eat so I could upload in my blog and share my life with you guys. 无论我去哪里,我会自动记入我所看到的照片和吃,所以我可以上传你在我的博客,分享我的生活家伙。
Hence, keeping information about filename and mime type is important if it is possible to upload data of an arbitrary nature. 因此,如果能上载任意类型的数据,那么保存关于文件名和mime类型的信息是很重要的。
My mom made a facebook account like a year ago, and recently she told me that she wanted to upload some photos. 我妈去年注册了一个Facebook账户,最近她跟我说她想上传照片。
Beside allowing you to upload files, OpenSSH allows you to login to your server from anywhere as long as you know it's IP. 除了允许你上传文件外,只要你知道你的IP,OpenSSH允许你从任何地方登陆到你的服务器。对于Windows,你需要一个SSH客户端。
But consider this: Julian Assange did not upload the classified documents and wait for the world to beat a path to his door. 但想想这件事:朱利安阿桑奇没有把这些机密文件上载到网上然后等着全世界找上门来。
This program allows you to detect modified files automatically and upload them to your web-server with just a single click. 这个程式可以让您侦测修改档案,并自动将它们上传到您的Web伺服器,只要按一下单。