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" Ni Zhou Yong sincere desire to see her son's eyes and trust, encourage nodded : " You root it, you believe that mother. 周咏霓看着儿子那双真诚渴望的眼睛,信任、鼓励地点了点头:“你扎吧,妈相信你。”
Mr Zhou said the fund did not yet know how such partnerships would be structured. 周超表示,该基金还不知道这种伙伴关系的结构将是怎样的。
What is more the police did not think that this series of case, are with a named Zhou Youping (list as Davies) about a man. 更令警方没有想到的是,这一系列案件,均与一个名为周友平(艺名为戴君)的男子有关。
Although Zhou was an ancient state, it had a reform mission; only innovation could ensure the growth and vitality of a nation. 周虽旧邦,其命维新;如将不尽,与古为新。
When Mr Zhou was asked if he was worried about a bubble forming in the stock market, he said he was. 在巴塞尔期间,有人问周小川是否担心中国股市出现泡沫,他表示对此担心。
Zhou Li brought 14 lawsuits against a former employer claiming unpaid overtime compensation, and reported the matter to the authority. 周力和前东家打了14场官司要求获得加班费酬劳,也向当地劳保部门举报过,但是问题并没有解决。
Uncharacteristically impatient, Zhou responded: "Since the Chairman is inviting him, he wants to see him fairly soon. " 周显得格外不耐烦,回答到:“由于是主席邀请,他想很快见到他。”
Dry due to King Zhou, after khaki framed dug heart death, later than was that after the death of frank, careless, so do not eccentric bias. 比干因中谏纣王,后被妲己陷害挖心致死,后人认为比干生前耿直,死后无心,故而做事不会偏心偏袒。
Take young Baner with you and ask for their steward Zhou Rui. IF you see him, we stand a chance. 你竟带了外孙子板儿,先去找陪房周瑞,若见了他,就有些意思了。
Zhou Xiaozheng said, the essence of Chinese culture with the animation made of fine , domestic animation to go further wider. 周孝正说,用中国的精髓文化把动画做成精品,国产动画才能走得更远更宽。
Zhou Qiang welcomed the arrival of Yok Mu-ming and thanked him for his efforts in promoting economic cooperation between Hunan and Taiwan. 周强首先对郁慕明的到来表示欢迎,并对郁慕明在推动湖南与台湾经贸交流合作等付出的关心和支持表示感谢。
Zhou Ruqing, an affable 20-year-old, has worked at Longhua for just over a year as a quality inspector on an assembly line. 20岁的周如青(音)是位和蔼可亲的姑娘﹐她刚刚在龙华待满一年﹐是某组装线上的质量监督员。
Zhou Xiaochuan, who had said the yuan's current de facto peg to the U. S. dollar is a 'special' measure that will eventually end. 周小川曾说,人民币实际上盯住美元的做法是一种特殊措施,最终将会结束。
but this did not worry Zhou Lan. She was just content to do her best in this. 周兰担心。只要在这次比赛中,也是她第一次比赛中尽了最大努力。
In 1945, Zhou Enlai recommended John Leighton Stuart to be American Ambassador to China. Zhou took the photo with him in Nanjing. 1945年,周恩来推荐司徒雷登担任美国驻华大使。此图为他与周恩来合影于南京。
'Just a year ago, wages were rising steadily as we grappled with labor shortages, ' Ms. Zhou said. 周芳说,仅在1年前,由于面对劳动力短缺的困境,工资还在不断提高。
He had the patronage of Zhou Enlai and was the only Chinese modernist to live out his life in China. 他受到了周恩来的支持,是中国唯一一位在国内寿终正寝的现代主义者。
Zhou, who still produces a paper a month from his modest flat in Beijing, is cheered to see that pinyin is growing ever more useful. 住在北京一套普通公寓里的周有光,如今仍每月写一篇论文,他很高兴看到拼音正变得越来越有用。
Then hits in Zhou Cun, remembers must hit the table, because the driver easy to ask for money, hits less than 30 Yuan. 然后在周村打的,记住要打表,因为司机容易多要钱,打的不到30元。
"A reporter surnamed Zhou said that I need evidence. So I decided to go undercover to collect it, " he said. 他表示:“一位姓周的记者说我需要证据。所以,我就决定当卧底来收集证据了。”
In the main ideological field of Western Zhou Dynasty, there was an awareness of human beings as the main part of the universe. 在西周主流意识形态领域,人的主体性意识已经觉醒。
He turned to me in search of a fresh audience. "Really, during the Zhou dynasty we were practically the same as ancient Rome or Egypt! " 他转过头对着我这位新听众说到:“真的,在周朝的时候我们基本上和古罗马和埃及帝国一样的厉害!”
This paper argues that the national thinking, as a major theme of this century, also occupies a great deal of weight in Zhou's thought. 本文认为国民性思考作为这一时代的重大主题,它在周作人的思想中同样占有了很大的分量。
zhou jie goes to see the movies with her mother very happily. 陈洁很高兴的和她妈妈去看了电影。
The fleeing Mrs. Zhou was one of 11 runaway brides -- hardly the isolated case or two that the town had seen in years past. 周太太是11个落跑新娘之一,在过去几年里汉中市不只发生过一两起骗婚案件。
Professor Zhou said: 'This was a surprise because each form is usually created under different conditions. zhou教授说:“这是个惊喜因为每种形态通常是在不同的条件下形成的。”
As a premier, Zhou En-lai is a man of high principles, while as an individual man, Zhou En-lai is full of personal appeal. 作为总理的周恩来有着极强的原则性,而作为个人的周恩来又充满着独特的人格魅力。
On the surface, ranking Mr. Zhou ahead of the U. S. Secretary of State makes a certain amount of sense. 表面上看,将周小川排在克林顿之前有一定的道理。
Zhou Chun, a 70-year-old retired mechanic, was leaving Dujiangyan with nothing but a dirty old blanket draped over his shoulders. 周春(音译)是一名70岁的退休机修工,他离开都江堰时身上只裹着一张又脏又旧的毯子。
Mr Zhou (he did not want to give his full name) said his friend had a far more comfortable life in his modern apartment. 周先生(他不愿意透露他的全名)说他的朋友在现代的楼房里生活的很舒适。