
美 [ʌnˈlʌki]英 [ʌn'lʌki]
  • adj.不幸的;倒霉的;不顺利的;不吉利的
  • 网络不幸运的;不走运的

比较级:unluckier 最高级:unluckiest



1.~ (to do sth)不幸的;倒霉的;不顺利的having bad luck or happening because of bad luck; not lucky

2.~ (to do sth)不吉利的;晦气的causing bad luck


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牛津初中英语8B单词_百度文库 ... unhealthy adj. 不健康的 35. unlucky adj. 倒霉的 36. unpleasant a. 使人不愉快的讨厌的 37. ...


2010年高考英语反义词及相对应词 ... loud 大声地 unlucky 不幸运的 female 女性的 ...


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"I just stayed forward and tried to flick on the ball for someone and Daniel was a little unlucky not to score, " he added. “我只想着呆在前面,试着把球摆渡给队友,可是丹尼尔缺乏点运气”他补充道。
the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. 人们便把为死者摆放的食品扔进河中或海里,因为人们认为活着的人吃了这些东西是不吉利的。
Norway striker John Carew was unlucky not to have been awarded a second half penalty, but it would have been more than they deserved. 但是下半场挪威前锋约翰-卡鲁在禁区摔倒裁判没有给予点球,但是他们本场的比赛难堪上本场的胜利。
Having a bad time could upset you, but if you were unlucky enough to have this particular genetic variant then it would really upset you. 就是说,你在不如意的时候有可能会精神崩溃;不过假如你实在倒霉,带有这种特别的变异基因,那么你可能真的会崩溃。
Tom was an unlucky dog. His wife found all his pin money that would be used to buy a ten - speed bicycle. 汤姆打算用来买十速自行车的所有私房钱都被妻子发现了,他可真不走运。
The roots of Friday as an unlucky day lie in early Christianity; it was the day on which Christ was crucified. 有关黑色星期五的说法最早来自于基督教,耶稣就是在这一天被钉十字架的。
Friends disproved the title, for "death" is considered too unlucky a word to be used in the name of any project. 朋友们不赞同这个片名,因为“死亡”是个不吉利的词,不适合用做任何名字。
Surtees was tragically unlucky; Massa was more fortunate but he believes the coincidence of two outlandish accidents is a warning. 瑟蒂斯的不幸非常可悲;马萨更幸运,但他相信这两起古怪的事故的巧合是一个警告。
Felipe was really unlucky today. It was a coincidence. I feel really sorry for him and I stand by him in everything. 马萨今天非常倒霉,但这只是意外,对于这我感到非常遗憾,同时我也会全力支持他。
We were unlucky to concede the goal and maybe lacked a bit of experience to score, as well as some physical match sharpness. 我们丢了一球很不走运,也许在射门上缺少一点经验,也缺少了一些对激烈比赛作出反应的敏锐性。
When morning came, Stumpy 's cabin near the river was gone. Further down in the valley they found the body of its unlucky owner. 到黎明来临时,肥仔在河边的小木屋没了踪影,人们在山谷下游发现了这位不幸房东的尸体。
Thirteen is often thought to be an unlucky number. 十三常被视为不吉利的数字。
His real estate venture was one of the most fortuitously unlucky things he had ever heard of. 他那地产的投机,就是他生平从来没有听见过的一个不幸运的事例。
Mankind, it seems, was just unlucky that this virus made the leap across the species barrier. 似乎这种病毒得以跨越物种的障碍传染到人类身上仅仅是出于人类的不幸。
how unlucky! there is not a bit of fish to be got to-day. 运气真不好,今天连一点儿鱼也买不着。
We got a point against Arsenal with 10 men which, although it was a great result, I thought we were really unlucky not to win the game. 我们在和阿森纳的比赛里只10人作战仍拿了一分,这结果不赖,我们没有赢下球只是运气不好。
If you're unlucky enough to come upon one of these dangerous creatures. The safest thing to do. . . Is run the other way. 如果你非常不幸地遇到一个这样的危险生物,最安全的做法,就是择路而逃。
After that we became stronger as the game went on and we were a bit unlucky on top of that. 此后随着比赛的进行,我们变得强势,此外我们也有点不走运。
If they are unlucky enough to be caught by the police, they will be sent to prison for a few years. 如果他们运气不好,被警察抓到,他们将被送进监狱,坐几年牢。
Every tumor begins with just one errant cell thAT has been unlucky enough to suffer AT least two, but sometimes several, genetic mutATions. 任何肿瘤都开始于某一个不幸产生至少两个或几个基因变异的细胞。
She'd worked in a department store, had an unlucky marriage, could only make scalloped potato out of a box, never got a college degree. 她曾经在一家百货公司上班、有过一段不幸的婚姻、只会用烤箱做焗薯条、没拿到大学文凭。
I am happy to be able to run again and I look forward to next season, without thinking about this disappointing and unlucky season. 我很高兴我又能跑起来了,我说这个倒霉和令人失望的赛季了,我期代着下个赛季的来临。
An unlucky fox fell into a well. It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself. . . A goat passed by. 一只倒霉的狐狸掉进了一个很深的大洞,靠他自己是没办法爬出来的。
I was unlucky and did not play much; but the previous season we won the Champions League, and I made a great contribution to Milan. 我不太走运,没有打几场比赛,但是前一个赛季我们赢得了欧洲冠军杯,我为米兰做出了很大的贡献。
Once I used to ask myself why unlucky things only seemed to happen to me, but doing so only filled my heart with pain and resentment. 一旦我曾经问自己为什么倒霉的事情似乎发生在我的身上,但是这样做的只有充满了我的身心痛苦和怨恨。
He was a bit unlucky to get booked and played as well on the left as he did on the right. 他有些不幸,得到了一张黄卡。过后他移到左路后表现也和在右路一样好。
He would deserve anEnglandcall-up. He was on a roll last season when Kenny took over and was just unlucky to get injured at West Ham. 他理应得到英格兰国家队的征招。他去年在达格利什接手后状态火热,只是在对阵西汉姆的比赛中不幸受伤。
Perhaps you've been unlucky enough to have been attacked, or maybe you've seen something frightening, like a road accident. 也许是你非常倒霉地被袭击了,又或者你看到了什么可怕的事情,比如交通事故。怎样向朋友提起整件事呢?
After that Cincinnati is a tournament that I never played well, I got burned there, so bit of unlucky. 之后的辛辛那提也是我没有打好的一站。
When I was as old as you, I was a feeling fellow enough and partial to the unfledged, unfostered, and unlucky. 象你那么大的时候,我很有同情心,偏爱羽毛未丰,没有人抚养和不幸的人。